Treasure Island, The Outset — Protocol Journey #3

Treasure Island (prev. Chest)
4 min readFeb 27, 2022


The Outset — Welcome to the Lost Isle

As we continue our journey, we’re immensely grateful to every one of you who have courageously taken our ranks on the DeFi Sea! We also want to acknowledge an incredible milestone: Passing over 50,000 SOL in sales on the secondary market (looks like a lot of pirates can’t wait to get to the Treasure Island 😉). Exclusive competitions & giveaways start on Monday!

This journal entry is an incredibly important one as it contains a lot of details about Utility, Game, NFTs and the first ever in-game previews. So grab your favorite drink, a sea biscuit and let’s jump in!

Screenshots of the Cave, Town Hall, Portal & Dock

The Alpha Release☠️

As planned, we will be releasing the Game Alpha in the following weeks exclusively to holders. This will give holders access to buildings with utility such as the Tavern, Town Hall, Moneylender hut & others! Using an animated Pirate character users will be able to walk, explore the Island and enter certain structures. Post-Game Alpha Release and regular updates will introduce the game terrain animations, weapons, night mode and much much more..

Available Buildings🙌(Utility)

The Tavern
This is the place where users will be able to stake their Pirates, send them on Quests to find gold and other valuable items scattered all throughout the Island. The recovered objects will later be exchangeable for gold or other valuable in-game commodities. As a captain, each holder can decide on the number of pirates and the quests on which they go. Riskier quests have higher rewards, although they also have higher chances of coming back empty handed. This, however, can be countered by sending multiple pirates on a quest together, thus, improving the odds.

On top of that, the Tavern contains different bonus missions and assignments available to everyone. Finally, it’s also a place where Pirates can rest and recover from the mission by drinking rum and playing cards.

The Town Hall
To maintain order and prevent unrest, Pirates have built a community residence where they can take votes, discuss official matters and post miscellaneous updates. This is a place where the DAO members can post their requests, ask for help, etc.

The Moneylender Hut
Pirates often like to loot and stack up their chests to the fullest causing them sometimes to be in need of liquidity. By utilizing borrow lending markets, users will be able to deposit any asset as collateral without selling it to receive an instant loan in the form of an asset of their choice. The collateral is instantly redeemable when the user returns the borrowed amount to the moneylender.

Moreover, next to the hut, one can always find an old pirate sitting by the campfire. By giving him a few coins or valuable items one can always play a game of chance to win some gold.

The Market
As Pirates return from their quests, there’s nothing they love more than the gold coins they receive after selling their newly acquired loot. By accessing the market, holders will be able to sell and trade their in-game loot. On the market one can also always find an exchanger to swap out their assets.

Restricted Zones👻

The Cave
A cave found on the Lost Isle has been closed after several disappearances occurred inside the mysterious cavern. It contains many hidden passages, dead ends and according to stories, hidden treasures from Nymphs and Gods that have habited the Island centuries ago. The Island has yet to find a brave enough crew to enter the cave and break the curse.

The Portal
Discovered on the first day of the arrival on the Isle was an ancient portal entwined in vines, and hidden deep in the jungle. Many still try to figure out where it leads and how can it be activated. Although never confirmed, rumors circulate that, sometimes, at night, a bright green gate opens up right inside the arch for only a few seconds before closing to never be seen again..

The Island contains multiple other structures that have yet to have their utility revealed. Those, despite being currently available, serve no purpose and are used as simple landmarks on the map. These include The Dock, the Volcano & a few others.

1 Month Mark🎉

To celebrate the 1 month milestone of Defi Pirates on the 1st of March, all Gen 0 NFTs will be officially updated to their animated versions. After that, each week, one Pirate will be chosen to receive a custom animation chosen by the holder(as shown in the example below). We’re extremely grateful for the support and we’re extremely excited to continue our journey together! (Wen Gen 1👀)

First custom animation winner— (“rip shirt plz”) Pirate #2420

The Road Ahead..🌊

Ultimately, as we’ve been developing the Treasure Island, we still haven’t forgotten about Chest Finance v1! Every week, our vaults have been earning consistent yield for pirates. Exciting news about the long awaited IDO, Gen 1 NFTs, Snapshot, Staking, Upcoming $CHEST Whitepaper & much more coming out very soon, stay tuned ;)


  • Super thankful for the amazing support and hitting 50,000+ SOL in Volume (Exclusive giveaways & contests start on Monday)
  • Alpha Game Release going as planned (in the upcoming weeks) + first in game screenshots
  • List of available in-game buildings & their utility
  • Animation + 1/1 Pixel Art + The road ahead

