Dinacharya at Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore

Chetan Sachdeva
5 min readFeb 28, 2020


Simple and powerful Ayurvedic techniques to improve health and well-being

I took the Classical Yoga Workshop at Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore in February, 2020. This 5-day residential program was a great opportunity to learn Hatha Yoga and live in the consecrated spaces while experiencing the energies at every possible level.

Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore

In the Yoga center, everyone would wake up at 4:30 am. We’d start our day with Gurupooja (paying gratitude to Adiyogi for bestowing the knowledge of Yoga to humanity) followed by Shambhavi Mahamudra (a powerful technique to lock the energies and unlock the bliss body).

Most Yoga requires an empty stomach condition (no food intake for 3-4 hours), so we’d do our yogic practices now. At 10:00 am, we’d have our first meal of the day. By 3:00 pm, we’d be empty stomach again and can continue doing the Yogasanas. In the evening around 5:00 pm, we’d take a stroll, walk with the nature and explore the beautiful Ashram and its temples. We’d have our dinner at 8:00 pm before we go to bed at 10:00 pm.

Dinacharya 🕊

Part of the Yoga workshop was Dinacharya which is a daily routine based on Ayurvedic principles for ultimate health of the body and mind. It is a Sanskrit word which is comprised of din (day or daily), cha (to walk forward) and charya (practiced wisdom through routine).

Dinacharya refers to the wisdom of cultivating a daily routine where one lives each day well. — source

Dinacharya Handout

Waking Up ⏰

  1. Wake up on a soothing alarm wearing a smile and celebrating another day of life.
  2. Activate the nerve endings by rubbing the hands against each other and slowly put the palms over the face to ward off negative influences upon the body.
  3. Activate the Surya Nadi which is ensured by waking up on the right side of the body. This also increases acid in the digestive system and prepares it for breakfast.

Good Morning 🌞

  1. Make sure to have a bowel movement first thing after waking up. Prefer squatting or using an Indian toilet.
  2. Squat and hold the glass (preferably copper) filled with water with both hands. Slowly drink the water while looking at it with utmost reverence.
  3. Swish 1 tbsp of coconut or sesame oil between the teeth and gums for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. Oil pulls toxins out of the body as it has anti-bacterial properties. More info here.
  4. Brush the teeth with toothpaste made up of natural materials, use neem stick if possible.
  5. Pour some water in the palms and dip the eyes in it for a few minutes. Sprinkle some water afterwards.
  6. Take a shower with cold to normal temperature water infused with neem and turmeric powder. Optionally, apply oil on the whole body 10 minutes before taking the shower.
  7. Wear only organic clothes made out of cotton or silk. Here’s why.

Sadhana 🧘🏻‍♀️

  1. Neem and turmeric with mildly laced honey (2–3 drops) water is the ultimate cleanser. Ingesting the combination in the morning dilates the cellular structure of the body. More info here.
  2. Bhuta Shuddi, the purification of the pancha-bhuta or the 5 elements of the body (earth, water, fire, air and space) is the perfect way to attain Bhuta Siddhi or the mastery over the 5 elements. More info here.
  3. Now is the right time to do the individual Sadhana or the necessary yogic practices.

Brunch and Dinner 🍵

  1. Ayurveda suggests that the food that we eat should be comprised of the 6 tastes (sweet, sour, salty, astringent, bitter and pungent) to maintain a balance in the body. It should be local and be consumed within 3 hours of cooking. Here’s more.
  2. As per Ayurveda, very small quantity of sweets before meals is fine as it stimulates digestive juices. Sour, salty and pungent tastes follow. We can end meals with bitter and astringent tastes as they’re cleansing.
  3. Before having the first meal of the day, pray to everyone who made the food possible on the plate: mother earth, farmer, cook through n gratifying invocation.
  4. 50% of the food should be raw fruits and vegetables while the other 50% can be cooked food but make sure it is positive pranic in nature.
  5. Eat 24 bites or more, but as per the appetite. Use only hands to eat gently, with love. Chew the food at least 24 times to improve overall digestion.
  6. Sun directly affects the fire element in the body. While brunch should be done around noon, dinner should be done around sunset so there is enough time to digest it before sleep.

Time for Bed 🛌

  1. Try not to use any screens at least 1:30 hours before sleeping.
  2. Do some Sadhana (meditation) before going to the bed to rebalance the metabolism of the body and mind.
  3. Sleep towards the left side of the body. Here’s why.

The Dinacharya regimen not only aligns oneself with the nature but also instils energy in the body to function at optimum levels throughout the day. I hope everyone can benefit from these wonderful teachings from Ayurveda.

Mahashivratri 2020 🔱

The program was followed by the celebration of Mahashivratri 2020, a night with the Divine and we had the privilege to be a part of it. According to Sadhguru, keeping the spines erect on this night naturally enhances one’s receptivity. The night was powered by did various meditations and electrifying performances like these:

Mahashivratri 2020 performance by Ananya Bhat

Thank you 🙏🏻

Participants at Classical Yoga Workshop

People from all walks of life attended the Classical Yoga Workshop including academia, military, medicine, engineering etc. It was indeed a walk to remember! My gratitude to everyone for the inspiration and Sadhguru who made this happen for us.

