What is the difference between flutter WidgetsApp and MaterialApp?

Chetankumar Akarte
3 min readMar 28, 2024


In Flutter, both WidgetsApp and MaterialApp are classes used to set up and configure an app, serving as the root of your app’s widget tree. However, they cater to different levels of abstraction and provide different sets of functionalities, tailored to the specific needs of a Flutter application.

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· Definition: WidgetsApp is a lower-level class that provides basic app functionality. It is the core widget for any Flutter app and includes essential app features like navigation and localization. WidgetsApp does not inherently use the Material Design language.

· Use Case: It is used for apps that need a custom or non-Material UI design. If you’re building a Flutter app that doesn’t require Material components, or if you’re implementing an entirely custom design language, then WidgetsApp might be the appropriate choice.

· Features: Despite being more basic, WidgetsApp still supports key functionalities like navigating between screens, reading the app’s locale and applying localized strings, accessibility support, and more. However, it doesn’t include the wide range of widgets and features that come with MaterialApp.


· Definition: MaterialApp is a higher-level class built on top of WidgetsApp. It incorporates the Material Design language and provides a wide range of Material Design specific widgets and features.

· Use Case: It is used for apps that intend to follow Material Design guidelines. Since Material Design is a design language developed by Google that outlines how apps should look and behave on mobile and web platforms, MaterialApp is the go-to for most Flutter apps due to its rich set of Material widgets and themes.

· Features: MaterialApp offers everything WidgetsApp does, along with additional Material-specific functionalities such as themes (ThemeData), Material Design widgets (like Scaffold, AppBar, FloatingActionButton, etc.), routes, and more advanced navigational capabilities. It also ensures visual consistency across different platforms.

Key Differences

1. Design Language: The primary difference is that MaterialApp is specifically designed to support the Material Design system, offering a suite of pre-designed widgets that follow Material guidelines, while WidgetsApp is agnostic to design languages.

2. Functionality and Widgets: MaterialApp includes a broader set of functionalities tailored for Material Design, including a variety of pre-built widgets for creating UIs that adhere to Material principles. WidgetsApp, being more foundational, provides the basic functionality for app navigation, localization, and configuration without additional Material Design elements.

3. Use Scenario: Use WidgetsApp if you’re building a custom-designed app or if you’re not looking to use Material Design components. opt for MaterialApp when developing an app that leverages Material Design for its UI components and themes.

In summary, your choice between WidgetsApp and MaterialApp depends on the specific requirements of your Flutter project, particularly in terms of the UI design language and the level of built-in functionality you need.



Chetankumar Akarte

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