When to use mixins and when to use interfaces in Dart?

Chetankumar Akarte
2 min readApr 8, 2024


In Dart, both mixins and interfaces serve different purposes and have distinct use cases. Knowing when to use each depends on the specific requirements and design considerations of your application. Here’s a comparison to help you decide when to use mixins and when to use interfaces:

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The Flutter Foundation: A Comprehensive Guide for Technical Interviews and Beyond book by Chetankumar Akarte
The Flutter Foundation: A Comprehensive Guide for Technical Interviews and Beyond book by Chetankumar Akarte


1. Purpose:

· Mixins are used to share functionality among multiple classes without requiring inheritance. They allow you to add behavior to a class without directly inheriting from a superclass.

2. Use Cases:

· When you need to reuse code across multiple class hierarchies.

· When you want to enhance the functionality of a class without creating a rigid inheritance structure.

· When you want to aggregate multiple behaviors or capabilities into a single class.

3. Examples:

· Adding click handlers, animation behaviors, or drag-and-drop functionality to widgets in Flutter.

· Implementing specific functionalities like logging, caching, or validation across different classes in an application.

4. Flexibility:

· Mixins provide flexibility in code reuse and allow for a more modular and composable design compared to traditional inheritance.


1. Purpose:

· Interfaces define a contract for classes to follow by specifying a set of method signatures that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface. They serve as a blueprint for classes to adhere to.

2. Use Cases:

· When you need to define a common set of behaviors that multiple classes should implement.

· When you want to enforce a certain API across different classes without providing any implementation details.

3. Examples:

· Defining interfaces for database operations, network communication, or user authentication in an application.

· Designing plugin architectures where different implementations can be swapped out easily while adhering to a common interface.

4. Enforcement:

· Interfaces enforce a contract, ensuring that any class implementing the interface provides the required methods with the specified signatures.

Choosing Between Mixins and Interfaces:

· Use Mixins when you want to share implementation details and behaviors across multiple classes and when you need flexibility in code reuse and composition.

· Use Interfaces when you want to define a common API or contract for classes to adhere to without providing any implementation details and when you need strict enforcement of method signatures.

In practice, you may often find situations where a combination of mixins and interfaces is used to achieve the desired design and functionality in Dart applications.



Chetankumar Akarte

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