Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema: A Comparison

Chetan Gupta
4 min read2 days ago


Both Star Schema and Snowflake Schema are common data modeling designs used in data warehousing to structure data for efficient reporting and analysis. These schemas are particularly relevant in OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) systems. While they share similarities, they have distinct differences that impact performance, complexity, and use cases.

Let’s dive into each one:

What is a Star Schema?

A Star Schema is a simple and widely-used data model that organizes data into fact and dimension tables. It gets its name because the schema looks like a star, with a central fact table connected directly to multiple dimension tables.

Components of a Star Schema:

  1. Fact Table:
  • Contains quantitative metrics or measurable data (e.g., sales revenue, units sold) that you want to analyze.
  • It typically has foreign keys that link to the dimension tables, as well as numeric fields used for analysis.
  • Examples of fact table columns:
  • Sale_ID, Product_ID, Customer_ID, Date_ID, Total_Sales, Quantity_Sold.
  1. Dimension Tables:
  • These are descriptive tables that store attributes about the data, such as time, product, customer, or location details.
  • Dimension tables contain textual or categorical data that provide context to the facts (e.g., product name, customer name, city).
  • Examples of dimension table columns:
  • Customer Dimension: Customer_ID, Name, Gender, Age, City.
  • Product Dimension: Product_ID, Product_Name, Category, Price.

Diagram of a Star Schema:

            Dimension Table (Customers)
Dimension Table --- Fact Table --- Dimension Table (Products)
(Dates) (Sales) (Stores)
Dimension Table (Employees)

Advantages of Star Schema:

  • Simplicity: The straightforward design makes it easy to understand and query, especially for business users.
  • Performance: Since there are fewer joins between tables (just one layer of dimensions), queries tend to perform faster.
  • Query Optimization: Works well with OLAP tools and query optimizers that can efficiently execute queries with large data sets.

Disadvantages of Star Schema:

  • Redundancy: Data can be repeated across dimension tables, leading to some duplication (e.g., city name in both customer and store dimensions).
  • Lack of Normalization: Star schemas are typically not normalized, which can result in less-efficient storage.

What is a Snowflake Schema?

A Snowflake Schema is a more complex variant of the star schema. In this design, dimension tables are further normalized into multiple related tables, resembling a snowflake shape when visualized. Each dimension table can have its own sub-dimensions, breaking down hierarchical data into smaller, more detailed tables.

Components of a Snowflake Schema:

  1. Fact Table:
  • Similar to a star schema, the fact table in a snowflake schema holds the metrics and foreign keys to the dimension tables.
  1. Normalized Dimension Tables:
  • Unlike the denormalized dimension tables in a star schema, snowflake schemas normalize these tables into multiple related sub-tables. For example:
  • Instead of storing all customer details in one table, it may split them into:
  • A Customer table with Customer_ID, Name, and City_ID.
  • A separate City table with City_ID, City_Name, State, and Country_ID.
  • A Country table with Country_ID and Country_Name.

Diagram of a Snowflake Schema:

            Dimension Table (Customers) --- Sub-Dimension (Cities) --- Sub-Dimension (Countries)
Dimension Table --- Fact Table --- Dimension Table (Products) --- Sub-Dimension (Categories)
(Dates) (Sales) (Stores)
Dimension Table (Employees) --- Sub-Dimension (Departments)

Advantages of Snowflake Schema:

  • Normalization: Reduces redundancy by breaking down dimension tables into smaller related tables, saving storage space.
  • Flexibility: Allows for easier updates and changes to the structure without duplicating data (e.g., updating a city name in one table).

Disadvantages of Snowflake Schema:

  • Complexity: The normalized structure makes querying more complicated, often requiring multiple joins, which can impact performance.
  • Slower Queries: Due to the additional joins needed to retrieve data from multiple related tables, query performance may be slower compared to a star schema.
  • Harder to Understand: The design can be harder for business users to grasp due to the complex relationships between tables.

Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema: Key Differences

When to Use Star Schema?

  • When simplicity is key: Star schema works best for simpler use cases where ease of use and fast query performance are more important than storage efficiency.
  • When reporting tools are in play: It is preferred in BI tools because it is intuitive and easy for end users to understand.
  • For smaller databases: Star schema works well when your data volume isn’t massive, and performance isn’t heavily impacted by redundancy.

When to Use Snowflake Schema?

  • When storage is a concern: If you’re working with massive datasets where storage optimization is important, a snowflake schema’s normalization can help reduce redundancy.
  • For complex hierarchies: If your dimensions contain many relationships and subcategories, a snowflake schema can accurately represent that structure.
  • In large-scale enterprise data warehouses: When you need scalability and flexibility in updating data without duplicating it across the system, snowflake schemas can be more efficient.


Both star and snowflake schemas play important roles in organizing data within data warehouses, each with its own strengths and trade-offs.

  • Star Schema is ideal when simplicity, performance, and ease of use are the top priorities, making it popular for many business intelligence (BI) applications.
  • Snowflake Schema, while more complex, can provide better storage efficiency and is useful when dealing with more granular hierarchies or very large datasets.

Choosing between the two depends on your specific use case — whether you prioritize simplicity and query speed (Star) or storage efficiency and data integrity (Snowflake).

