Chetan Bhagat- Five Point Someone

9 min readFeb 20, 2023


Chetan Bhagat is a popular Indian author. One of his most well-known novels is “Five Point Someone: What Not To Do At IIT,” which was published in 2004. The book was an instant hit and catapulted Bhagat to literary fame.

“Five Point Someone” is a coming-of-age story that follows the lives of three IIT (Indian Institutes of Technology) students: Alok, Hari, and Ryan. The story is set in the late 1990s, a time when IITs were the most coveted institutions for engineering education in India. The book delves into the pressure, competition, and rigorous academic system that students had to endure in IIT.

Bhagat’s writing style is very conversational and easy to follow. He uses simple language and relatable characters to make his stories accessible to a wide range of readers. “Five Point Someone” is no exception, and it is this relatability that has made it such a hit.

Chetan Bhagat’s personal background is also worth noting. He was born in New Delhi in 1974 and graduated from IIT Delhi with a degree in mechanical engineering. He then went on to pursue an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. After working in the finance industry for a few years, Bhagat decided to pursue his passion for writing.

“Five Point Someone” was Bhagat’s debut novel, and it drew heavily on his personal experiences at IIT Delhi. The book’s popularity can be attributed to the fact that it resonated with many students who were grappling with the same issues as the characters in the book.

In addition to writing books, Bhagat is also a prolific columnist and speaker. He has written for several prominent Indian newspapers and has been a guest speaker at various events across the country. Bhagat’s writing often deals with issues that are relevant to Indian society, such as corruption, education, and politics.

Overall, Chetan Bhagat’s “Five Point Someone” is an important novel that captures the zeitgeist of a generation of Indian students. Its relatable characters, accessible writing style, and engaging plot make it a must-read for anyone interested in Indian literature or contemporary fiction.

Plot Summary and Key Themes

Five Point Someone: What Not To Do At IIT” by Chetan Bhagat is a story of three friends — Alok, Hari, and Ryan — who are studying at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi. The novel revolves around their lives at IIT, their friendship, and their struggle to cope with the rigorous academic pressure.

The story begins with the introduction of the three friends, who are considered to be underachievers at IIT. They score five points out of ten in their first semester, which is not considered to be a good grade. The book takes the readers on a journey of their lives at IIT, where they encounter a number of challenges and experiences that shape their personalities.

Ryan is the most rebellious of the three and is often seen breaking the rules and challenging the authority of the professors. He has a passion for machine design and works on a project to build a car that can run on alternate fuel. Alok is the most serious and hardworking among the three and is always under pressure to meet the expectations of his parents. Hari is the narrator of the story, and he is caught between the conflicting personalities of Ryan and Alok.

The book portrays the harsh realities of life at IIT, where students are under immense pressure to perform and excel in their academics. The students have to endure a rigid academic system, where grades and scores are the only parameters to measure their success. The professors are portrayed as authoritarian figures who do not tolerate any form of dissent or questioning.

The key theme of the book is the importance of friendship and the need for self-discovery. The three friends learn to rely on each other for support and help each other through the tough times. They realize the importance of following their passion and not just conforming to the expectations of the society. The book also highlights the need for a more liberal and flexible education system, where students are encouraged to pursue their interests and passions.

Overall, “Five Point Someone” is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that highlights the struggles and challenges faced by students in the highly competitive academic environment of India. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the nuances of the education system in India and the impact it has on the lives of the students.

Analysis of Characters and Characterization

Chetan Bhagat’s “Five Point Someone” is a novel that portrays the lives of three friends — Alok, Hari, and Ryan — who are studying at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi. The novel is known for its relatable characters and the engaging portrayal of their personalities.

The characters in the novel are well-developed, and their characterization is a major highlight of the book. Each character has a unique personality, and their interactions with each other are what makes the story so compelling.

Ryan is portrayed as a rebel who challenges authority and is passionate about building a car that runs on alternative fuel. He is often seen breaking the rules and questioning the rigid academic system at IIT. He is a risk-taker and is not afraid to take on challenges that others would shy away from. Ryan’s character is critical to the story, as it is through his rebellious nature that the other characters learn to question the status quo and take risks.

Alok, on the other hand, is the most hardworking and serious among the three friends. He is always under pressure to meet the expectations of his parents, who expect him to excel in his academics. Alok’s character is critical to the story, as it is through his struggles that the book highlights the stress and pressure faced by many Indian students in their academic pursuits.

Hari is the narrator of the story and serves as a bridge between the contrasting personalities of Ryan and Alok. He is caught between the rebellious nature of Ryan and the seriousness of Alok. Hari is an average student who struggles to keep up with the academic pressure at IIT. His character is critical to the story, as it is through his eyes that the readers get a glimpse of the lives of the students at IIT.

Overall, the characterization in “Five Point Someone” is well done, and the characters are relatable and authentic. The book highlights the struggles and pressures faced by many Indian students in their academic pursuits and how the education system can sometimes stifle creativity and personal growth. The interactions between the characters are what make the story so engaging, and their friendship serves as a beacon of hope in an otherwise challenging academic environment.

Examination of Writing Style and Literary Techniques

Chetan Bhagat’s “Five Point Someone” is known for its straightforward and simple writing style. The book is written in a first-person narrative, with the protagonist, Hari, serving as the narrator. The language used in the book is easy to understand, making it accessible to a wide range of readers.

The author’s writing style is engaging and immersive, and the book is structured in a way that keeps the readers hooked. The novel is divided into short, easy-to-read chapters, each of which is centered around a specific event or incident in the lives of the characters. The story is fast-paced and the dialogues between the characters are realistic and believable.

Bhagat uses a number of literary techniques to enhance the storytelling and make the book more compelling. One of the most prominent literary techniques used in the book is foreshadowing. The author hints at future events in the story, which keeps the readers guessing and engaged.

Another literary technique used in the book is flashback. The author uses flashback to provide context and background information about the characters, which helps the readers understand their motivations and actions. The use of flashback also helps to create a sense of nostalgia and adds depth to the characters.

Bhagat also uses imagery and metaphors to create vivid and memorable descriptions. For instance, when describing the oppressive heat of Delhi during the summer, he uses the metaphor of a “blowtorch” to create a powerful image of the sweltering heat.

Overall, the writing style and literary techniques used in “Five Point Someone” are effective in conveying the story and creating an immersive reading experience. The simplicity and accessibility of the language, combined with the use of literary devices, make the book a compelling read that resonates with readers of all ages and backgrounds.

Societal Relevance and Impact of the Book

Chetan Bhagat’s “Five Point Someone” has had a significant impact on Indian society since its publication in 2004. The novel highlights the challenges faced by Indian students in their pursuit of higher education, and the societal pressures that often accompany it. It addresses issues such as academic stress, rigid educational systems, and the struggle to balance academic expectations with personal growth and creativity.

The book has resonated with a generation of young Indians who face similar challenges in their academic pursuits. The novel has been widely read and has influenced the way young Indians think about education and career choices. It has become a cultural touchstone for Indian millennials, and the term “Five Point Someone” has become synonymous with academic underachievement and the struggle to conform to societal expectations.

The book has also had a significant impact on the Indian literary scene. It helped to popularize the genre of “campus novels” in India, which focuses on the lives of students in Indian educational institutions. The book’s popularity helped to break down some of the barriers that existed between popular and literary fiction in India, and it paved the way for other writers to explore similar themes in their work.

“Five Point Someone” has also been adapted into a successful Bollywood movie, “3 Idiots,” which has further cemented the book’s impact on Indian culture. The movie was a critical and commercial success and brought the themes and messages of the book to an even wider audience.

Overall, Chetan Bhagat’s “Five Point Someone” has had a significant impact on Indian society and culture. It has helped to spark important conversations about education and societal expectations, and it has given voice to a generation of young Indians who are navigating the challenges of academic life. The book’s enduring popularity is a testament to its relevance and impact, and it continues to be a powerful cultural force in India today.

Criticisms and Controversies Surrounding the Book

Chetan Bhagat’s “Five Point Someone” has been the subject of several criticisms and controversies since its publication in 2004. Some of the main criticisms of the book include:

Simplistic and clichéd writing: Some critics have argued that the writing style of the book is simplistic and lacks depth. They have also criticized the use of clichéd language and dialogues.

Stereotyping of characters: Some critics have accused the book of stereotyping characters based on their regional and cultural backgrounds. They argue that the book reinforces negative stereotypes about certain communities and regions in India.

Plagiarism accusations: Bhagat has been accused of plagiarism in the past, with some critics claiming that the plot and characters of “Five Point Someone” are similar to those in the book “Bored of the Rings” by Douglas C. Kenney and Henry N. Beard. However, Bhagat has denied these accusations.

Lack of realism: Some critics have argued that the book lacks realism, and that the events and situations portrayed in the book are highly exaggerated and unrealistic.

In addition to these criticisms, the book has also been embroiled in several controversies. One of the most notable controversies surrounding the book is its depiction of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) system, which has been criticized by some as being overly negative and unfair. The IITs themselves have also been critical of the book, and some have accused Bhagat of spreading misinformation about the institution.

Despite these criticisms and controversies, “Five Point Someone” remains a beloved and influential book in India, and it continues to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds. While it is important to acknowledge and address the book’s flaws and controversies, it is also important to recognize its cultural and societal impact, and the important conversations it has sparked about education, societal expectations, and personal growth.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on “Five Point Someone”

“Five Point Someone” by Chetan Bhagat is a groundbreaking work that has had a significant impact on Indian society and culture. The novel’s depiction of the challenges faced by Indian students in their pursuit of higher education, and the societal pressures that often accompany it, has resonated with a generation of young Indians. The book has helped to popularize the genre of “campus novels” in India, and has paved the way for other writers to explore similar themes in their work.

Despite the criticisms and controversies that have surrounded the book, it remains a powerful cultural force in India today. It has sparked important conversations about education and societal expectations, and has given voice to a generation of young Indians who are navigating the challenges of academic life. The book’s enduring popularity is a testament to its relevance and impact, and it continues to inspire and influence readers of all ages and backgrounds.

In conclusion, “Five Point Someone” is a thought-provoking and engaging novel that has had a profound impact on Indian society and culture. It is a testament to the power of literature to spark important conversations and bring about social change. The book will continue to be a cultural touchstone for generations to come, and its legacy will endure long after its publication.




Chetan Bhagat is a well-known Indian author, columnist, and speaker. He has become a household name in India, thanks to his best-se