MS Word Tutorial: For Beginners to Advanced

9 min readSep 2, 2020


Microsoft word is the the powerful word processing application software in the Microsoft office suite. It allows you to create a variety of professional-looking documents such as letters, brochures, and more.

It enables you to store a document electronically on a disk, display it on the screen, modify it by entering commands and characters from the keyboard and print on a printer.

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Features Of Word

  1. New User interface
  2. Create Professional-Looking Document Effortlessly
  3. Built-In Table Styles
  4. Share Document
  5. Image Editing
  6. Recover Lost Draft
  7. Word Translation

Starting Microsoft Word

To Start Microsoft Word from Start Menu:

  1. Click on the Start button, point to All Programs then click on Microsoft Office and click on Microsoft Word .
  2. This will launch Microsoft Word application and then first screen that you will see a new blank page document.

Entering Text

  1. You will see a blinking cursor or insertion point in the text area below the ribbon
  2. Click the location where you wish to insert text; you can also use the keyboard arrows to locate the place where the text needs to be inserted.
  3. Presently, as you begin composing, the words will show up on the screen in the content region
  4. To change the area of inclusion point press spacebar, Enter or Tab keys.

Move Text

  1. Select a bit of the content utilizing any of the content determination techniques.
  2. Now take your mouse pointer over the chose text and hold the left catch of the mouse and continue holding it while moving around the report.
  3. Take your mouse pointer to where you need to move the chose text and delivery the mouse button. You will see that the chose text is moved to the ideal area.

Move inside various Documents

You can move the chose text starting with one document then onto the next documents. Following are some straightforward advances which will help you in moving content starting with one archive then onto the next record.

  1. Keep both the records opened and to guarantee that the two reports are obvious, click the Arrange All Button on the View tab on the Ribbon.
  2. Now, select a segment of the content utilizing any of the content choice strategies.
  3. Take your mouse pointer over the chose text and hold the left catch of the mouse and continue holding it while moving around the record.
  4. Take your mouse pointer at the spot in the second report where you need to move the chose text and delivery the mouse button. You will see that the chose text is moved to the ideal area in the subsequent report.

Copy And Paste Text

Technique 1;

  1. Select the content you need to duplicate
  2. Select the Home tab and snap the Copy order
  3. Spot the cursor where you need to glue the content
  4. Snap the Paste order in Home tab

Technique 2;

  1. Select the content
  2. Spot the cursor over the content and right snap the mouse
  3. A menu will show up; with a left snap select the “Duplicate” choice
  4. Presently, move the cursor to an ideal area and right snap the mouse
  5. A menu will show up; with a left snap select the ‘Glue” alternative.

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Find And Replace

We accept you are a specialist in looking through a word or expression in a word archive as clarified previously. This area will show you how you can supplant a current word in your report. Following are the basic advances −

  1. Click the Replace choice in the Editing bunch on the Home tab or press Ctrl + H to dispatch the Find and Replace exchange confine demonstrated Step 2.
  2. Type a word which you need to look. You can likewise supplant the word utilizing the Find and Replace discourse enclose as the accompanying screen capture
  3. Click the Replace button accessible on the Find and Replace exchange box and you will see the primary event of the looked through word would be supplanted with the supplant with word. Clicking again on Replace catch would supplant next event of the looked through word. On the off chance that you will click Replace All catch, at that point it would supplant all the discovered words in one go. You can likewise utilize Find Next catch just to look the following Occurrence and later you can utilize Replace catch to supplant the discovered word.
  4. You can utilize More >> button accessible on the discourse box to utilize more alternatives and to make your pursuit more explicit like case touchy hunt or looking for entire word just and so on.
  5. Finally, on the off chance that you are finished with the Find and Replace activity, you can tap the Close (X) or Cancel catch of the discourse box to close the case.

Format Font Size And Color

Font size

  1. In Home tab locate the Font group
  2. In Font group click the drop-down arrow next to font size box. Font size menu appears.
  3. Select the desired font size with a left click
  4. Select the text and click the increase or decrease font size buttons

Font Color

  1. select the text you wish to modify.
  2. Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the font color box on the the home tab the Font color menu appears.
  3. Move your cursor over the various font colors. a live preview of the color will appear in the document.
  4. Left-click the font color you wish to use. the font color will change in the document.

To use Bold, Italic and Underline Commands:

  1. Select the text you wish to modify.
  2. Click the Bold(B ), Italic(I), or Underline(U) Command in the Font Group on the Home Tab.

To Change the Text Case:

  1. Select the text you wish to modify
  2. Click the Change Case command in the Font Group on the Home Tab
  3. Select one of the case option from the list.

Insert Text Box

  1. Select the Insert tab
  2. Locate the Text group
  3. Click the Text Box button
  4. It displays Built-In text box menu and an option to draw table
  5. With a left click select the desired text box format from t

Formatting Paragraphs

Paragraph Formatting lets you control the appearance of the individual paragraphs

For example, you can change the alignment of the text from left to center or the spacing between lines from the single to double.

Paragraph Formatting mainly deals with the -

  1. Paragraph alignment (left, center ,right and justify)
  2. Line and Paragraph spacing.

To change Paragraph Alignment:

  1. Select the Paragraph you wish to modify.
  2. Select one of the four Alignments options from the Paragraph Group on the home tab.

— Align Text Left: Aligns all the selected text to the left Margins.

— Center: Aligns Text an equal distance from the left and right margins.

— Align Text Right: Aligns all selected text to the right margin.

— Justify: justify text is equal on the both sides and lines up equally to the right and left margins.

Page Orientation

Page Orientation alludes to the bearing where an archive is shown. It is of two sorts; picture portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal). The default direction is picture; it very well may be changed to scene by following these means;

  1. Select the Page Layout tab
  2. Locate the Page Setup group
  3. In Page Setup group click the Orientation command
  4. It displays two options, Portrait and Landscape
  5. Select the desired page orientation

Header And Footer

Header and footers appear at the top (headers) and bottom (footers) on one or more pages of your document. Headers and footers can display information such as titles, chapter name, dates, and page numbers

To insert a Header Or Footer:

  1. Select the Insert tab.
  2. Click either the Header or Footer command in the Header & Footer group A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Blank to insert header or footer or choose one of the built-in options.
  4. The design tab will appear on the ribbon, and the header or footer will appear in the document.
  5. Type the desired information into the header or footer
  6. W hen you are finished, click Close Header and Footer in the Design Tab, or hit the Esc Key.

Insert Table

Table is a versatile tool of MS Word. It allows you to organize your information, i.e. you can align text, present numerical data and create forms and calendar. The steps to insert table are given below;

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the table
  2. Select the Insert tab.
  3. In Tables group click the Table command
  4. It displays different options to insert the table
  5. Select the desired option to insert the table

Add a Row

Following are the simple steps to add rows in a table of a word document.

Step 1 − Click a row where you want to add an additional row and then click the Layout tab; it will show the following screen.

Step 2 − Now use the Row & Column group of buttons to add any row below or above to the selected row. If you click the Insert Below button, it will add a row just below the selected row as follows.

Insert above button add a row

Borders to Table

The following steps will help you add borders in a table cell available in Word document.

  1. Select the table to which you want to add border. To select a table, click over the table anywhere which will make the Cross icon visible at the top-left corner of the table. Click this cross icon to select the table.
  2. Click the Border button to display a list of options to put a border around the selected table. You can select any of the option available by simply clicking over it.
  3. Try to add and remove different borders like left, right, top or bottom by selecting different options from the border options.
  4. You can apply border to any of the selected row or column. You can try it yourself To delete the existing border, simply select the No Border option from the border options.

Modify Table

Word allows you to customize tables as per your requirement. You can modify your table in different ways, i.e. you can choose a table style, table design, draw borders. The steps to modify a table are given below;

  1. Select the table
  2. Two new tabs Design and Layout appear on the Ribbon
  3. On Design tab you will see three groups of commands to modify table; Table Style Options, Table Styles and Draw Borders.

Saving A Document

once you are done with typing in your new word document, it is the time to save your document to avoid losing work you have done on a word document.

Saving a file stores all your data permanently on a hard disk or other storage device.

To save a document:

  1. Click on the file tab and select save as option
  2. A save as dialog box appears.
  3. Select the folder where you would like to save the document, Enter the file name which you want to give to your document and click on save button.

Saving New Changes

There may be a situation when you open a existing document and edit it partially or completely, or even you would like save the changes in between editing of the document. if you want to save this document with the same name then you can use either of the following simple options:

(A) Press the Ctrl +S keys to save the changes.

(B) Click on the floppy ion available at the top left corner and just above the file tab.

(C) Use the save Option Available just above the save as option under file tab.

If your document is new and it was never saved so far, then with any of the three options, word would display you a dialogue box to let you select a folder, enter document name explained earlier.

Note: 1. Chose save as to rename a document. Be careful not to overwrite your original file.

2. Save periodically when you are working in an application. Losing information is never fun. You can quickly save by using the quick-key combination ctrl +s.

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