Top 10 Skills/Tools for DevOps.

Chetan Rakhra
2 min readJul 23, 2023


Here are top 🔟 mandatory skills required if you want to become a DevOps Engineer:

I received a lot of texts, daily on LinkedIn that
✅ How one should start studying DevOps of his own.
✅ Which tools/skills are important to learn.

So, here I have listed down below:

1️⃣ Operating System (Linux): A DevOps Engineer should have a strong understanding of the Linux operating system since many DevOps tools and platforms are Linux-based.

2️⃣ Automation and Scripting: Proficiency in scripting languages like Python, Bash, or Ruby is essential for automating tasks and managing infrastructure as code.

3️⃣ Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): CI/CD focuses on automating the integration and deployment of code changes. One must understand the principles of CI/CD and be proficient in using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or CircleCI to build, test, and deploy applications quickly and reliably.

4️⃣ Version Control Systems: As a DevOps Engineer, you should have a good understanding of version control systems, for this we mostly use Git. You’ll need to understand branching strategies, resolving merge conflicts, and track changes in code repositories.

5️⃣ Cloud Platforms: Expertise in one or more cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP is must, as cloud services are often used for scalable and flexible infrastructure.

6️⃣ Containerization: Understanding containerization technologies like Docker and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes is critical for managing and deploying applications.

7️⃣ Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Proficiency in tools like Terraform or CloudFormation is essential for provisioning and managing infrastructure resources programmatically.

8️⃣ Monitoring and Logging: DevOps Engineers should be familiar with monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana for collecting metrics and setting up alerts. Additionally, knowledge of logging tools like ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) helps in analyzing and troubleshooting issues in real-time.

9️⃣ Security Practices: Understanding security best practices, such as securing pipelines, managing secrets, and implementing role-based access controls, is crucial to maintaining a secure DevOps environment.

🔟 Collaboration and Communication: Soft skills, including effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, are essential for working in a DevOps culture where cross-functional teams collaborate closely.

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