Make Friends, Not Connections

A better way to think about networking

Jérémy Chevallier
4 min readJul 6, 2019
four people friends having fun on a beautiful mountain hike

“Network! Connect with people! Expand your network! Make more connections!”

This kind of tireless “business” rah-rah seems to wear on us all. Like me, most creatives have a hard time wrapping our heads around the narrative that our success will result from forming countless faceless connections that will bring us a step closer to the people who can truly help us.

In reality, it’s by staying human that we find those people, and they’re often not the ones we originally had our sights set on. We aim to meet the most successful and prestigious of our industry-the authors, speakers, and figures who shape our worldview. And these people are accessible, make no mistake. But we have to work our way into their networks, by forming mutual connections ourselves. So, while we’re at it, why not make new friends?

making friends in social settings

While the concept of “making friends, not connections” may sound to some people like just a bunch of hippie-dippie talk, I urge every aspiring freelancer to consider this deeply. By focusing on what creates lasting friendships, we resist the temptation to be transactional, we form deeper…

