Chew Slowly
Aug 11, 2021

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Master painter — photographer

Illusion aficionado

In a way, my problems are not so insurmountable.

Lively, candid, and present.

I can be present, at any time, it really is a choice, and I really am already present, it’s just a matter of feeling it.

Tomorrow, I will have therapy. I’m interested in my therapist’s vision. I’m learning to pick up self up, which I’ve always been doing, and always been learning to do.

What do I want to show another human?

My body; my art. I’m falling in love with that. And can I take rejection? Can I take the 5 likes?

I’ve compounded each cold shoulder.

But those were not my shoulders.

I’m capable of reproducing beauty, creating beauty, framing beauty, being beauty. I have power to do that. I’ve had the power to do it all along.