Andrew Ng’s Linear Regression Exercise — A Python Solution

7 min readFeb 29, 2020


Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Part 1)

This is a python implementation of the Linear Regression exercise in week 2 of Coursera’s online Machine Learning course, taught by Dr. Andrew Ng. We are provided with data for house sizes in square feet and number of bedrooms. The task is to use linear regression to determine how the size and the number of bedrooms affect price of the house. Our ultimate aim is to predict the price of a new house given the size in square feet and the number of bedrooms.

NOTE: The python code below is not the most optimized code for this problem. I tried to implement the solution as close as possible to the Matlab/Octave code used in the course, so anyone trying to convert from Matlab/Octave can easily follow.

Let’s start by importing relevant python libraries.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Let’s import the data into a Pandas dataframe called data. There are 3 columns in the data set, Size, Bedrooms, and Price.

data2 = pd.read_csv(‘ex1data2.txt’, names=[‘Size’, ‘Bedrooms’, ‘Price’])

View the first 5 records of the data set.


Assign all but the price field to the independent variable X

X = data2.drop([‘Price’], axis=1) 

Assign the price field to the dependent variable y

y = data2[‘Price’]

Define the length of the data set as m


Feature Scaling

Looking at the values in the table above, we see that house sizes are about 1000 times the number of bedrooms. When features differ by such orders of magnitude, feature scaling becomes really important as it helps the gradient descent algorithm to converge faster.

We will use the function below to normalize our features. The method we use is to subtract each feature from its mean and then divide by its standard deviation.

def featureNormalize(X):
This function takes the features as input and
returns the normalized values, the mean, as well
as the standard deviation for each feature.
X_norm = (X — np.mean(X))/np.std(X) ## Scaling function.
mu = np.mean(X) ## Define the mean sigma = np.std(X) ## Define the standard deviation. return X_norm, mu, sigma ## return the values.

Now we call the function over the features to ensure we have the values normalized.

X, mean, std = featureNormalize(X)

In the next step, we append the bias term (field containing all ones) to the features (X). We also reshape the output field (y) to a mx1 vector, and initialize the coefficients vector (theta) to all zeros.

X = np.append(np.ones([m,1]), X, axis=1) ## Append the bias term (field containing all ones) to X.y = np.array(y).reshape(-1,1) ## reshape y to mx1 arraytheta = np.zeros([3,1]) ## Initialize theta (the coefficient) to a 3x1 zero vector.

Cost Function

The Cost Function.

We define the function to compute the cost (error of prediction).

def computeCostMulti(X,y, theta):
This function takes in the the values for
the training set as well as initial values
of theta and returns the cost(J).
m = len(y) ## length of the training data
h = ## The hypothesis
J = 1/(2*m)*(np.sum((h-y)**2)) ## Implementing the cost function
return J

Now we call the function, pass in the parameters, compute the cost and print it out.

cost = computeCostMulti(X,y,theta) ## Call the functionprint(cost)65591548106.45744

The current cost is 65591548106.45744. We will now use gradient descent to minimize this value.

Gradient Descent.

Now we define the gradient descent function.

def gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, alpha, iter):
This function takes in the values of the training set,
as well the intial theta values(coefficients), the
learning rate, and the number of iterations. The output
will be the a new set of coefficeients(theta), optimized
for making predictions, as well as the array of the cost
as it depreciates on each iteration.

J_history = [] ## Array for storing the cost values on each

m = len(y) ## Length of the training set
for i in range(iter): ## Loop for 400 iterations
h = ## The hypothesis
theta = theta - (alpha/m)*( ## Grad.desc.func.
J_history.append(computeCostMulti(X, y, theta)) ## Append
the cost to the J_history array
return theta, J_history ## Return the final values of theta
and the J_history array
iter = 400 ## Initialize the iteration parameter.
alpha = 0.01 ## Initialize the learning rate.

Call the function and pass in the parameters to compute new coefficients.

new_theta, J_history = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, alpha, iter)print (new_theta)[[334302.06399328]
[ 99411.44947359]
[ 3267.01285407]]

The optimized coefficients are:

[[334302.06399328], [ 99411.44947359], [ 3267.01285407]]

Now we use the optimized coefficients to recompute the cost to see if there’s been any change.

new_cost = computeCostMulti(X,y,new_theta) ## We call the function again, but use the new coefficients.print(new_cost)2105448288.6292474

The cost was 65591548106.45744, it is now 2105448288.6292474. There’s a huge improvement.

Let’s plot cost against number of iterations to see how the cost changed as the algorithm ran.

plt.ylabel(‘Cost J’)
plt.xlabel(‘Number of Iterations’)
plt.title(‘Minimizing Cost Using Gradient Descent’)

The graph shows that cost fell steadily until about the 200th iteration, then it kind of flattened out. This also proves the gradient descent algorithm performed well.

Selecting Learning Rate

The task here is to use the gradient descent algorithm to test several learning rates in order to select the most efficient one. We test the following values as learning rates 0.3,0.1,0.03,0.01, 0.003, and 0.001. We run the gradient descent algorithm on each occasion for 50 iterations, then we plot the cost against number of iterations for each learning rate, to determine the learning rate that converges faster than all the others.

Call the gradient descent algorithm with a different learning rate on each occassion. All other parameters remain constant.

plt.ylabel(‘Cost J’)
plt.xlabel(‘Number of Iterations’)
plt.title(‘Minimizing Cost Using Gradient Descent’)
theta_1, J_history_1 = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.3, 50)
theta_2, J_history_2 = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.1, 50)
theta_3, J_history_3 = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.03, 50)
theta_4, J_history_4 = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.01, 50)
theta_5, J_history_5 = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.003, 50)
theta_6, J_history_6 = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.001, 50)

Plot the cost against number of iterations for each learning rate.

plt.plot(J_history_1, label=’0.3')
plt.plot(J_history_2, label=’0.1')
plt.plot(J_history_3, label=’0.03')
plt.plot(J_history_4, label=’0.01')
plt.plot(J_history_5, label=’0.003')
plt.plot(J_history_6, label=’0.001')
plt.title(‘Testing Different Learning Rates’)
plt.xlabel(‘Number of Iterations’)
plt.ylabel(‘Cost J’)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0))

The graph shows that the curve in blue, which represents a learning rate of 0.3 converges faster than all the other curves. Therefore the best learning rate for this model is 0.3.

Now that we know the best learning rate is 0.3, we run the algorithm again using 0.3 as learning rate to obtain a fresh set of coefficients.

theta, J_history = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, 0.3, 1500)print(theta)[[340412.65957447]
[ -6578.35485416]]

We have further optimized our coefficients, now we are ready to predict housing prices.


We need to predict the price of a house with an area of 1650 square feet and has 3 bedrooms. First we need to normalize the features, then add the bias term (1) to X.

X = [1650, 3]

Convert X to a numpy array

X = np.array([1650, 3]) 

Normalize X by subtracting the mean of the distribution from X, and then divide by the standard deviation .

X = (X — mean)/std 

Add the bias term to X.

X = np.append(1, X) 

Reshape X to a 1x3 array

X = np.reshape(X, (1,3))

Print X to see what it currently looks like

print(X) [[ 1. -0.44604386 -0.22609337]]

Now we define a function for predicting house prices.

def prediction(X, theta):
This function takes in the features of the house
as well as the coefficients, and returns the
predicted price.
return, theta)

Now we call the function to predict the price of the 3 bedroom house with an area of 1650 square feet. We have to use the values of the most current coefficients for this prediction.

pred = prediction(X, theta)print(pred)[[293081.4643349]]

We obtain 293081.46433489 as the predicted price for a house with an area of 1650 square feet and has 3 bedrooms. We can use the coefficients generated above to predict the price of any house as long as we have the size and the number of rooms. We will make a note of this value (293081.46433489), as we will need to compare it to the prediction when we use the normal equation to solve the same problem in part 2.

Gradient descent is cumbersome to implement, but it is very popular because it scales well with large data sets.

An ipython notebook can be found on github here

You can check out other articles in the series by visiting the links below:

Linear Regression in One Variable

Linear regression with multiple variables (part 2) — using normal equation

