The resemblance.

Hugo Baskervile
Nov 13, 2023


The perspiration dripping down my brow,

As I gape at the beauty which lay ahead,

Oh, what a beauty!

The beauty traversing over the horizon yonder.

. . .

From nowhere,

Now and then,

A thought strikes me,

The resemblance.

. . .

The resemblance of the melancholy,

Betwist me and the ocean,

The beauty which fades,

As you approach the within.

. . .

Nevertheless, as you approach the ocean,

You descry an augury,

Which materializes as you approach the within,

Therefore I sat in commiseration,

For the alike augury sensed by strangers,

When they approach the within of mine.



Hugo Baskervile

A soul who disapproves of stagnancy, but cherishes humility for not getting into the vicious cycle of hubris, complacency, and stagnancy.