All Nations Shall Fall

Erik Gagnon
5 min readJul 11, 2023


“’Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

— -Revelation 18:2–3

Students of history will tell you that we have reached the apex of civilization. Over the last two-hundred years, man has circumnavigated the globe and conquered the natural world. We have also ventured into the heavens and interconnected the entire planet with computers and technology. Additionally, we have created biological and atomic weaponry capable of destroying all of civilized society at the push of a button.

A global war two-hundred years in the making looms on the horizon. This is a little-known fact. Pressed on by money lenders, the world’s superpowers are positioning themselves to make a run for global hegemony over the next ten to fifteen years. Though their end visions differ to a degree, their objectives of the world’s four major superpowers are the same: a one-world government ruled by a landed elite with nihilistic visions forthe future.

Economic power players and the sycophants that serve them believe that a one-world government is a necessary evolutionary stage for distant space exploration. Demons have convinced them that they can expand their empires into the heavens and engage in perpetual warfare for eons to come. Like the King of Tyre, the wealthiest and most powerful among us believe they have god-like powers and decidedly ignore Christ at their peril. (Ezekiel 28)

Profiteers and heathenistic dreamers will tell you that expansion into the heavens is a logical progression for humanity. Quite the contrary. Manifest Destiny is an unholy doctrine that decimated many of the world’s natural wonders. The conquest and warfare that accompanied the expansion of boundaries also reigned catastrophes upon all nations of the earth. Though the concept originated in the United States, every global power player has embraced the idea through their policies over the years.

Money lenders that have profited through the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny are insidious. So insidious in fact that they have fed garbage that romanticizes the conquest and colonization of foreign cultures into popular forms of entertainment for nearly two centuries.

Young men have been enticed to abandon Christ for the pursuit of fortune and adventure ever since the Napoleonic Wars. During the Westward expansion of the American Frontier, novellas and tabloids glamorized outlaws and the extermination of native cultures through force. Similarly, gangsters and jungle conquests were glamorized during the Great Depression.

The glorification of technology and space exploration through film and television during and after the Cold War are no accidents. The same financial institutions that funded the nuclear buildup profit from these films. For money lenders and the ruling class, warfare is a game and gambling over the outcomes of nation-state conflicts happens to be a pleasure sport.

Enslaving people with unnecessary want has become a science for the wealthiest and most powerful amongst us. Karl Marx argued that religion is the opiate of the masses, but the truth is popular forms of entertainment are a much more effective narcotic. With rare exceptions, music, film and television pump poison into the veins of the whole of society, and the overall direction these narratives take are largely scripted by rival military industrial complexes.

With few exceptions, religion has been complicit in enabling the erosion societal virtues. The Roman Catholic Church is a bureaucratic monolith, and the Vatican frequently engages in politics. The same is true for Daoist sects of Taoism, Shiite Muslim mosques, and the The Jesus Christ Church of Ltater Day Saints.

Many Protestant and Evangelical denominations also deserve blame for this erosion. In some denominations, Christ’s Commandments have fallen by the wayside. Heretical practices like same-sex marriage and transgenderism are openly embrace and presented as scripturally sound. In others, a light version of the gospel that routinely focuses on financial well-being is consistently preached, and well-rounded lessons on adhering to Christ’s Commandments and remaining true to one’s calling in life are largely ignored.

In a spiritual sense, the cumulative effects of man’s desire to supersede Christ reached a tipping point near the close of the last decade. On Thanksgiving Day of 2018, Christ sounded the Clarion Call, giving an audible signal to His faithful and His true that demons are advancing and that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were preparing to take wing. In a very real sense, Gabriel blew his horn.

Deep-space sonar stations around the world received this signal weeks later. The signal defied physics and baffled the world’s top scientists and astronomers. Reports of the signal were largely, and deliberately, ignored by the media and by political leaders. Predators that long ago abandoned Christ’s commands buried the story so as not to alarm the public and carried on with their unholy agendas as if nothing happened. (Ezekiel 28:2–5)

Christ warned that the days ahead will offer an “Abomination of Desolation”. (Matthew 24:15). He warned that men and women that have succumbed to demons will attempt to deceive His faithful about His arrival: “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘He is over here,’ do not believe him.” (Matthew 24:23) He also warned that His faithful and His true will suffer through tribulations unlike any before.

Now is the time to step back and distance yourself from government and political affairs. The Old and New Testaments both reveal that all nations shall fall and that everyone will be held accountable for their actions. A war is coming and there shall be no winners amongst the players. Remaining true to Christ’s Commandments and His teachings is paramount in the days ahead.

For behold, in those days and at that time,

When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,

I will gather all the nations

And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
Then I will enter into judgment with them there
On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel,
Whom they have scattered among the nations;
And they have divided up My land.

They have also cast lots for My people,

Traded a boy for a prostitute,
And sold a girl for wine so that they may drink.

— -Joel 3:1–3


Author: Erik Gagnon — Managing Partner, Chi Rho Consulting

#faith #freedom #life #liberty #apocalypse #ClarionCall #Christianity #endtimes #geopolitics



Erik Gagnon

Erik spent 30+ years in clandestine operations as a covert operative with British Intelligence before surrendering his life to Christ.