Christians In Name Only

Erik Gagnon
9 min readSep 8, 2023

“Anyone who goes too far and does not remain in the teaching of Christ, does not have the Holy Spirit; the one who remains in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds.”

2 John 9–11

On Thanksgiving Day of 2018, Christ sounded an alarm. He trumpeted the Clarion Call and announced His return. He gave an audible signal to His faithful and His true that demons are advancing and that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were preparing to take wing. In a very real sense, Gabriel blew his horn.

Deep-space sonar stations around the world received this signal weeks later. The signal defied physics and baffled the world’s top scientists and astronomers. Reports of the signal were largely, and deliberately, ignored by the media and by political leaders. Idolators that long ago abandoned Christ’s teachings buried the story so as not to alarm the public and pressed forward with their unholy agendas as if nothing had happened. (Ezekiel 28:2–5)

Only a handful of religious leaders around the world mentioned this occurrence. This isn’t surprising really because most of the world’s major religions are tools of the state. Their mandates are to pacify men and women within their congregations and have them “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. (Matthew 22:21) They enable a handful of wealthy and powerful families to act with impunity, and they look the other way as these families prepare for war.

A final global conflict has been over two hundred years in the making. It will pit four rival superpowers against one another in a battle for global hegemony. Eight family networks that effectively control the world’s financial networks are presently placing bets on the outcomes. So, too, are most of the world’s major religious denominations.


Though not widely known, the British Crown controls the Church of England and largely dictates the direction of Sunni Muslim religion sects within Africa and the Middle East. The same is true for Hindu religious sects within India and Pakistan. Similarly, the United States Federal Reserve Board largely mandates the activities of the Jesus Christ Church of Later-day Saints. In fact, over eighty percent of the men within the Mormon archdiocese are presently board members within the United States Federal Reserve System.

In the East, Taoist religious sects largely serve as fiefdoms to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. These sects have played an active part in spreading Marxist propaganda throughout the West for years. The Chinese International Education Foundation’s state-run Confucius Institutes are the principal conduit for their anti-Christian propaganda campaigns.

Shiite Muslim sects also serve as fiefdoms to the Chinese Communist party. In fact, the Chinese government provides billions of dollars in aid to the nations of Iran and Pakistan every year. Similarly, Shiite militia groups like the Taliban are supplied with arms and munitions through China’s intelligence services. The Chinese government also channels heroin into the United States and other Western nations on behalf of these nations.

Unlike other major religious institutions, the Roman Catholic Church does not cater to the interests of a single nation-state. Instead, the Vatican and their Sacred College of Cardinals directly serve the interests of the eight family networks that control most of world’s banking interests and lending institutions. All eight family networks trace their lineage to Roman emperors, and the Church itself was commissioned by emperor Nero in the year 54AD.

There are thousands of faithful followers of Christ that profess themselves as Roman Catholics. That attend mass regularly and know Christ to be their savior. That said, the Church itself is guided by pagan practices and the Vatican itself has intentionally deceived faithful followers of Christ since the Church’s formation.

A labyrinth of caverns exists underneath the city of Rome, and this labyrinth contains a treasure trove of manuscripts and scriptural texts dating back to the time of David. (1 Samuel 16). These texts have never been revealed to the public and they contain a truer account of human history than what is believed to be true today. In fact, much of the lore of the Church’s founding has been fabricated to foster idolatry within the Church.

The belief that the Apostle Peter was the Roman Catholic Church’s first Pontiff happens to be a myth. Peter himself was murdered by Roman Centurions in the year 48AD. A Roman Centurion posed as the Apostle Peter after his death to deceive Roman peasantry. Christianity had spread like wildfire throughout the Western world following Christ’s crucifixion, and a handful of Centurions created the Catholic Church to bolster emperor Nero’s coffers. They effectively subjugated Europe’s peasantry over the next eleven centuries in the process.

Like the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran World Federation and most of the denominations that associate with it also do not cater to the interests of a single world power. That said, the wealthy families that comprise the nucleolus Bilderberg Group have compromised the Federation’s General Assembly over the past century. So much so in fact, that the Church’s teachings now closely resemble those of the Catholic Church.

It is not uncommon to attend Lutheran services on Sundays and hear their preachers espouse on the Bilderberg Group’s salient talking points (e.g., man-made climate change and universal government). Similarly, the Lutheran Church as a whole has largely caved on matters pertaining to family, marriage and sexuality largely through the influence of the Bilderberg Group and other major donors.


Apart from the Lutheran Church, all the religious denominations mentioned above have one basic belief in common and that belief happens to be antithetical to Christ’s teachings. Specifically, they that ministers, clergy, clerics, or imams are necessary intermediaries between Christ and man. This is also true for Judaism, where rabbis or teachers are believed to have greater standing with Christ than their parishioners.

These religious denominations also fail to dispel the illusions of an afterlife, and some have gone to great lengths to conjure material images of heaven and hell. It is a little-known fact that the archdioceses of both The Jesus Christ Church of Later-day Saints and the Roman Catholic Church provide funding for most of Hollywood’s major film productions. Additionally, both hold interests in publishing houses and video games companies that regularly produce titles antithetical to Christ’s teachings.

Both Churches hide their involvement in these activities from the public and their parishioners. They use shell companies and holding accounts to mask their investments and then launder their money through other corporate holdings. For example, the Vatican presently owns nearly 48% of the Class A preferred stock holdings of the Walt Disney Company and the dividends are laundered mostly through fashion and design companies owned by the eight family banking networks they pay allegiance to. A portion of these dividends then make their way back to the church in the form of tax-exempt charitable donations.

There is a nefarious purpose behind these corporate holdings. The investments in entertainment, fashion, and design help the Churches and their banking interests distract people from Christ’s teachings and subordinate their interests to the interests of the ruling elite. In turn, most of the clergy within their ranks preach false or misleading teachings from the pulpit. What results are skewed priorities and misplaced fears amongst many of their parishioners.


The Second Commandment emphatically states that we are forbidden from fostering graven images of heaven, the earth, or the celestial bodies. (Exodus 20:4) Since we are mortal beings, any imaginations of heaven or hell are expressly heretical. So, too, are utopian images of a perfect world. That said, few people refrain from creating such images in their minds.

Modern media and entertainment deserve much of the blame for this. Through film, television, books, and magazines we are constantly inundated with a barrage of utopian images. So much so in fact, that material wealth and unnecessary creature comforts have become societal ideals.

In the West, plenty of churches cater to and preach these ideals. Prosperity theology has become big business and the sermons preached within the churches that embrace this diatribe often resembles what you may find within self-help seminars. These churches are sometimes criticized for fostering forms of ideology and for the most part that’s exactly what they do. They set visions of utopia in the minds of worshippers and often create cults of personality around the pastors that preach the sermons.

Whether by rote or through their own selfish ambitions, many parents and grandparents perpetuate these same false teachings. These days, very few turn to scripture when they are confronted with esoteric or philosophical questions by their children or grandchildren. Ideas that families will be reunited in heaven are contradictory to Christ’s commands. Every man and woman must make their own decision to accept Christ into their heart for He is the only path to eternal life.

These days, few are willing to wash their hands of their children or grandchildren when their progeny violate Christ’s teachings. Instead, they pray as the gentiles often do, begging or pleading for their children’s mercy as if they were before a royal court. It is little wonder that society has decayed beyond repair since many who profess to be Christian have forgotten His most basic teachings.

If you look around objectively, you will find that the predictions for the future Christ foreshadowed during His sermon upon Mount Olive have largely come to fruition. (Matthew 24) For centuries, idolators have manipulated Christ’s commandments and taken His teachings out of context to further their own selfish ambitions. In essence their hearts are hardened like Pharaoh’s. However, unlike Pharaoh, they hardened their hearts when they surrendered themselves to Satan. (Exodus 4:21)


Christ warns that the days ahead will offer an “Abomination of Desolation”. (Matthew 24:15). He reveals that men and women that have surrendered themselves to demons will attempt to deceive His faithful about His arrival: “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘He is over here,’ do not believe him.” (Matthew 24:23) He also warned that sons and second sons of Israel will suffer through tribulations unlike any before.

Many of these tribulations will come through friends, family, and loved ones. As Christ reveals, “brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.” (Matthew 10:21–22). True sons and second sons of Israel will be hated by men and women who succumbed to God, Satan, Lucifer, the Whore with Seven Heads and Ten Horns or their lesser demons. They shall covet us and attempt to drag us down with them.

The same is true for many of the elders of the churches listed above. Their archdioceses and councils have already made unholy alliances with the four world powers that will contest for global hegemony within the next decade and the banking interests that support them. As Christ reveals, “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.’” (Matthew 7:22–24)

In the days ahead, it is imperative that men and women of faith distance themselves from the elder councils of these churches and find refuge in scripture. The law is written on our hearts and the truth is always revealed to us in scripture. (Jeremiah 31:33) Similarly, we must renew our commitment to prayer and ask Christ for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry out His will. Through earnest prayer and unhindered meditation, He will reveal our true direction in the trying times ahead.

“Therefore, whoever nullifies one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you that unless your righteousness far surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

— -Matthew 5:19–20


Author: Erik Gagnon — Managing Partner, Chi Rho Consulting

#faith #freedom #life #liberty #endtimes #apocalypse #mormonism #catholicism # #Lutheranism #islam #buddhism #taoism



Erik Gagnon

Erik spent 30+ years in clandestine operations as a covert operative with British Intelligence before surrendering his life to Christ.