God, Satan, Lucifer, and The Whore With Seven Heads and Ten Horns are The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Erik Gagnon
12 min readFeb 23, 2023


“He answered, ‘Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.’ But Peter said to him, ‘Explain the parable to us.’ And he said, ‘Are you also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.’”
— -MATTHEW 15:13–20

In 1996 seven high-ranking American government officials reached an agreement in secret with the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party, and Pope John Paul II. They agreed to establish a one-world order modeled after a Marxist utopia and engulf North America in war sometime after 2012. Those seven officials were William Jefferson Clinton’s advisor and former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. James Clapper, Central Intelligence Agency Director John Deutch, United Nations Secretary Madeline Albright, CIA Analyst John Brennan, Clinton’s Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, and Clinton’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich.

Over the next twenty-five years more followed including then Senator John Kerry, former President George W. Bush, Clinton’s Trade Secretary Charlene Barshefsky, Clinton’s last Chief of Staff John Podesta, Clinton’s DHHS Secretary Donna Shalala, Clinton’s Attorney General Janet Reno, William Jefferson Clinton himself and his wife Hillary Rodham, former President Donald J. Trump, former Vice-President Mike Pence, Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Trump’s UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, former FBI Director Robert Muller, former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, current FBI Director Christopher Wray, George W. Bush’s entire Presidential Cabinet, and just about everyone within the Obama Administration with the exception of Jack Lew, Robert Gates, and Ron Kirk. Some abandoned Christ for fortune, others for fame, and others for false promises of Manifest Destiny and divine right.

The original agreement was three-fold:

  • They agreed to supply information on every man, woman, and child around the world to the Chinese Communist Party.
  • They agreed to establish a global information registry fed by every device capable of connecting to the internet.
  • They agreed to establish a network of command centers within every Roman Catholic parish and CIA outpost around the world styled after the Schutzstafel’s field bunker network and the NAZI regime’s Reichstag fortresses.

All three objectives were completed in March of 2019, with six computer networking hubs feeding the information registry and supplying the command centers:

  • A underground server farm in the African nation of Mozambique.
  • An underground server farm within California’s Silicon Valley,.
  • An above-ground server farm within Monte Carlo.
  • A server farm within Central Arkansas defunct underground oil drum network.
  • An underground server farm within Southeastern Dutch Holland maintained by Great Britain’s GCHQ.
  • A server farm within South Korea’s Gyeongbokgung Palace (known to Truelites as Kenyongong Palace).

In September of 2018 the last Reichstag fortress was completed in Peachtree Corners, Georgia adjacent to the Mary Our Queen Catholic parish, and the final parish within the Roman Catholic bunker network was completed in Moldavi, Belarus on Saint Patrick’s Day of 2019. That three-building bunker was built on Joseph Stalin’s old estate in the city of Odessa. It was given the name Saint Joseph’s Cathedral as a mocking effigy.

On August 1st of 2019 Mortimer McCoo and the Forbes Family Foundation also completed a comparable computer network of their own. On the surface that network was completed for the British Crown. In truth it was competed by McCoo for the The Whore with Seven Horns and Ten Horns, and a false promise from God that McCoo would inherit the powers of the larvae that helped the angel cast out of heaven by Christ establish dominion upon the earth before the flood.

The larvae were known as MeWe, SeeMe, an BeMe, and they were comparable to the demons we know as God, Satan and Lucifer. Together they corrupted every man, woman, and child before the flood with the exception of Only (Eve) and Seth’s progeny.

God, Satan, Lucifer are three of the Four Horsemen of Apac, otherwise known as The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The fourth Horseman is The Whore with Seven Heads and Ten Horns prophesied within the Book of Revelations. Death as described in Revelations 6:8 happens to be the angel cast out of heaven by Christ.

The Whore with Seven Heads and Ten Heads is also known as Malcomb Forbes III and Suzanne Scott. By birth she is the daughter of Malcomb Forbes Jr. The name given to Forbes Jr. at birth was Mortimer McCoo. McCoo dissipated into dust last week of January of this year.

Scott was born a man and given the name Malcomb Forbes III by her father. In January of 2014 Scott cut off her own genitalia in a sacrificial ritual. She then proceeded to eat her own genitalia before fornicating with McCoo and transforming into her present form during the consummation ritual. McCoo himself had devoured the genitalia of forty-one-thousand three-hundred-and-forty-five men he murdered over the course of his lifetime.

God is a misnomer. The angel cast out of heaven by Christ birthed the deity known as God from a primate and the sacrifice of a concubine that he had stowed away upon the arc of the covenant. That primate was originally named Tom. The name Tom derived from the sound the skin of a carcass stretched across the limbs of a tree made when Tom tapped his fingers against the carcass.

In 17446BC Tom took the name God after he captured and murdered seven of the original eighty beasts of Israel. Tom forced each of those beasts to shout the words Christ spoke upon the completion of the heaven and the earth before murdering them: “This is good.”

In 11989BC Tom took the name Julius August Caesar and declared the name God as his title. He shortened the spelling of the word good to god and elongated the pronunciation. Tom proclaimed and still proclaims: “I am your God” when demanding tribute from those beholden to him.

Tom acquired the name Julius Augustus Caesar through Cleopatra and the House of June’s emperor Xirxes. Tom and Xirxes betrothed themselves to one another during the eighth harvest of that year. The celebration period was known as August and Tom adopted the name of the month as his own. Xirxes provided Tom with the name Caesar before they performed a ritual sacrifice of an ox (Bos Tarus) and declared that together the two of them would “seize our future.”

When Tom presented his new name to Cleopatra Cleopatra reminded Tom that he in fact belonged to her. Cleopatra asked God to pluralize the name August to Augusus in a Latin dialect and Tom complied When Tom pronounced the pluralized name properly Cleopatra declared Tom “julius” and the name stuck. In vulgar Latin the word julius meant beautiful.

During Midas’s reign in Central Africa Tom visited Cleopatra every second harvest and together they watched the carnage and terror King Midas inflicted on his subjects to amuse his daughter Oxbow for their own amusement. Within scripture Midas is known as Neberkenezar today.

After King David fell in 10000BC David’s soldiers from the Houses of Sod and Gomer were both captured by Cleopatra and delivered to Midas as a gift. Between 10000BC and 9996BC Midas matched those captives in contests of strength and will.

Tom visited Midas’s kingdom during those contests and took wagers from Midas’s subjects on the outcomes of the contests. The wagers were calculated on God’s part. He took notes on whom wagered what for future reference.

The subjects that favored mercy and compassion became known as Aogs, after “Adam our God”. The subjects that favored carnage and annihilation became known as Sogs, after “Suk our God”. Suk was the name given to a wraith-like serpent the angel cast out of heaven by Christ had manifested by the subjects within Midas’s kingdom. Today Suk is known as Satan.

Today Tom manifests himself ethereally throughout Roman Catholic Archdioces and appears as Julius Augustus Caesar in form. South Korea’s Gyeongbokgung Palace in the city of Seoul. And China’s Tienanmen Square within the city of Beijing are both establishments of the Catholic Archdioces, and Tom has taken up residence there since 1998.

Satan was originally known as Suk. He was manifested by the angel cast out of heaven by Christ to torment Midas and strike fear in the hearts of Kind Midas’s subjects.

Midas’s daughter Oxbow found Suk amusing and pressured her father to murder, maim, and mutilate living creatures in order to manifest Suk. Oxbow dissipated into dust in September of 2022. She was last known as Megan Morgan Markle.

For nearly seven millennia Midas entertained Oxbow tortured and killed captives, his own subjects, and nearly all the remaining beasts of Israel within the continent of Africa. Midas often made play toys for Oxbow out of the men, women, and beasts of Israel he captured and maimed. He also sometimes conjoined men and women he had captured with the beasts.

In 16876BC the angel cast out of heaven by Christ beaconed Suk to Xirxes kingdom of Partha in Eoutheast Asia. Suk took a human-like form and became known as Door to the Partagenians. The name derived from the frog-like sound that emanated from Suk’s throat when he spoke.

Door toyed with the Parthagenians for his own amusement. He bestowed powers upon Xirxes and demanded regular sacrifices of Xirxes subjects upon an altar of skulls and bones within the modern- day Chinese province of Guangxi. Door also introduced a mutated form of Latin to Xirxes and his select known as Gip. The name of the language derived from the heavy use of G’s and P’s in the dialect.

After Sun Tzu’s birth in 1156BC the angel cast out of heaven by Christ summoned Door to the Carpathian Forest in modern-day Poland. Door took human form and had the horns of a goat and a red hewn to his skin. Door walked the forest without a shirt and carried a golden pitchfork. He became known as Satan to the Germanic people based the descriptions of those who came into contact with him. His hands were said to have the icy-like feel of silk.

Satan would go on to destroy most of the remnants and memory of Abba and King David throughout Europe. Satan offered naïve and lustful warlords tools and weaponry in exchange for the sacrifices of living creatures. The sacrifices included animals, vestal virgins, and first-born sons. Each sacrifice extended Satan’s power and relinquished the soul of the one who offered the sacrifice over to his control.

Satan also destroyed the Christen language throughout mainland Europe. He also distorted the meaning and interpretation of words endemic to the language with the Kingdom of England and the British Empire. The decimation of the Christen language proceeded to fragment the world and facilitated wars and conflicts into the present day.

In 1448AD Satan left his vessel body and began to inhabit the bodies of men who had offered him sacrifices of their first-born sons. All of the men whose bodies he occupied were entirely consumed by their lustful pursuits of power, wealth, and sexual conquest. Napoleon Bonaparte and Herman Goring are but two of the souls whom Satan occupied and consumed.

In 1988 Satan inhabited Chinese leader Xi Jimping’s body, and afterward Jimping began his rapid rise to power. Through Jimping Satan helped orchestrate the 1996 agreement between the Chinese Communist Party, the People’s Republic of China, Pope John Paul II, and the seven Clinton Administration officials. In the years since Satan has only expanded his power through Jimping.

Lucifer took form after Christ led the families of Israel out from underneath Cleopatra and the Egyptian Empire and into the Holy Lands. In 4000BC Moses and the Israelites reached the promised land of the Jordan River Valley after wandering in circles through the deserts of Arabia for forty years. Moses split off from the Israelites and traversed to the east of the Dead Sea on his own after the caravan’s wagon train crossed through the terrain today known as the Israeli city of Arad.

For the next three-hundred seventy-three years Moses watched the Kingdom of Jerusalem take shape from afar. As the kingdom took shape hw also began to lust for many of the delicacies and sinful pursuits his upbringing with Cleopatra and Pharaoh had afforded him.

Cleopatra isn’t touched upon by name in the Old Testament, and lies and myths about her abound today. Cleopatra in fact fathered Pharaoh and had little to do with Moses during his time in Egypt. Pharaoh himself favored Moses and kept him around as a brother-figure and as a consort.

In 3627BC the angel cast out of heaven by Christ began to speak to Moses in the desert and Moses spoke back. The angel cast out of heaven by Christ proceeded to convince Moses that his brother Aaron was failing Jerusalem and the Israelites. So much so that Moses began to intercede.

Moses went directly to Aaron with a list of recommended improvements and Aaron rejected Moses suggestions. Afterward Moses began to undermine Aaron and Aaron’s council of elders.

To sow dissent Moses lured naïve Israelites into the desert and told them stories of the way things were in Egypt. He convinced those who listened to begin trade with the Egyptians and persuaded them to bring slaves, prostitutes, gambling, and intoxicants into the Kingdom of Jerusalem. He also persuaded them to leverage their wealth to assert dominance within the Kingdom.

As Moses following within the desert grew and so too did the angel cast out of heaven by Christ’s influence on Moses. He began to to challenge his followers to bend Christ’s commands to their own purposes and create restrictive laws to drain the resources and will of their opposition. His followers became known as the Caananites and their elders as the Pharisees.

All of the laws outlined within the Book of Exodus that follow Exodus 20:3–17 were derived by the Pharisees and were not of Christ. Moses himself was a witness to Pontus Pilate’s condemnation of Christ within Jerusalem’s city square in 34AD and he himself condemned Christ along with the crowd that had gathered to watch Pilate’s condemnation. Afterward, Moses was bound to the angel cast out of heaven by Christ in full.

After the Crucifixion Moses began to migrate through Europe. He took the laws that the Pharisees had instituted within Jerusalem and began to apply them to the places and to the people he visited. He also began to curse those that did not live up to the laws of the Pharisees according to his standards.

Moses did not just observe the customs and behaviors of the people he visited, he also partook in them. He even went so far as to break the laws of the Pharisees within the places he visited to test the reactions of the inhabitants. He raped, pillaged, and murdered throughout Europe along the way.

In 472AD Moses took the name Lucifer after murdering a woman named Lucielle Travers in Bouches-Du Rhone France. Lucifer cut off the woman’s pubic hair and made a set out earmuffs from it. He gave himself the name Lucifer after someone asked him about the earmuffs as a pathological joke.

That same year Lucifer also began requesting that his followers bring him a vestal virgin every eighty-four year for a ritual sacrifice. During the sacrifices Lucifer consumed the souls of the women and rejuvenated his appearance after copulating and murdering the women. That same practice extends to thirty-four occult circles known as Daisy Chains today. Lucifarian Daisy Chains murder and consume a vestal virgin every twenty-four years.

In 1947 Lucifer migrated to America and continued his same practices. He took the name Letterman that year after murdering a college football player from Carmel, Indiana named Michael Dudley. Dudley’s body was never found.

Lucifer has appeared on American television as a talk show host since 1980 under the name David Letterman. His interviews have been trials for those he interviews. He judges them by the laws of the Pharisees according to his own standards.

Lucifer migrated once again in 2018. This his time to Japan and the city of Tokyo. He took up residence underneath the city within a labyrinth of abandoned salt mines. Those same mines were used by Michael Douglas Enterprises begnning to traffic opium into the United States and Canada starting in 1959.​Lucifer has begun to apply the laws of the Pharisees to Japan and Southeast Asia in much the same way he did within Europe and the Americas the last two millennium.

“For the Lord God does nothing
without revealing his secret
to his servants the prophets.
The lion has roared;
who will not fear?
Christ has spoken;
who can but prophesy?”

— -Amos 3:7–8




Erik Gagnon

Erik spent 30+ years in clandestine operations as a covert operative with British Intelligence before surrendering his life to Christ.