Is America Truly the “Great Satan”?

Erik Gagnon
5 min readNov 22, 2023


“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account.”

— -Roman’s 4:7–8

I was born in Colorado in 1971 and grew up in a suburban blue-collar community. I attended public schools and received a quality education. I also developed a deep appreciation for the blessings of liberty and justice our Constitutional Republic affords. I learned this first-hand from my grandparents.

My biological father’s mother had a deep appreciation for history. She had survived the Depression and served in the United States War Department during World War II. I visited her in Massachusetts on a few occasions and she gifted me with visits to all sorts of New England’s historical sites. She shared stories of historical events she had lived through and stories of our family history along the way.

My mother and her parents emigrated to the United States from a Soviet Bloc country during the 1950’s. My grandfather passed away shortly afterward and remarried another man of Slavic origin. They also shared stories of historical events they had lived through and stories of our family’s experiences. They had survived both Communist and Fascist rule and told harrowing tales of their experiences.

I studied hard in school and was a decent athlete. Natural ability and a good school system afforded me the opportunity to attend Princeton. That said, the GCHQ opened the doors for my placement. Upon graduation from high school, I took an oath of service the United States Merchant Marine Academy to protect and defend the United States and our Allies from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. After combat and service training, Princeton became my finishing school for a career in covert intelligence.

During the first twenty years of my career, I barely paid attention to American politics. I was busy with my field assignments and naïve about political affairs. Much of that changed after my combat license was decommissioned in 2009.

I began to wake up to the graft and corruption associated with American politics. I have an analytical mindset and I began to study the growth of Federal and State governments both during and after the Industrial Revolution. Suffice it to say, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that the growth in government bureaucracy was closely aligned with banking and manufacturing interests. Academics label this the military-industrial complex.

It also didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that the banking interests fueling this bureaucracy expanded to include outside foreign interests following each of our major wars. This includes the First and Second World Wars, the Cold War, and the extended War on Terror that began with 9/11. In effect, foreign nationals have begun to control more and more politicians with each passing war. Most of this is done through a mirage of shell corporations, Washington think tanks, and corporate lobbying efforts.

When you look closely, you begin to realize that international banking interests drive American fiscal and social policies in a carefully orchestrated approach. Since the early 1990s, American media companies have consolidated under huge multi-national corporations, and these corporations manage the overall media narrative on a quarterly basis. In effect, the United States Federal Reserve Board and a handful of outside interests systematically program the thought processes of the average American with carefully managed scripts. News these days is far more propaganda than news.

Entertainment media also follows a similar agenda, albeit on annual or five-year schedules. Students of history will note that the five-year planning cycles are taken out of Marxist playbooks, and that the content these media companies offer becomes more and more salacious with each passing cycle. Consequently, the social friction and political stratification the United States has experienced in recent decades is much less organic than most people think.

As Nazi Germany’s Joseph Goebbels once noted, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. Another way of saying this is that deviant behavior becomes a conditioned response. For example, sane and rational ten-year-olds are wise enough to articulate the differences between a man and a woman, yet some of America’s most prestigious academic institutions have begun to preach gender dysphoria as a virtue. Not surprisingly, media and entertainment have begun to follow suit.

In 1979, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini famously labeled the United States the Great Satan or the Wounded Snake. If you set aside Khomeini’s totalitarianism and his Zionist hatred of Israel and the West, there happens to be an element of truth in his accusation. Since the 1890s, we have allowed banking and corporate interests to bloat the reach of government and compromise the moral fiber of our nation with increasing regularity. Like a frog in a pot of boiling hot water and the American middle class is slowly dying in a cauldron of sin.

Influenced by lobbyists and corporate interest groups, we allowed our politicians to institute reverse-tax lottery gambling systems in the 1970s and 1980s, ignore the perils of online pornography beginning in the 1990s, and legalize cannabis in several states within the last decade. We have also allowed Marxists to control the curriculums of our public schools as well as several major colleges and universities. In turn, our urban infrastructures are decaying, divorce is on the rise, families are fracturing, and innovation is at a standstill.

More alarmingly, our national debt now stands at the incredible figure of $33.7 trillion dollars. This is by far the highest amount in American history and the projected debt figure over the next ten years is by all measures insurmountable. In effect, we have allowed our elected officials to create a taxpayer-funded Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernard Madoff blush. This isn’t a hyperbolic statement, as a nation we are now spending nearly one-and-a-half times more annually than we are producing.

The framework of our Constitutional Republic states that the sole purposes of government are the protection of individual liberty and national defense. In truth, we have allowed ourselves to become a fat pig nanny state with a host of international bankers eating the loin of our calf. It isn’t a stretch to say that the underpinnings of our society today much resemble George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Without rapid and sweeping changes, this system cannot continue to function.

This is a shy way of saying Repent! For the End is Near! Somehow, a handful of steadfast leaders must cut the political niceties, push past the media circus, and dump a bucket of cold water on the American public. Metaphorically speaking, a torch must be taken to American schools, the Federal government bureaucracy, American media, and American entertainment.

A Constitutional Convention would seem reasonable, but only if it were spearheaded by the equivalent of a corporate liquidation or restructuring firm. We have reached a dire point in American history, and it is time for a course direction. Politicians like to placate the public with pithy sounding catch phrases like “hope” and “change”. Frankly, we are well beyond that. We need to get our shit together and fast.



Erik Gagnon

Erik spent 30+ years in clandestine operations as a covert operative with British Intelligence before surrendering his life to Christ.