The Words Man, Woman, Husband, and Wife

Erik Gagnon
3 min readJun 18, 2023


“The man gave names to all the livestock, and to the birds of the sky, and to every animal of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the Christ caused a deep rest to fall upon Adam, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. And Christ fashioned into the second son of Israel the rib which He had taken from Adam, and brought her to Adam.”

— -Genesis 2:20–22

Within original Old Testament scriptures, the word man does not exist. The word is an acronym and was derived by Satan himself. The acronym stands for “My Adam Now”.

The same is true for the word woman. That word also does not exist within original Old Testament scriptures. The word is a compound word and was derived by a demon known as God. The first syllable is an abbreviation of the word woe”, with the second syllable being Satan’s acronym for “My Adam Now”. The word came into existence in the 23rd Century BC when God took pity upon femininity.

God himself idolized women. He was betrothed to Cleopatra and envied the feminine form. Before the fall of David’s kingdom in 10000BC, God punished men that harmed women. After the fall, he took vengeance upon them.

David’s death brough about Christ’s wrath. David was betrayed by members of his own army and news of his death led his nursemaid Dionysus to curse the Egyptians. In turn, the city of Sodom was leveled.

Cleopatra sough vengeance afterward. Her forces sacked the Acropolis and brought about the ruin of David’s kingdom. God himself enslaved much of King David’s citizenry, forcing women and children into prostitution and slave labor.

During the 4th Millenium BC, city states within David’s fallen kingdom began banding together to fend off Roman influence. Athens, Sparta, and Macedonia were amongst the most powerful, and noble virtues were glorified within these states.

During the 5th Century BC, the institution of marriage came into being replacing betrothal. Marriage involved a covenant with Christ between a man and his wiif.

The word wiif and the word wife and the word are not the same. Under the eyes of God, Sons of Israel can only have one true devotion or conviction. The closest English translation is the word soulmate, and even this word falls short. The word is oblique and does not address Christ’s preeminence in a couple’s covenant. (Genesis 1)

The word wife was derived by Satan himself. The word is an acronym meaning “Woman In For Eternity”. Both God and Satan have made it their effort to break up marriages of faithful followers of Christ since the institution was formed through war, pestilence, death, and famine.

Lucifer got into this game following Christ’s crucifixion. He began to offer an assortment of unholy temptations to faithful followers of Christ in earnest. These temptations included whorish offerings for infidelity, financial instability, and childbearing. The word husband is a compound word Lucifer himself derived. The first syllable means “His Universe (is) Satan’s, with the second syllable being a Christen term for “Bound by the covenant”.

Christen was the original spoken language and was spoke in the time of David. English is a loose and guttural translation of the Christen language.

“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires, take the water of life without cost.”

— -Revelations 22:17


Author: Erik Gagnon — Managing Partner, Chi Rho Consulting



Erik Gagnon

Erik spent 30+ years in clandestine operations as a covert operative with British Intelligence before surrendering his life to Christ.