What you need as a VC: Benchmarking skills across Venture Capital jobs & titles

Chia Jeng Yang
Saison Thinking
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2020


As Saison Capital is growing our team, recruiting for Associates and interns, there was a single question that we kept returning to:

What is the standard we should expect from each other, and how could we measure our growth over time?

All the answers online seemed vague, and had all the same buzzwords around thinking clearly, having a great network and reputation, etc, which seemed to be fairly high-level. The most important ability to advance in/get a job is to understand what the job entails officially and unofficially, especially given how opaque the Venture Capital industry is.

We thought we could bring some clarity to this question. This document is a generalization of the skills that we at Saison Capital believe VCs should have, and how they benchmark as they advance in their careers. We think this could be used to interview candidates, benchmark OKRs, and understand the standards needed to rise within a VC career.

We hope this is useful for people navigating the venture capital scene. If you have any feedback for improvement, comment below and I would love to incorporate it into this document.

To note: As a generalization, there will be partners who would not fit neatly into the partner benchmarking, or interns who would not fit neatly into the intern benchmarking. That is normal, but the idea is that there should not be a large deviation: I.e. Intern skillset…

