Why I love Being Productive

Peter Favour
3 min readAug 3, 2022


Photo credit: Unsplash

When most people think of productivity, they think about what they’re personally getting done.

But, you may have also noticed that governments evaluate productivity levels, too.

Are they counting how many things you check off your to-do list?

Not quite. Productivity can mean different things in different contexts.

Understanding the different layers of productivity can help you see how checking a task off your list contributes to your business’s productivity and even your country’s productivity levels.

Productivity is the state of being productive or efficient.

Productivity is a key factor in success for knowledge entrepreneurs.

When you’re able to focus and efficiently produce marketing content, you can drive sales and revenue.

The word Productive often describes a person’s capability to do a lot of work, but it can refer to anything that produces a lot.

Productive can be used more broadly to describe something that produces a positive result.

If you’re productive, that means you do a lot — you create or produce large amounts of something.

For many of us, being productive feels like a badge of honor.

Our productivity can sometimes seem like a direct reflection of our success in life.

By being personally productive, I can complete my work efficiently, tackle errands quicker and enjoy more free time.

Why I Love Being Productive

There’s a fire inside some people that drives them to constantly be in motion, creating and achieving.

That fire is what fuels their love for productivity.

For me, that fire burns bright.

It started with the thrill of crossing items off a to-do list.

That simple act of accomplishment ignited a passion in me for productivity that has grown stronger with each task completed.

Each goal achieved became a stepping stone to the next, driving me forward with determination.

Soon, productivity became more than just a means to an end.

It became a way of life. I found myself constantly seeking out new ways to improve myself and my work, always pushing the boundaries of what I thought was possible.

The satisfaction of a job well done became addictive, and I craved that feeling of accomplishment every day.

But it’s not just about the end result. The process of productivity itself is a thing of beauty.

There’s something almost meditative about diving into a task and losing yourself in the flow of work.

Time seems to slip away as you focus on nothing but the task at hand, and when you emerge, you feel refreshed and energized.

It’s that feeling that keeps me coming back for more.

The feeling of being fully engaged in the present moment, of pushing myself to be better than I was before, and of knowing that I’m making a difference in the world through my work.

That’s why I love being productive.

It’s not just a way to get things done, but a way to live life to the fullest. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love being productive. It enables me to get more and better work done in less time.

Being a productive person has helped me accomplish bigger and better results.

The benefits of being more productive are endless if you can develop effective productivity skills and learn to be more productive in your most crucial activities.

Good productivity can help you set better goals, be more effective, increase focus and boost motivation.

I hope you found that insightful, let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section below.

Do well to follow for I’ll be writing more about this.



Peter Favour

Creative content writer || Personal Development || Web3/Blockchain writer. Do you need any of my services? Reach out to me at chiamakafav14@gmail.com