Tech career jobs you can land WITHOUT CODING.

Chiamaka Geraldine Anyaeche
7 min readSep 27, 2022


Photo from Berkeley Boot Camps

Everyone wants to get into technology because it is so hot right now and the term “tech” has spread so widely. It is also believed that a job in technology can only be pursued by genius developers. We all believed this years ago, and it was a catchphrase employed to push young people and others who wanted to switch careers. We were made to believe that we must transition into coding for us to be a part of the future economy.

According to research, only 5% of 50 IT professionals, including product managers at companies like Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and others, have any coding knowledge. The majority of them do not even need to code as part of their jobs.

To get a tech job and take advantage of the many opportunities the tech industry has to offer, you must not be a tech-bro or a woman in tech. It goes beyond purely technical abilities. The same way a doctor or surgeon cannot manage a hospital alone, technicians cannot do their duties alone in this tech profession either. Coding is excellent, but not everyone can do it or has the time to finish it.

However, if you are looking for a tech job that does not require coding, don’t give up because there are many jobs available in technology that do not need coding. I’ve put together a list of easy tech jobs you can learn and do. Most of these jobs are for people who love to work behind the scenes of any organization. They don’t call for any specialized knowledge. You can learn them as long as you are computer literate and understand how to make use of contemporary technology.

Technical Writer

Technical writers are similar to content writers, but in tech, we call them technical communicators. They create content for instruction manuals, write how-to-guides that guide technically inclined people on their journey, communicate visually, etc.. In their entirety, they simplify complex technical information.

For you to be a technical writer, there are a few skills you need:

Good writing skills.

You must have an interest in technology or you will get bored while researching for your content.

You must have good research skills.

Proofreading and editing skills.

Knowing how to communicate systematically.

How much do technical writers earn?

Many technical writers have testified to being paid well. It’s a fair and rewarding job to take on.

Information Architect (IA)

The job of an information architect is to create digital blueprints that represent any tech platform in such a way that is creative and easy to use for the users. They make the designs, structures, functions, and usability simple so that visitors using the app can easily use it.

Information architecture is in high demand, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They forecast a 9% increase in employment for information architects and other network architects through 2024.

The skills needed to be an IA

Critical thinking skills.

Computer skills

Client-facing communication

You must know how to research and analyze user needs and inclinations.

SEO / SEM Specialist

SEO/SEM specialists are people who understand search engine rankings and need to create strategies that can bring a company’s website to the top of search engines through paid and organic marketing. Their job includes marketing, web analytic, content strategy planning, link building, and keyword strategy.

For a person to qualify and be successful as an SEO/SEM specialist, they must have knowledge and experience in internet marketing, and sometimes they need to have a degree in information technology.

A good SEO/SEM specialist should also be able to perfectly analyse keyword and ranking research and carry out marketing campaigns that will maximize the company’s ROI for the money invested in paid advertising.

Operations Manager

Operations are all the activities that run behind the scenes to keep a business running as well as oversee the process of transforming labour and equipment into services and goods in the most efficient means. An operations manager is needed in tech too.

An operations manager reports the activities of the business, overseeing the accounts, responsible for managing processes, purchasing, human resources, inventory, and IT. There are different levels to an operations manager’s career path.

Software Quality Tester

A software quality tester tests and verifies a piece of software to know whether it meets the requirements and produces the required result for its users. The testers make sure that there are no bugs in the software and that it is user-friendly for the customers.

Your duties will be to understand requirement papers, test case creation and execution, report and re-test bugs, attend review discussions and extra team-building activities. While some aspects of this job need technical skills, others need non-technical skills to pull it off.

The non-coding skills you need are:

Communication skills

Analytical skills


Time management skills

Organizational skills

Proficiency and hands-on knowledge of a test management tool

Software Sales Representative

Like digital marketers, a software sales representative makes sales and performs customer relations duties to propel the sales of tech software products and services. They are there to help clients understand the kind of software they need and then match them to the right products as a means of closing the deal. They communicate with the customers directly through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, digital platforms, emails, etc. They market the software to get buyers and users for them.

You must be grounded in digital marketing before you delve into this job. Having total knowledge of digital marketing puts you in a better position as a sales representative for software.

Product Manager

A product manager discovers, plans, develops, launches, and manages a product or service. This job involved the whole creation of a product, from ideation to development and to the end users.

The best product managers have core competencies, which include knowing how to:

Conduct customer interviews,

Runs user testing,

Create a detailed road map planning,

Allocate resource,

Perform market assessments,

Interpret business-to-technical conditions,

Fix product prices and revenue forecasting,

Define and track the success metrics.

These are the basic needs for product management. They have to make sure their products are successful, and in the event of failure, they draw back, and adjust their approach based on customer feedback to excel.

Project Manager

This is the process of leading a group of people to achieve a project goal within a given time-frame. It can be related to an event planning job. As an event planner, you are in charge of a team of event vendors. You plan, coordinate, and execute the event within a time-frame. Project management is the same thing.

Project management is slightly related to product management, and people can confuse the two or put them together in the same bracket. As a project manager, your job is to initiate a plan, execute it, monitor, control, and close a project successfully as the leader of the team. It’s your job to make sure that the team members are working at the expected pace.

It’s also your job as a project manager to also identify and manage risks and resources, smart budgeting, and establish clear communication between many teams and stakeholders.

The skills you need for this role are communication, adaptability, decision-making, effective time management, leadership, organization, planning and execution, delegation, and interpersonal relationships.

Business analyst

A business analyst strategizes, interprets, and records business processes, products, services, and software through data analysis.

They monitor and assess the efficiency of business organizations and then help them improve by conducting research and analysis to come up with remedies to business troubles and help to avail these solutions to industries and their buyers.

In tech, the business analyst works with the product management team. The analyst evaluates the business domain, documents their developmental processes and systems, outlines business requirements, and adjusts a software business prototype with the software they are building. You can read more about business analysts. This is one skill that is needed in the tech industry the way the technical team is needed too.

Technology Journalist

A technology journalist writes for people who are interested in technology products like smartphones, laptops, software, websites, and other digital products. It’s a niche in journalism carved out for technology. Becoming a tech journalist is a good career path to follow.

A tech journalist must be an excellent writer with a thorough understanding of the technological tool or development being covered.

You also require the following abilities: good communication, professionalism, assurance, perseverance, discipline, and proper ethics.

The best way to develop yourself as a tech journalist is to apply for an internship. Internship with media houses and work with them It’s the best place to get experience of how it works. It will cover everything from story ideas to taking interviews, working with post-production, etc..

How do you get these tech jobs that do not need coding?

Many people are still puzzled and unsure about how to start a career in technology without knowing how to code. Despite the fact that coding gets the most attention, technology is much bigger than what our tech bros and women in tech portray it to be. By learning the career path you wish to follow and persisting in mastering every nuance of it, you can land these positions.

Here’s a list of things to do to learn:

Research and do self-learning. You can pick a field and study everything there is to study about it on your own. There are many free resources like podcasts, YouTube series, and online courses.

After completing your courses, you can apply for internship roles. There, you get to practice everything you’ve studied. It will be a training ground for you to learn and get first-hand experience. Become a part of a startup and also get a paid career coaching.


You now have a general concept of what you can achieve in tech without knowing how to code, as well as their roles, basic skills, and experience. Make a plan, start-up, and keep practicing. When you need to pay, pay! And when you need a mentor, seek one! Create your plan and stick to it.

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Chiamaka Geraldine Anyaeche

Author |SEO Writer | Blockchain |Web3 |Flash fictions | Self Development. Open to writing projects. Send a message to: