Wireframing Challenge

Chiara Dapor
2 min readMar 1, 2019


After moving the first steps with Sketch, using the graphic tools for build an App interface, it’s time to go deeply in the App structure and doing the opposite process: deconstruct the design of an exhisting App using wireframes.

What I’m going to analyze is the Emov app, a car-sharing system launched in Madrid on 2016.

I started analyzing the informations which can be substitutes with boxes or filler text, and the information that necessary needs to be written, and I came up with the following result:

From a technical point of view, I found the exercise quite easy, as long as I don’t need to apply any graphic task. In fact, the importance of the wireframe is just to highlight and optimize the structure and functionality of an App, beyond any kind of misdirection due to graphics, colors ecc. It’s important to work with black and white and to keep the design as schematic as possible. Moreover, I used a Wireframe kit from which I take advantage of already exhisting bottons and functions.

From the structure side, I copied the most important parts of the app, simplifying the structure. The main goal is to communicate the idea efficiently, recognizing the most important information, and omit what you think is superfluous.

