poverty is a deliberate condition under racial capitalism

chiara francesca
3 min readApr 13, 2023


new writing for times of speculative inflation and a renewed global attack on the working classes

i feel exhausted and deflated and so freaking stressed about survival and finding an apartment and taking care of myself and my kiddos and *full of rage* at the ways in which so much unnecessary suffering is perpetrated in the name of power and greed

i want to scream all this from the rooftops, and maybe I will, but for now, let this be the place it lands,

let our screams create a song of justice

of change

of hope

of transformation


poverty is violence

being continually stressed about survival harms the body

it creates chronic stress that leads to disease

it takes over the mind like a poison

“how do I get out of this?”

“how do I solve this problem of surviving?”

are questions that echo without answer, turning into shame, a sense of failure and dread spreading throughout the body


but the thing is, we were told a lie

many lies actually

one of the biggest ones is that poverty can be solved individually

that one person can go up against the system and win the game, get out of the poverty wheel by sheer will

it is not so

poverty is systemic

poverty is a cyclical trap

poverty exists by design

poverty exists by design in capitalism to supply the economy with desperate people working shitty jobs for undignified pay, so that stakeholders and the market and corporate boards can keep “growing” and profiting off the labor of poor people desperate enough for work to take jobs that are dehumanizing

poverty is a deliberate condition under racial capitalism


we must create unbreakable webs of solidarity to demand our dignity back, to demand that the resources stolen from us by exploitative labor practices are returned to us in the form of

affordable housing,



public transportation,

green spaces,

neighborhood community centers,

universal income,

accessible childcare and so much more!


any and all resources belong to the planet that created us and are not to be exploited for monetary gain

they are to be stewarded, protected, and cherished in mutual partnership between humans, other animals, and the natural world


we hold that poverty is a solvable problem

we hold that all people have the right to have their basic needs met

we hold that greed and profits have no place in a liberated world

we hold that we will create irresistible webs of kinship and fierce care that will sweep away the ways of toxic individualism

we hold that no single one of us has the solutions, but that together we will create a groundswell of joy & dignity for all!




[IMAGE ID: 5 slides, all text included in caption. Slide 1: a speckled lilac and neon green geometrical shape sits on a gray background with blue and brown swirls with bold black text framing it. Slide 2: Two speckled pink, mustard, and black geometrical shapes sits on a gray background with blue and brown swirls with bold black text framing it. Slide 3: Four speckled teal and hot pink geometrical shape sit on a gray background with blue and brown swirls with bold black text framing it. Slide 4: Two speckled yellow and neon green geometrical shape sit on a gray background with blue and brown swirls with bold black text framing it. Slide 5: Four speckled blue, green, orange and hot pink geometrical shape sit on a gray background with blue and brown swirls with bold black text framing it.]



chiara francesca

💖 CULTURE WORK⤳STRUCTURAL CHANGE 💜 acupuncture for the ppl 💛 centering margins from a disabled queer immigrant perspective