Let’s Make Second-Hand Clothes Shoppers First Choice!

Chiara Plastina
5 min readApr 24, 2020


Team: 4UX, and I was the UI Designer
Time: 3-week sprint
Tools: Adobe Illustration, Photoshop, Adobe XD
Project Management method: Scrum

HiFi- Loading Page

About Doppelganger

Doppelganger is an E-commerce store that aims to provide young professionals within the workplace with the opportunity to impact the environment positively, encourage sustainability and, ultimately, to make second-hand clothes their first choice. Doppelganger was first created by my team’s clients Vishal Gulati and Gayathri K.

The Brief

We began the design process by meeting with our clients to understand their desired outcome for the project better. After the initial meeting, we recognized the goal of the project was to create an iOS app that allows users to purchase clothing directly from the app, and to inquire about the three services Doppelganger provides.

The Design Inception

While the UX team was conducting their research to understand better user personas, their needs, and frustrations, and competitors, I focused on understanding the designs and overall mood created by direct and indirect competitors.

Inception Diagram

Once I had a better understanding of the trends in the sustainable fashion industry, I created an inception diagram. I started with “why” someone would pick Doppelganger over their competitors. Doppelganger’s “why” is that they target young professionals within the workplace to provide people with the opportunity to impact the environment positively, encourage sustainability and to make second-hand clothes their first choice. Afterwards, I moved onto establishing the mood for Doppelganger as a brand and app. I wanted Doppelganger to be elegant, professional, inspiring, yet still modern and inviting to users. The mood was translated through the use of colour, shapes, movement and use of space. Once those elements were filled in, I moved onto creating two mood boards.

Mood Boards

For this project, I created two mood boards. The first mood board was primarily based on the desires communicated by the founders from our initial meeting, and the branding they previously had for their website. The mood board was feminine, pink, professional, and elegant. The goal of this mood board was to create an Audrey Hepburn vibe.

For the second mood board, I wanted to bring in an element of sustainability, due to the fact they’re selling preloved clothes, while still being elegant. To bring this mood alive, I brought in earthy tones and greens. This mood board encompasses a mixture of feminity and elegance while still giving a sense of sustainability.

Once the mood boards were created, I moved onto creating two style tiles, which summarized both mood boards. The typography used for both style tiles is quite similar to each other. I used Didot for both style tile headers because it is elegant and professional typography. For the subheaders and body text of the original style tile, I decided to use Muli because of its modern feel. For the other style tile, I settled with Lato because it too has a modern feel. After discussing both directions to the founders, we decided to go with the second mood board and style tile because it was both feminines yet gave a sense of being eco-friendly.

Mood Boards

Logo Exploration

Before beginning the logo explorations, I already had in mind that I wanted the logo to be both elegant and modern. I achieved this goal by keeping the logo simple by using the typography Didot and by increasing the tracking between the letters to achieve my desired effect. The word “doppelganger” is unique; therefore, I wanted it to be the focal point of the logo. I did not wish for the graphics to take away from the company name.

Logo Exploration

The Colour Palette

The colour palette I used throughout the design was an earthy palette that consisted of green, brown, beige, smoky white, and a dark slate for texts. I used this colour palette, which conveys both elegance and eco-sustainability due to the use of green. I wanted the colour palette to represent elegance and professionalism while still clearly communicating that the brand is eco-friendly.

Style Tile

The Final Design

Once I received the mid-fidelity designs, I began my final design process. I started by focusings my attention on the app’s onboarding and login process. I started with the onboarding and login process because it would be the user’s first impression of the overall app, I believe it is essential to capture the user’s attention from the moment they open the app. I worked to make the whole app approachable, elegant, professional and modern.

Final Hi-Fi

Future Consideration

My future consideration to the Doppelganger team would be to take purchase a backdrop in their branded colour or white and to take photos of their products with a professional camera and proper lighting. The use of eye-catching images of their clothing will create confidence between the shopper and Doppelganger. Beautiful images may make or break a sale for Doppelganger. To keep the brand coherent throughout all platforms, Doppelganger should implement the design throughout its website and social media platforms.

