New AI Supremacy

Google Gemini better than ChatGPT

AI Smart Data

Chiarra Sue
5 min readDec 19, 2023


Hot off to the digital world! A clash of titans in the realm of generative AI is starting soon, where machines learn the art of pattern-finding to conjure up new wonders — be it images, words, or any other media mischief. In one corner, we’ve got ChatGPT, a linguistic powerhouse, strutting its stuff as a Large Language Model (LLM). Maestro of text creation, weaving words with the finesse of a digital wordsmith. On the opposite corner, we’ve got Gemini, the celestial challenger. This AI prodigy is here to disrupt the scene, armed with algorithms and a cosmic sense to infer into our daily activities. It’s like the AI version of a blockbuster showdown, where ones and zeros duke it out for digital supremacy.

Will it be ChatGPT’s linguistic charm or Gemini’s algorithmic antics that steal the show? ChatGPT’s wit and eloquence vs. Gemini’s algorithmic wizardry. It’s like a poetry slam vs. a coding competition. ChatGPT might deliver some literary zingers that leave the audience laughing, while Gemini could dazzle with its lightning-fast calculations and predictive modeling skills. It’s hard to say who would come out on top, but one thing’s for sure: it would be an entertaining show for anyone who loves language and logic.



Chiarra Sue

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