Series 2: Choosing the right programming language

2 min readFeb 11, 2024


In software development, the backend is the powerhouse, handling data, logic, and communication unseen by users. But with a plethora of programming languages vying for your attention, choosing the “right” one can feel overwhelming. Fear not, This post will guide you through the labyrinth of languages, empowering you to select the optimal tool for your backend masterpiece. Let’s get started

Understanding Your Needs:

Before I talk in-depth, let’s take a moment to introspect. What kind of backend application are you building? Is it a real-time chat application demanding blazing-fast performance? Or a complex e-commerce platform requiring robust security and scalability? Knowing your project’s goals, performance requirements, and resource constraints is very crucial.

Now, let’s weigh 4 popular languages used for backend applications :

  • Python: Python offers a clean, readable syntax and a vast ecosystem of libraries like Django and Flask, making it ideal for rapid prototyping and web development. However, its dynamic nature might raise performance concerns for highly demanding applications.
  • Java: The tried-and-true enterprise warrior, Java boasts rock-solid stability, scalability, and security, making it the go-to language for mission-critical systems. However, its verbose syntax and steeper learning curve can be daunting for newcomers.
  • JavaScript/Node.js: This is a single-threaded, event-driven approach excels in I/O-bound tasks and real-time applications. But be wary of memory usage and potential concurrency challenges.
  • Go: The rising star, Go, empowers you with high concurrency, built-in concurrency features, and static typing for performance and reliability. But its young ecosystem and potential lack of community support might pose challenges for some projects.

Aside Programming Languages

Exploring other alternatives like .NET, PHP is a good option. Additionally, I suggest, these:

  • Community and ecosystem: A vibrant community translates to easier problem-solving and readily available resources. Having a good community and ecosystem is a gift, meeting and deliberating with different minds could give you the rightful choice in achieving your goal.
  • Documentation and tools: Good documentation and tooling can significantly enhance your development experience. It can be daunting reading documentation honestly, but the sad truth is that our success as developers, is highly dependent on learning, unlearning, and re-learning.
  • Personal preference: Don’t underestimate the power of choosing a language you enjoy working with, as it can boost your productivity and creativity. Trust your instinct!


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The “best” language depends on your project’s unique needs and your team’s preferences. Experiment, research, and choose the tool that empowers you to build a robust, efficient, and maintainable backend — a true testament to your development prowess!

As you journey, I’ll advice you to “Do Epic Shit” — try alot of things, you may fall but certainly not in all.


