Eden Life: 10x-ing The Quality Of Life On The Continent

Mozia Precious Chibundu
3 min readJul 4, 2023

Hey everyone, I decided to share my thoughts on some Nigerian companies that have been making waves and the services they render. In this particular article, I will be talking about Eden Life, which, according to their website, is “a tech-enabled service that puts your home’s chores on autopilot”.

Let’s get into it.

If I were to define Eden Life, I would use the phrase “Soft Life”, Why, you may ask? Imagine not having to worry about taking care of basic, essential tasks such as feeding, laundry, and cleaning. In that case, Welcome to Eden Life, the prime of convenience and luxury (or, as I will say, soft life) in the realm of home management. Now let me tell you how.

When you subscribe to Eden Life, you enter a world of effortless living.

Everyone knows food is a fundamental part of our daily lives, this is why Eden Life offers a meal plan subscription service. With this, you don’t have to worry about meal planning or cooking. It’s like having your own personal chef, bringing well-nourished delights right to your doorstep.

Let me paint a picture for you, at a specific time each day, a delicious, freshly prepared meal is delivered right to your doorstep. No more worrying about what to cook or spending hours in the kitchen. Eden Life has got you covered.

It doesn’t stop at delivering well-nourished delights right to your doorstep, they also have additional subscriptions for laundry and cleaning. With just a few clicks, you can schedule your laundry to be picked up, washed, and returned to you, fresh and neatly folded. With this subscription, you are able to relax knowing your clothes are in good hands, and when it comes to cleaning, be rest assured that the tasks will be handled well, leaving your home spotless and allowing you to focus on getting some other work done.

I had a thought one day concerning the name “Eden Life,” and it’s quite interesting the way I connected some dots. According to the Bible, there is a place called the “Garden of Eden”, where one could access abundant fruits without any stress, or you could say it was a place of pure bliss, where everything was provided for without any effort. Now, I decided to draw the concept from that place, Eden Life aspires to provide its customers with a taste of this paradise—a carefree existence in which necessities like feeding, cleaning, and laundry are handled, relieving stress and freeing up crucial time to let you experience the joys that really matter — in other words, allowing you to get the taste of a soft life.

Eden Life enables you to understand what a hassle-free existence truly means by offering these services. Their tech-enabled strategy puts comfort and luxury on display in today’s hectic environment, where time is a valuable resource. Eden Life frees up your time and energy by handling necessary errands like feeding, cleaning, and laundry. It is proof of how well technology and human innovation can work together to improve our lives.

Eden Life is redefining home management and bringing the soft life directly to your doorstep.

Welcome to Eden Life, the height of comfort, convenience, and a life well-lived.

In conclusion, subscribe to Eden Life today and elevate your routine, reclaim your time, and unlock a world of effortless living.

Always remember that the convenience and ease of this service truly embody the essence of a soft life.

