Chibuzor Anyameluhor
2 min readOct 18, 2019


In the world of social media, a lot happens. A LOT!

These days, however, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate from what is real and what isn’t. What do you expect, and what is the actual reality?

How do you deal when your expectation doesn’t meet reality?

This post will be short and may shake some tables (but they won’t break, hopefully).


Expectation: Post gets dozens of likes within the first hour with lots of DM requests.

Reality: 3 likes from your family members, one comment from a random human saying, “Follow me and download my new music link!!! It’s fire!!!”

How do you deal with this?

Review your posts. Are you giving out valuable content? Are you showing this content to your target audience, or did you do “follow for follow” and ended up with a bunch of followers who have no interest in what you offer?


Expectation: Like-minded individuals like and applaud your post. A dozen shares and your messages are burning like wildfire.

Reality: Someone who isn’t even your friend on Facebook commenting and asking you to send them money for something or another. Oh, one “love” from your mum.

Again, what is your content? Is it relevant? Are you giving value? Are your images clean, clear, and attractive? What are you doing differently to draw people in? You need to think about that and work on a new strategy.

How about Ads? Oh, this one!

Running an ad on Facebook/Instagram. Ad spend: $5 per day. 5 days in total.

Expectation: Sign-ups! Link shares! Message enquiries! SALES!!!

Reality: Super poor performing ad. Messages like “You are beautiful, can we be friends?” Zero sales. Few likes.

You can not use poor metrics, short time-frame, and low budget to run an ad and expect massive turnout. It’s not magic.

I can’t talk about all social sites, obviously, but you get the gist. Sometimes (most times actually), we have high expectations of what we want from our social media but fail to do what is required to get those glam results.

Put in the work, enjoy the results. *drops mic*

P.S don’t forget to clap and share. Toodles!

