Excel Mastery for Data Analysts: Navigating the Interview — Part 2

Chidiebere Chukwuemeka
5 min readAug 31, 2023


Interview Session — Source: Unsplash

Welcome back to the second part of our blog on Excel mastery for Data Analysts! In the first part, we explored essential interview questions and answers that will help you shine in your interview. Now, let’s dive right into some other questions and equip you with the knowledge to tackle any Excel-related challenge that comes your way.

6. Relative vs. Absolute Cell References: Exploring the Power of Cell Referencing

Question: Explain the concept of relative and absolute cell references.

Answer: Relative cell references adjust their position when copied to new cells, adapting to the destination. This allows formulas to dynamically reference different cells relative to their location. On the other hand, using the $(dollar symbol), absolute cell references remain fixed when copied, maintaining their original cell identity regardless of where they’re placed.

You could go further to explain the different types of absolute cell referencing using the operators “and” and “or” as follows;

  1. Absolute Column and Absolute Row ($A$1): Both the column letter and row number are prefixed with a dollar sign. This type of absolute reference keeps both the column and row constant when the formula is copied to other cells.
  2. Absolute Column or Absolute Row (A$1 or $A1): In this case, either the column letter or the row number has a dollar sign before it. When copied, the column reference (if prefixed with “$”) or the row reference (if suffixed with “$”) remains constant, while the other adjusts accordingly.

This distinction enables users to create flexible or static references within formulas, enhancing the versatility of data manipulation and analysis.

7. Power Pivot: Unveiling Advanced Data Modeling

Question: Explain the concept of Power Pivot and give examples where you have applied it before.

Side Note: Interestingly, this question introduced me to Power Pivot for the first time. I was truthful with the interviewers but assured them that while I haven’t had prior experience with this tool, I believe in my ability to quickly grasp new concepts. Since it seems to share similarities with pivot tables and charts, I’m confident that with focused study and practice, I can become proficient in utilizing Power Pivot effectively for enhanced data analysis.

Answer: Power Pivot is an advanced data modeling tool in Excel that empowers users to work with larger and more complex datasets from various sources. It enables the creation of relationships between tables, combining data for comprehensive analysis. Through its robust formula language, DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), Power Pivot allows the formulation of intricate calculations, measures, and custom columns that go beyond traditional Excel functions. This tool facilitates the creation of dynamic reports, dashboards, and visualizations, making it an indispensable asset for professionals seeking to extract deeper insights and perform advanced data analysis within a familiar Excel environment.

An example of its application is when I applied it in a financial analysis using a company’s sales data from multiple sources consolidated, relationships were established between customer and sales tables, and DAX measures were employed to compute profitability ratios and year-over-year growth percentages, all within a single Excel workbook.

8. Conditional Formatting: Illuminating Data Insights

Question: Can you shed light on the concept of conditional formatting?

Answer: Conditional formatting is a powerful feature in Excel that allows users to visually highlight and format cells based on specific conditions or criteria. It’s a dynamic way to draw attention to important data patterns, outliers, or trends within a dataset without altering the original data. Essentially, it helps users make data-driven insights more apparent through color, font, and formatting changes.

Question: Could you give an example of how you might use conditional formatting in a real-world scenario?

Let’s say I have a sales dataset with monthly revenue figures. Using conditional formatting, I could apply a color scale that shades cells based on the value range, with higher revenue cells showing a darker color and lower revenue cells showing a lighter color. This visual representation instantly highlights months with exceptional sales and those that need attention. Additionally, I might use conditional formatting to identify outliers by applying a different color to values that deviate significantly from the average. This helps me focus on crucial data points without manually scanning through the entire dataset.

9. Consolidate Feature: A Scope Into Information Spread

Question: Can you explain how you would consolidate data from multiple worksheets using Excel’s Consolidate feature?

Answer: Consolidating data from multiple worksheets in Excel is a valuable skill for managing complex datasets. To do this, I would start by selecting a target cell in a new worksheet where I want the consolidated data to appear. Then, I’d navigate to the “Data” tab and click on the “Consolidate” option. In the Consolidate dialog box, I’d choose the function I want to use, such as SUM, AVERAGE, or COUNT, depending on the type of data I’m consolidating.

Next, I’d click the “Add” button to specify the data range from each worksheet that I want to consolidate. Excel provides an option to select the range manually or by using the “Create links to source data” feature. Additionally, I’d ensure that I’ve checked the “Top row” and “Left column” checkboxes if my data includes labels in those positions.

Once I’ve added all the ranges, I’d click “OK.” Excel would then consolidate the data based on the function I selected and display the consolidated result in the target cell. This feature is incredibly useful for summarizing and analyzing data from different sources, providing a comprehensive overview without the need to manually copy and paste data.

10. Macros: Introducing Automation

Question: Have you used Excel Macros before? Can you tell us what they are used for?

Answer: Yes, I’m familiar with Excel Macros. An Excel Macro is essentially a set of recorded instructions that automate tasks in Excel. These tasks can range from repetitive actions like formatting, calculations, and data entry, to more complex operations. Macros are written in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language, which is integrated into Excel. They’re used to save time, reduce errors, and streamline processes by allowing users to perform a series of actions with a single click. For instance, you can create a macro to generate reports, clean and transform data, or create custom functions that extend Excel’s capabilities. Macros are particularly helpful for automating tasks that are time-consuming, repetitive, or require consistent formatting.

Note that in an interview setting, it’s crucial to provide concise responses without offering overly detailed or leading answers. Interviewers often use questions to explore a candidate’s knowledge and experience in depth. Instead of providing comprehensive explanations right away, it’s wise to offer concise responses that leave room for the interviewer to dig deeper based on their follow-up questions. This allows for a more organic and interactive conversation, where the interviewer can explore your expertise and understanding of the topic.

Disclaimer: This blog offers essential Data Analyst interview Q&A on Excel usage. Varying interview scopes are expected. Please ensure to research, study, and practice for comprehensive readiness on your own. Understanding Excel is foundational; broadening it is key. Q&A supplements preparation; customizing and exploring resources to enhance confidence.

Best of luck in your preparation and interview journey!



Chidiebere Chukwuemeka

A researcher, professional data/business analyst. Having a crush on tech. Software Skill: Microsoft Office and Project, SPSS, R, Python, Tableau, SQL, Stata etc