Jeelace glam
2 min readMar 8, 2022

Not your usual pap

Have you ever wondered the kind of water used in making those locally made pap. I have been curious. You go out of your way to get a pap at a vendor close to your house then after taking it you develop a stomach ache which is a sign of bad water. You treat yourself and the urge to take pap comes again. You thought let me just buy it later i would treat myself causing you more damage than good. Well Zo’s pap has made it so easy for you to get a healthy meal at your doorstep. With Zo’s pap you dont have to worry about unhygienic preservation. It is a locally made pap with no artificial ingredient. Just like your usual pap but redefined into neat container and easy to use whenever you desire. The smoothness of pap is so enticing that mere looking at you the mixture you are salivating for a taste of this delicious meal. Do u know that pap lowers your blood pressure and helps cleans the kidney from all sort of debris. Zo’s pap is so easy to make. Just add hot water to the mix and your pap is ready. It can be given to your toddler as well. Zo’s pap is the ideal healthy breakfast for you and your family.

Jeelace glam

Am a driven writer who gets are inspiration from my love for fashion and looking good at all times.