The road map for C# developer to become a React Native developer

Isaac Lem
2 min readMay 12, 2019


Photo by Casey Horner on Unplash

A little background of myself, I spent my entire career focused on developing C# .NET desktop application, never thought that one day I’ll actually joining the JS bandwagon. It all started with the thought of translating my idea into a mobile app and React Native was introduced to me.

So was it difficult for a C# developer with no JavaScript background to master React Native? Definitely not! And here I will share the path I took in achieving it.

  1. Learn Javascript

As someone came from C# background with little to no JavaScript knowledges, I wouldn’t say the learning curve is too steep, but do watch out for some caveats. As such, do have a look at the points shared at and if you wished to dig more, I highly recommend you to have a read this book You don’t know JS, which is available for free at

On top of that, do check out ES6 as it is gonna makes a lot more sense when you trying to learn React Native later. Some of the key features to take a close look at:

  • Let / Const
  • Arrow functions
  • method
  • Object destructuring
  • Spread operators
  • ES6 classes
  • Modules

2. Learn React Native

Out of the tonnes of learning materials available on the net, there are both that I highly recommend as they are really beginner-friendly and tailored for total beginner

3. Understanding Flux and learn Redux

Flux is an application architecture, enforces “Unidirectional Data Flow” design pattern. A nice introduction to this pattern can be found at here

Redux is a library which provides predictable state container.

It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger. —

4. Invest your time on stackoverflow

As a programmer in 2019, chances are you have heard of Stack Overflow, but if you’re not, it is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. Invest some of your time on it not only letting you to reinforce your knowledge, but also boost your confidence.

All in all, it has been a great and pleasant journey in picking up React Native, and I hope this article will helps you understanding that, React Native is a simple framework for you to pick up and as soon as you put your doubt aside, you will come to appreciate it, just like I do.



Isaac Lem

Software Engineer | Keyboard Enthusiast | Coffee-lover