J. Chika Putri Bagaskara
3 min readMar 30, 2015


So, do you know that after-taste, after-feeling or whatever you name it after you watch a rom-com movie? How suddenly you crave for that kind of drama in your real life. Of guys, falling deeply madly in love with you, looking at you with admiration, kiss your shoulder softly, and then BOOM! comes the intrigue drama, where, he shouldn’t be with you, your parents doesn’t approve, you have a boyfriend, he’s your bestfriend, etcetera, etcetera…But for a second you wish you’re that person, the one that is to die for. Then comes the best part, the happy ending, the courage, the bravery, the life-changing decision, and voila! you’re his, he’s yours. She’s there, and you have her.

It is totally normal if you’re feeling what I think you’re feeling right now, because that’s what movies does to you, to make you want to be that person inside it. But oh dear, it is not real. Whatever your feeling right now, that loneliness, emptiness, being ungrateful for what you have, fighting with your own self-control to not text you ex, and hope this time will end differently, THEY ARE NOT REAL.

Somehow your brain creates it,

urging you to crave more love, more respect, more stories in your life. I guess it is just a phase, you’ll get over it eventually. Don’t get me wrong, I am a hopeless romantic kind of person, trust me, I am. In fact, I often watch romantic comedies to get that same kind of feeling, I am addicted to it. I may write this down subjectively, but based on what I am feeling right now, this is it. All those emotions, may be repeatable, comes whenever they like, and then you feel insecure, un-loved, sad, depressed. Then you think, in a snap, you can change everything, although deep down in your heart you know for sure things will be the same, but for a second you have that courage, that ambitions.

Okay, here’s the thing, I am not a psychic, which will know how things will end. But I know one thing, this feeling, whatever you’re feeling right now, it is there, but it is not real. Because if it is, you would have the courage even before you started watching the movie, yes, movies inspires. Isn’t that the reason we watch it anyways? To be inspired.

In conclusion, what I am trying to say, dear friend, think twice. Is it worth it? Is he? Is she? Is it?

Guess what, I am not your mother, so I am not going to tell you what to do, lecturing you on life decisions, it is your life anyway. But again, if what you’re feeling right now is worth it, then do it. I say, why not? It all comes back to you, I suggest don’t, but do it, only, if you have to. Better yet prepare for the consequences. Because I know for sure, happy endings, will only be in that romantic-comedy movies. (Yes, you’ve heard that sentence for a gazillion times, but it’s true)

Be thankful, because life does beats you hard, broke your heart to million pieces, and reality sucks.

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