//State of the Chikn #14

In the boktagon, gloves on.

23 min readOct 20, 2023

Top of the bok, and welcome to State of the Chikn #14. Avalanche has had an incredible month, witnessing a resurgence in traffic from a major mint and the launch of a now-notorious social network.

Also, Chikn, of course.

Bok boks returned, API endpoints went live, and Sherbok sought the coveted Jinjja Chicken endorsement while at Token 2049 in Singapore.

We explored the merits of quitting daily coffees and avocado toasts to become landowners.

Chikn took home the coveted Jail Break Award from Chef Goose’s inaugural Snowy Awards.

And Cluck got down to business with the Polychads, impressing everyone with an awesome slideshow presentation at the Hot Box.

So take a break from the Arena and jump into this instead: the latest and greatest, State of the Chikn.

Cluckdate Log

What the devs have been pecking away at, at a glance.

> New marketplace, details and wallet pages

  • Check it out now on chikn.farm — now featuring a much-requested dark mode!
  • This is a glimpse at the broader UI overhaul, but we’re far from done. More pages will be rolling out, as well as new updates to the recently released pages.
  • We’ve been receiving feedback and taking it on — please keep your comments coming on Discord!

> New Roosting page

  • Completed and currently integrating into the live website, expect a release after final bug testing.

> Even more web design!

  • WormFarm designs are complete.
  • Crafting and Inventory modules are the current focus.
cleeeean 👀

> Chiknstagram release

  • Onboarded six partners so far. Expect more assets to become available as we move forward. More on this later.

> Infrastructure upgrades

  • KFC and Hen Solo are building out a custom relay to improve scalability for smart contract interactions.
  • Currently, the relay provider throttles requests to 120 per hour, which means we’ve had to implement a system that queues requests to prevent bottlenecking.
  • The new custom relay will allow much, much greater request throughput — essential if we’re looking to onboard more users.

> New icons and art assets from Gravy

  • Available now as Discord emojis. Expect to see these enter circulation in official documentation.

Space to Spread Your Wings

Fans of audio communication will have no doubt noted an overhaul of our format and schedule for Spaces. If you haven’t, the short of it is simple.

More spaces.

More often.

The first of these is the weekly Top of the Bok, an informal chat hosted by multi-chain superstar Sherbok Holmes.

The Top of the Bok has moved to a more US-friendly timeslot, running on Tuesdays at 0200 UTC. Top of the Bok alternates between Twitter and Discord, so if you fall out of sync just check in with the regulars to see where the next will be hosted.

The Twitter Spaces go live on Sherbok’s account, so make sure you’re following @SherbokH for all the notifications you could ever need.

Top of the Bok was conceived as a low-key way to keep in touch with the community — the topics range from ecosystem goss to whatever is on anyone’s mind at the time. We’re working on a guest roster as well, so if there’s anyone you think would make a great co-host, slide into Sherbok’s DMs and make an intro.

We’re also keen to get as many people on the stage as possible — don’t hesitate to throw up a hand and chime in if you’re listening along live 🎙️

Last month, the Bok Bok with the devs made tweaks to their monthly fixture.

The monthly Bok Bok is an opportunity to dive into what has been going down on the development side — ecosystem news, updates, and a healthy dose of foreshadowing. These are pencilled in for the first Thursday of the month, so log it in your calendars 🫡

The return of the Bok Bok also comes with a change in the rollout of the monthly State of the Chikn. We’ve heard the loud cry of ‘wen’, so we’ve done our best to fix these schedules accordingly.

Expect SotC to drop mid-month. In this we’ll cover some of the same points in the Bok Bok, but with different details and the addition of whatever else has happened in the weeks between.

The overall goal here is to make our comms more regular and more consistent. We’re aiming for about two weeks between a Bok Bok and a Medium, which means that rather than getting a big ol’ fix every month, you’re getting a big ol’ fix every two weeks. There’s a lot to cover after all.

And speaking of Spaces…

The all-time greats of poultry podcasting, the Chikn Bokcast, made a surprise return from an indefinite hiatus on October 2, catching the community off guard and fuelling speculation of a return to regular daily programming.

If you’re not following @ChiknBokcast yet, go do that and then put pressure on Clint and Search to make a return to the mic!

CCIP Integrations

The Venn diagram that covers Chikn farmers and LINK Marines got a little bigger in the middle as news broke about Chikn deploying CCIP.

This sparked a bit of hype and a fair few calls for more information — so let’s dive into CCIP and what it means for our birds 🐣

Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) is a framework for cross-chain messaging. In essence, it’s infrastructure that supports messaging between different chains. In practice, it means cross-chain tokens without the need for bridging when it isn’t necessary, and secure bridging when it is.

As anyone who has been here for a while knows, bridges often cause more headaches than they solve. In the past, complex contracts involving token locking and minting, along with complex protocols for messaging between chains, have allowed hackers to exploit bridges to the tune of billions of dollars.

Despite a fairly rough historical record, bridges are still essential in today’s web3 world. It’s unrealistic to expect users to pick a chain and stick with it, especially if we’re talking about mass adoption. If we want the tech to grow, we need to have secure ways of moving between chains.

With the growing demand for secure cross-chain solutions, some big players have stepped into the ring. This is where CCIP comes in: Chainlink’s answer to the multi-chain question.

Chainlink carries with it serious reputational weight. There are very few major smart contracts that don’t already have some kind of Chainlink integration — whether it’s an oracle or VRF for random number generation. They’ve demonstrated time and again a commitment to security and reliability, which is why so many leading projects are getting behind CCIP as a solution to the cross-chain problem.

On the Chikn front, cross-chain communication will play a massive role as we move — you guessed it — cross-chain. With CCIP, all of the functions we have planned for the ChiknX expansion become possible. Whether it’s supporting wallet integrations on Polygon, enabling partner foraging and craftables in the game, or the ███████████████████ tokens that need to move between ecosystems, we’re backing the security of CCIP to make it a reality.

OGs will remember our original relationship with Multichain and our vision to bridge NFTs to Avalanche. With CCIP we don’t have to. This technology allows us to bring our product to any chain and access its liquidity and user base without the risks and costs of a traditional bridge.

The BD birds have been busy chatting with Chainlink for a while now about this integration. We’re proud to say that we officially have backing and that Chikn was even featured at SmartCon as a flagship project adopting the new tech.

Sherbok recently met with the Chainlink team in Singapore to cement the relationship, and we’d like to give a special shoutout to certain Chikn OGs who moonlight as members of the Chainlink team in their spare time. This partnership has been a long time in the making and we’re excited that we can finally reveal more details.

As much as we’d love to remove the redacted text boks above and tell you everything about what the cross-chain rollout will look like, the time has not come yet. For now, know that KFC — with technical support from Chainlink — is plucking away at some hefty smart contracts. As we get closer to our cross-chain release we’ll reveal more details about what this actually means for your soon-to-be multi-chain flock.

ChiknX Updates

On the cross-chain front, ChiknX has seen a pivot as we reassess the rollout and reprioritise releases.

As we covered in the October Bok Bok and alluded to in previous editions of the SotC, ChiknX has undergone adjustments in the face of less-than-ideal market conditions. This isn’t a shelving, rather a reshuffling of our schedule to bring other releases forward ahead of the ChiknX mint.

What does it all mean? Let’s dive in ✨

In SotC 13, we talked about three pillars of improvement for the ecosystem:

  • Foraging and off-chain infrastructure
  • TelEGGport/cross-chain technology
  • Eggnite and partner integrations

We did this in an operatic and inspiring tone, as we are sometimes prone to do, but today it’s time to get into the brass tacks and look at the plan and our approach.

Let’s take it from the top.

The primary goal of ChiknX is user acquisition. Initially, this was to be led by a mint of ChiknX NFTs on Polygon and then develop into cross-chain ecosystem integrations from there. But in this market, mint demand would be soggy and our reach to new users minimal. When we played out the mint in our high-tech simulations, we concluded that the biggest audience for ChiknX NFTs would be our existing player base — and while we want to allow you to grow your flock and forage with more birds, it would ultimately defeat the purpose of the cross-chain expansion.

So, we’ve pivoted.

Rather than leading with a mint, we’re bringing cross-chain partner integrations forward and leading with a community-first expansion of the ecosystem. We believe this will better allow us to build a groundswell of users that will convert into Chikn farmers when the time to mint rolls around.

This update will focus on three key areas — these are pain points and opportunities we want to leverage to make the Chikn experience better than it has ever been.

Barriers to entry

One of our greatest badges of honour is also an issue for new users: Chikn NFTs are eggspensive. This is also an issue for current users looking to scale their roost and get more out of the game.

While ChiknX NFTs are a way to solve this issue, it’s not the only tool in our toolboks. Our focus has shifted to enabling third-party NFTs to forage just like your existing chikn and Roostr. Of course, resource return rates will be appropriately nerfed and will only be enabled for a limited time — a bird is, and always will be, the best way to forage.

Initially, third-party NFTs will still need a FarmLand to forage on. However, this doesn’t really remove the barrier as it requires users to purchase land to participate in the game. To solve this problem, we’ve begun work on something we’ve dubbed a ‘Default FarmLand’, although a cooler name will come along with the release. ‘HomelyFarms’ is a front-runner right now, but we’d love to hear your thoughts.

The Default FarmLand will act as a free-to-play hub for new users to begin their foraging journey. Like partner NFTs, these will be appropriately nerfed with resource restrictions, no LP farming, and no Blueprint drops in the WormFarm. However, a Default FarmLand will let players forage, craft, decompose, swap resources, deploy $WORM and equip items, giving them a taste of the honey before they dive head first into the hive.

c’mon, you know you want to

The ‘Default’ assets will serve as a springboard for a broader free-to-play rollout. We’re exploring ways to introduce a Default Chikn that, alongside a hosted wallet solution, will completely remove web3 barriers for new users. This is how we onramp web2 gamers into our ecosystem and, hopefully, web3 gaming as a whole.

User experience

We’re well aware that the Chikn user experience is a little lacking. The complexity of the game and the user interface as it is now is intimidating and turns off new players as soon as they connect.

We’ve been working hard to reskin the entire website, alongside the NFT artwork and rebrand — you’ve been watching us bootstrap this over the last 12 months and some of the results are already live to see.

Real quick — an absolutely massive shoutout to Gravy for all his work on this front. It’s a tough gig and something incredibly hard to execute, and the awesome work he’s done is a testament to his skill as an artist. It’s not all coq pics and tungsten cubes.

Something that’s holding the overall UX back is a lack of streamlined onboarding. The farm can be overwhelming for new players who are asked to get their heads around complex mechanics across multiple tokens — and, of course, a clunky UI.

We’re targeting this from several angles. The first is by condensing the wealth of knowledge in the documentation into easy-to-digest videos that give players an overview of the many mechanics through short, simple snippets. This will help us with user acquisition as we can then remix this content into marketable videos.

We’re also looking into other ways to further gamify the game through onboarding quests and achievements. This is still at a very early stage, but we’ve begun playing with a couple of tools that can help us on this front. We’ve got an early taste of what this might look like coming very soon — in fact, depending on when you’re reading this, it might already be live.

Further down the line, we want to introduce in-game tutorialisation. This will form part of the overall UI overhaul and we’re excited to explore this further. We are also experimenting with PWA and hosted wallet services.

One of the first areas to be targeted by the comprehensive UI overhaul, in addition to the general upgrade to the website, will be foraging. As we’re leaning heavily on Partner Foraging for user acquisition it’s important that new farmers feel good coming to roost. For this, we’re working closely with the team at Mad Studios. They’ll have a unique perspective as MadSkullz will be the first NFT collection we enable for third-party foraging, and building alongside them has been an awesome process so far.


Incentivising players is a core part of Chikn — well, really, any game at all. Existing players know well the circular structure of laying, feeding, squirting, fertilising, foraging, and crafting. But with ChiknX, we plan to expand these incentives to draw in new gamers.

Here, Partner Foraging takes a new form.

Rather than simply foraging for resources using partnered NFTs, players will soon be able to craft items from other ecosystems. Players come to craft items for other games and stay for all the coq jokes.

While the scope of these incentives will start small — we plan to onboard other gaming projects with NFT items — we want to expand the reach of crafting incentives to cover a wide range of rewards. Think limited-edition art, event tickets, merch drops and discounts — anything that can be tokenised can theoretically be crafted in-game.

The idea here is two-fold.

First, we encourage users from partner communities to come to Chikn. Enabling third-party foraging is good and all, but if we provide them with tangible incentives that they can use in the games they already love there’s an even bigger reason to come on over and check out the coop.

Second, we expand the crafting incentive structure for existing players. Players with lots of resources will be able to craft most third-party items quickly and easily, giving them a little something they can take out of Chikn and use in another game.

While we’re still fine-tuning the resource costs that would be associated with these third-party items, we’re aware that they need to be fairly accessible for anyone, even those running with a third-party NFT on a Default FarmLand.

This also means that small farmers — those with a bird or two and a FarmLand — who have previously been unable to craft due to resource limitations will also be able to participate in this new era of foraging. It’s as much about reactivating our existing holders as it is about bringing new ones in.

Rollout plan

Building an NFT project isn’t a straightforward process. There’s no rulebook when it comes to what to do and when, and you’ve seen us adding every piece alongside you. This approach to building in public often makes it hard to set timelines — but it also makes it exciting and dynamic, and gives us flexibility when it comes to new features.

With that timeline caveat aside, let’s look at what the strategy is.

First, we introduce partner incentives through crafting, starting with MadSkullz. The other Venn diagram that we love — that of MadSkullz and Chikn holders — has a decent amount of overlap, so we can test all of the infrastructure without having to worry too much about asking fresh users to get a bird and a FarmLand to forage on.

We will then continue to add partners and build groundswell across the AVAX ecosystem. This will allow us to learn and refine the offerings, iron out any technical difficulties and continue to improve the user experience for a broader market. Scalability is key here and KFC and Hen Solo are hard at work configuring the new relay to enable hundreds of thousands of jpegs for minting.

Phase two will enable partner NFTs to forage on existing FarmLand. Again, we’re teaming up with MadSkullz for this, although we aim to expand both partner foraging and crafting incentives out to a wider range of Avalanche projects fairly quickly after launch.

We then plan to start involving Polygon projects in the mix. Sherbok and Cluck have been busy making calls and shaking hands, and we’ve got a few projects that have already expressed interest in throwing their hat into the farming ring.

The Default FarmLand release will occur at some point after this phase. This will be essential for onboarding the wider circle of projects where that overlap isn’t as large. We’re still nailing down the strategy and mechanics of this implementation.

UX improvements will roll out incrementally until the entire site is reskinned. Then we will continue to improve and add polish to the website as well as extra features like onboarding tutorials.

After building some hype, it’s mint time. Market conditions might take a bit of time to get to where we’d like them, so rather than relying on a general feeling of bullishness in the market, we’ll be creating the conditions for a general feeling of chikness to carry us through.

As we mentioned above, we’re building this alongside you. Your feedback is extremely important, as is your support. So make sure you’re sharing your thoughts on Discord and jumping in the Spaces to let us know what you think. Fresh ideas and perspectives can make all the difference in development, so keep them coming!

Art Style Update

The great debate over the art style upgrade has ruffled a few feathers, but we’ve been tuned into the conversations and have come up with a plan that we think everyone can get on board with.

We have decided to keep the original metadata of chikn NFTs unchanged. This means that they will appear with the original artwork in your wallet and on other platforms.

However, in-game and on our native marketplace the art will default to the new style. This is so that new users can experience a coherent style across the game.

When we say ‘default’, we of course mean there will be an option. We’ll add a toggle to the dApp that lets you switch between the old and new styles with a click.

We’re putting this plan forward after considering all the options and listening to your feedback. We believe this approach walks the line between meeting the overall goals of the brand update while respecting the original art. We don’t want to force anyone to change the NFT they bought, loved, and raised.

On the drawing board were a few other options that we ultimately discarded.

One major consideration was an opt-in approach that allowed users to burn $EGG to toggle the NFT metadata between art styles. This would allow players who wanted to use the new art to upgrade their flock while allowing those who preferred the old art to keep things how they were. We’d also burn a few tokens along the way.

However, we decided against this plan for a couple of reasons.

  • Upgrading the metadata would alter the way the NFT is displayed on third-party sites. This would mean that some of the collection would appear with the old style and some with the new, creating a pretty messy look.
  • Variations within the collection would likely confuse new users, especially as ChiknX rolls out. The upcoming ChiknX NFTs will all have the new style.

So, we opted to leave the metadata untouched. Seeing how art changes impacted projects like DeGods was also a deterrent — the backlash from that was a reminder not to get too cute with it.

Of course, we haven’t locked this plan in 100% just yet — jump in Discord and let us know what you think 🐓


Social media was rocked at the end of September by the surprise release of Chiknstagram — an easy-to-use image remixer pre-loaded with assets from all your favourite NFT projects.

Chiknstagram is the brainchild of superstar developer Hen Solo, built with the help of Risa and the team from MadSkullz. Hundreds of users have already fired up the app and our feed has been covered with memes and edits — you might have seen some yourself.

The app was started as an experiment in socially-driven content creation, with the immediate goal of encouraging users to generate Chikn content for social media quickly and easily. Since launching not all that long ago, the library of assets has grown to include art from Love Monster, MadSkullz, Monkeez, OOPA and PirateNation.

Chiknstagram is free, fun, and easy to use. If you haven’t yet, check it out at chiknstagram.chikn.co and share your art with us on Twitter ✨

Despite its humble beginnings, Chiknstagram has opened our eyes to a world of possibilities. Hen Solo is already experimenting with web3 integrations and we’re investigating SocialFi integrations and microtransactions on top of this tool.

We’re open to all suggestions and feedback, and if you have an existing tool or infrastructure to integrate with Chiknstagram please reach out!

Likewise, if you have an NFT collection you’d like to have added to Chiknstagram, slide in those DMs 🫡

You’ll be seeing a lot more Chiknstagram on our feed — we’ve got competitions and giveaways planned that revolve around the app, so fire it up today and see what it’s capable of.

If you need some inspo for your next masterpiece, check out what the roost has been mixing up since the drop.

Ecosystem Highlights

The feed has been jam-packed with happenings over the last month, from the heated battles of the Trait Showdown to a foray into the world of physical collectables.

The Great Trait Showdown

The Great Trait Showdown pits two great traits against each other in a head-to-head poll in an elimination bracket. The winning trait takes eternal glory — although it’s unlikely it’ll end up putting anything to bed.

Each round features a challenge that asks voters to back their choice in some kind of activity. These range from simply justifying your vote to devising new mechanics for the game that leverage the trait in an original way.

From these submissions, we pick our favourites — these round winners go into a draw after the final to win a Roostr and a share in a 500K $WORM prize pool.

The first round kicked off on October 10 with a heavily-contested matchup between AVAX Degen and Daft Punk. Tensions ran high as maxis from both camps put forward their case, but ultimately there could only be one winner. Despite drawing level a few times throughout the poll, AVAX Degen pulled ahead to move to the next round.

In subsequent rounds, the Business Boy + Wage Slave combo cracked the shell of Snip Snips/Snib Snibs, and Hentai put the wrap on Crusader in a slimy victory.

A big thanks to everyone who has participated so far — congrats if your favourite trait has won, and our condolences if your favourite trait has been knocked out. In planning, we narrowed the field to just 16 traits that the community has rallied behind time again and there are going to be plenty more difficult votes to come.

It’s been amazing to see how passionate Chikn farmers are about the features of the birds they love — and the reasons why they love the traits so much. Some are personal, some are practical, but all are special. Even though we might stoke the flames a little, just know, it’s all love from us ❤️

Birds on the Airwaves

2Six Media remain on the stack, continuing an awesome run of bird-themed content on the air. Following up on their series introducing Chikn, the fellas have reached out to the devs and nabbed some time in the calendar for some interviews.

The first of these was with the spreadsheet big brain, Sherbok Holmes. If you’re curious about the Chikn origin lore, give it a listen.

The next episode featured everyone’s favourite crypto influencer and smart contract configurator, KFC. Tensions were high in the dev shop during editing as we fretted over what alpha he leaked.

2Six plan to get more of your favourite devs on the show and we’re all eagerly awaiting the Late Night Gravy spinoff.

Sherbok continued his lap of the APAC circuit, joining MaeveKnows on the Pukerainbow’s HotBox — a regular space exploring IP and branding in the NFT space.

HotBox is an awesome Space to tune in to and this one had some great alpha for absolutely unconfirmed things to come (ChiknCon, anyone?)

On the (Chikn) Feed


Seabok has been making strides with Rooster Run, opening the floor to the community to design a level in the game. And as per industry standards, everyone’s been asked to design their dream course using stickers on Chiknstagram.

In a terrifying turn of events, a coq has managed to make its way off the blockchain and into the real world. Thankfully Viper has apprehended the wayward coq and plans to return him to the hen house as soon as possible. Or maybe he just 3D printed it, we’re yet to confirm.

Humble farmer Gribbly organised a next-level on-chain capture the flag that saw an army of on-chain sleuths fight to be first to decipher his series of increasingly cryptic clues. Congratulations to Mesiya for cinching the win, a man who is indeed no stranger to searching for coq online.

In other news, Dano has been drumming up support for our integration with Chainlink’s CCIP. Glad we’re not the only ones who think this is kind of a big deal 😏

We saw D0N W0NTON flexing his Chikn merch and might we say, looking absolutely dripped down king. In a two-birds-one-stone moment, he also managed to single-handedly allay fears about the current state of the market with his opulent new whip, displaying it in all its glory in his hot new video.

Even if the apocalypse comes, just remember — The Don will always be there to validate your transactions 🫡

In a moving display of effective interchain avian relations, Sherbok has taken to Twitter to unite the birds of all shapes, colours and chains.

“Birds of a feather flock together.” We couldn’t have put it better ourselves. Eggspect us.

That Tweet that started a movement. Another humble rallying cry from Sherbok dominoed into growth in cross-chain love and collaboration.

It’s an important reminder that if this whole web3 thing’s going to work, we need to work on breaking down the barriers between chains. If we’re going to WAGMI at all, we need to WAGMI together.

One of the first to heed the call was none other than OneThirdNerd who has quickly become one of the biggest champions for cross-chain pollination in the ecosystem. 13N has joined MaticMan a few times on Spaces — great insights, great chats, and we can’t wait to hear more from him in the Polygon space.

In community development news, Wielder of the Ban Hammer Nifty posted a glimpse of her latest wallet tool.

The gift that keeps giving, EggBurn.xyz, has also undergone a major facelift with a brand new home page and the unveiling of some exciting new features such as the Foraging API for Farmland.

Did we ever mention that it has dark mode?

Not one to let a good egg lie, Search took to Spaces to ponder the ovular orb with almost 300 other farmers. Some ripper insights we’d recommend checking out if you haven’t already.

As we mentioned at the top, Cluck and the community hit the Hot Box alongside some of Polygon’s biggest NFT founders to spread the good word on ChiknX.

Engaging discussions, insightful questions, and a community united by a shared vision. Big shoutout to everyone who joined and contributed.

If there were any questions about AVAX being the home of innovators, MadSkullz has put them to rest with their Missing Onez mint.

The M1Z has been hotly anticipated for a long, long time now, and we’re happy to say they’ve been located and are finally coming home. Launching on both Polygon and Ethereum, the NFTs are also going to be mintable using MATIC, ETH, or AVAX. It’s all coming up cross-chain, baby.

This is going to be a big one, so make sure you keep an eye on every Twitter feed as we approach the mint.

And finally, the coqs have made their way onto Salvor, the marketplace that incentivises NFT liquidity with listing rewards.

There’s been a lot of talk about NFT marketplaces on Avalanche recently, and we’re all for growth in the ecosystem. Don’t forget to also check out the hottest source for digital coqs: the marketplace on chikn.farm.

“Never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat”

As we round into Q4, the world around us remains a chaotic and unpredictable place. There is very little we can do as individuals to shape the course of history. However, united, we have a chance to make a mark on the pages that will be read for generations to come. It is our duty as humble Chikn farmers to make this mark, for glory and for the sake of the coop.

In the famous words of Roostevelt:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong bird stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the coq who is actually in the coop, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and worm; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming.”

This, fellow farmers, is where we stand: on the precipice of multi-chain greatness, the many realms of blockchain ecosystems lying before us. But ultimately we strive not for the greatness at the end of the road, but for the greatness in striving itself.

The next time we meet in the hallowed halls of Medium will be on a special occasion. Chikn will mark our second birthday — two full years of the sun’s radiant glow upon our farms. It’s not a milestone we’ll be missing, and we’ve been working on celebrations to mark this momentous occasion. We hope you’ll join us to celebrate the second of many to come.

In the meantime, stay humble, stay farming, and keep pestering KFC for a legendary drop.

“There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the coqs who quell the storm and ride the thunder.”

Bok Bok,

The Chikn Team

