//State of the Chikn #8

Foraging, $FEED & Focusing on the Future.

10 min readSep 7, 2022
Three HD fungibles walk into a bar…


As we continue to expand this ecosystem, there is a lot happening around the grounds of HQ — and in the community at large.

In conjunction with our #BiweeklyBokBok Twitter Spaces, these Medium articles are intended to unearth some of the nearest and largest developments coming your way. However, it would truly be impossible to divulge all that we are working on in a timely fashion — as every hour of each work week is parsed into dedicated streams.

While we see many projects in Web3.0 taking a breather during this market cycle — we remain bullish as ever. We back ourselves, our project, and our community, to persevere no matter the terrain. Because for us — there is no such thing as a bear market — there’s only Chikn markets.

The Feed Wars

Supply Analysis

From day one, FEED was a finite resource, designed to add a competitive element to the Chikn game. But with billions of tokens to release, it seemed like a distant dream. Today, that dream is moving closer and closer to reality with every passing moment. The feed wars are well and truly on.

Have you been stacking FEED? Or Feeding those chooks? Decisions, decisions.

Currently, we sit at approximately 7.6b of 12b feed minted, with about 1b of which sitting in LP Farms rewards yet to be distributed. Given that about 50–60m feed is released per day, this gives an approximate runway of 90 days before all the FEED is released into circulation.

This has been a topic of hot discussion in the coop over the last few weeks, spurred on by observations from V Forever and Gribbly through the Bokcast. They calculated that the amount of EGG in circulation, and in the hands of whales, could have been used to immediately mint the entire remainder of the FEED supply using a native swap rate of 850x. This was the initial spark that ignited the FEED wars.

Community members and whales alike started aping the swap rate to accumulate FEED, as shown by the large spike in EGG burn on the chart below. This led to some of the highest EGG burn rates we have seen since May. Of course we noticed this, and some lever pulling was required to transition gameplay back towards liquidity provision. What happens next will be for the market to decide!

Image courtesy of Search4Yield — check out eggburn.xyz

Remember: FEED will be the only way to make your chikn Biggr.

The FEED swap rate will remain low (and eventually be phased out) and the free market will take control. We can observe how the narrative of FEED scarcity impacts user gameplay through the ecosystem tokenomics. Previously the amount of FEED burned (i.e fed to chikn or used for Roostr cooldown skips) was close to ⅔ of the minted supply. Today that number sits closer to 55%.

Rest assured, once again, that we indeed have plans to ensure liquidity provision is maintained once $FEED runs dry, we call this Life After Feed Farming (LAFF). And yes, we plan to keep our secrets deeply buried in regards to LAFF— no early alpha until the time is right to formally announce the transition.

But that time is not too far away…


The gentle morning sun pours across the sprawling hills of your FarmLand. The breeze rolls through your Bitcorn fields while the chikn scratch and peck around your newly installed helipad. You step out of the coop and breathe deep while the Roostr crows — you gaze across all 25 tiles of your infinite FarmLand and dare to dream of what potential it may hold.

Dream no more, farmers, Foraging is coming.

Foraging is a giant leap for the Chikn ecosystem. We are setting a foundation for new forms of idle gameplay, upgradability, and continual ecosystem growth. You may have gained some insights over the last few weeks, but today we reveal exactly what Foraging is all about.

Every FarmLand has the potential to sprawl through abundant lands rich with useful resources, right there for your feathered friends to find. These resources can be used to craft a multitude of items; some are powerful, some are mystical and some are just downright useful.

Send your chikn or Roostr out to Forage on your FarmLand and they will explore each and every tile, with some probability of successfully retrieving their corresponding resource. There are several ways to increase your chances of success. The traits of every chikn and Roostr correspond to a particular resource they can find. Tactically match traits between your flock of coqs and your FarmLand, and you will have a statistical edge.

The current Fertility of your FarmLand will give you % bonuses across all resources, but you’ll also have the opportunity to target your FERT towards individual resources to optimize your harvests.

To prepare for Foraging — below is the information you will need.
These numbers are variable, and can change over time.

Minimum Requirements to Forage:
- FarmLand = beyond 1bigness
- chikn = any KG accepted
- Roostr = 24KG minimum

Cost Per Forage (flat-fee):
- chikn = 6 EGG
- Roostr = 60 FERT

Foraging Time is calculated as follows:
- Each FarmLand will start with a variable base time of approx. 24hrs.
- There will be a method to decrease this base, which will become clear in due course…
- And, each individual chikn and Roostr’s KG will be subtracted from this time, in minutes. 1KG = 1min.

That is to say, if you were to Forage with a 100KG Roostr:
Foraging Time = Variable Base Time (of FarmLand) - 100mins

The size of your FarmLand adds to the potential resources you will encounter by way of additional tiles, and allows you to send more chikn and Roostr out to Forage. That’s one NFT per tile of your FarmLand (beyond the starting tile), Foraging simultaneously.

Consider the current 5000 FarmLand, each with a possible 24 tiles for foraging. This allows scope for up to 120k NFTs. There are only 22k chikn and Roostr. Breeding the next generation of poultry is one avenue to increase NFTs and users within the ecosystem, but we have our ambitions set much farther afield…

Through Eggnite we not only aim to introduce new projects into the Chikn ecosystem, but also allow the bridging of quality static NFTs from Ethereum and Solana to AVAX. In time, they too will receive utility within our game by way of Foraging. Suddenly the prospect of 120k NFTs becomes little more than a great starting point, which is why we have a further 3 seasonal collections of 5k FarmLand up our sleeves, to accommodate even further ecosystem growth, if and when the demand is suitable.

For our FarmLand-Maxis — as for how many FarmLand you can forage on — initially it will be restricted to only one at a time, but this can be any FarmLand, activated or not. Shortly after release, you will be able to unlock the ability to forage on multiple FarmLand simultaneously to scale your resource gathering enterprise.

An early glimpse of your primary Foraging view 👀 [resource names redacted — icons not final]


To follow shortly after Foraging is Live — Crafting your resources into different items is where you can really begin to compound your foraging efficiency.

A Consumable Item can be used on a chikn, Roostr, or FarmLand, and will have a finite number of uses before it vanishes.

Equippable Items, on the other hand, will require an empty ‘slot’ to be filled and can be used indefinitely.
What are these mysterious ‘slots’ and how are they determined? One doesn’t have to stretch the mind too hard here.

Most of these Equippable items can be minted into on-chain NFTs, and traded on our secondary marketplace.

Eventually, they will also be decomposable — turning them back into a portion of their composite resources — closing the loop for Foraging & Crafting, and ensuring efficient market dynamics for these crafted items.

Beyond Foraging, items will be made available for many aspects of the ecosystem. It is a game-changer in the truest sense.

Original Gravy sketches of the 10 Resources available to Forage.

Foraging will be released at the end of Q3, with regular updates following shortly thereafter. We have an exciting rollout plan to continually deliver new content and features, and it will all be integral to LAFF, as LAFF is to it.

Because this portion of the ecosystem is largely based off the blockchain, we have much more flexibility to expand on top of foraging. As everyone who has been through our past contract migrations now, updating blockchain-based systems is very cumbersome for even the most menial of improvements.

With off-chain foraging, we unlock a whole new world of ecosystem growth and fun gamification for you to enjoy. This is what FarmLand is, and always was, intended to be: an abundant, upgradeable piece of metaverse real estate for you to endlessly explore.

Sharpen those beaks, and feed those Roostr, frens. This game is just getting started.

Eggnite Partnerships

Eggnite propositions have been coming in thick and fast as the Chikn community and beyond seeks to build on top of our ecosystem. We have been carefully vetting these projects and collaborating with promising candidates to craft their vision and integration within & alongside the Chiknverse. While market conditions remain largely unfavorable for launching projects, this has not wavered the tenacity of AVAX builders and Eggnite prospects.

One exciting newcomer who made a splash in the world of AVAX is Gabe Weiss with his new project ‘Conscious Lines’. Congratulations to Gabe on his insane mint-out time, and we wish him all the best on his next mint “The Stoics” over on ETH.

We have partnered with Gabe to prototype an Eggnite project launch for a limited edition collection of chikn-themed art in his iconic Conscious Lines style. This launch will be using the same EGG burn race mechanism behind Roostr, where users burn EGG to compete for a higher rarity NFT. Owners of chikn, Roostr and Conscious Lines will be able to participate in the EGG burn race. This is currently slated for the end of Q3 or early Q4, pending internal capacity and market conditions.

This will solidify the launch of an ETH-based project through Eggnite and allow us to test our new-and-improved infrastructure for the EGG burn race in production. We will be using this same type of launch to attract further artists and projects from other blockchains to AVAX. We are setting a huge precedent here for Eggnite, and ensuring Chikn users get ‘first dibs’ on these launches.

We are getting a lot of proposals for projects which mint a set of NFTs and use the capital raised to pool into the LP farm and then distribute feed rewards to owners of the NFTs. While this is not a terrible idea, it could in fact compromise the longevity of the FEED supply, so we are not endorsing these mechanics through Eggnite. We have, however, factored this free market behavior into our designs for LAFF.

Regardless, we continue to encourage creativity in design and integration when it comes to Eggnite projects.

Eggnite has unofficially opened for applications and we encourage anyone interested in submitting a proposal to reach out via:

We will soon be releasing a standalone webpage for Eggnite with a submission form and whitepaper/deck for prospective applicants.

Sample artwork from the Gabe Weis x Chikn collaboration

Guerilla Marketing

To increase our online presence and funnel new entrants into the ecosystem, we have been pushing for community driven guerilla marketing. This initiative has been largely inspired by the wonderful people over at the Bokcast, which has truly cemented itself as a mainstay of the chikn ecosystem. Clint, Duke, and Search4Yield have been broadcasting for at least an hour every day for over 50 days, an incredible effort. They’ve taken the initiative to coordinate raids, giveaways and promote Chikn all over the internet. Expect to see some dev team members in an upcoming episode!

AVAX PDX is another fantastic community driven marketing front, and the fellas over there were kind enough to put chikn front and center. While this was covered back in our last State of the Chikn, the ongoing resonance of the event has done wonders for our marketing presence. Congrats on being shouted out by Emin!

These larger scale efforts have inspired the community to mobilize further for guerilla marketing. We’ve had Jafar and Lallantop creating hilarious video and image memes being blasted across Twitter and TikTok regularly. Go give them a follow:

We are actively nurturing this organic community marketing to further extend our reach and show the world what chikn is all about. We’ve set up some small discord groups to mobilize these efforts. We are looking for anyone who can contribute memes, videos, podcasts, or music; also any strategic giga brains willing to lay down factos in the community Wiki. We want you in there, simply post in the Guerillas channel or contact the dev team for an invite.

All this during the throngs of a bear market. Keep up the great work everyone, this community is like no other.

In Conclusion

The Chikn ecosystem continues to grow and outperform the broader market as the macro winds shift. While turbulence and uncertainty plague the minds of the masses, our humble slice of the Metaverse remains comfy. But comfort does not give way to complacency, and the infrastructure for a new era of Chikn is being built before our very eyes.

Everyone knows that Chikn is the leading NFT ecosystem on the Avalanche blockchain, and when the tides turn back to bullish, we will be ready to welcome the masses. With such a powerful community leading the charge, cutting-edge blockchain technology to house us, and dedicated devs committing their lives to Chikn — nothing can stand in our way.

Oh, and one last thing — Roostr daycare is just around the corner… 😘

Bok on, Mothercluckers.
The Chikn Devs.

