The Early Bird gets the $WORM.

Our NEW TOKEN, for both rewards & utility.
13 min readOct 29, 2022

At an undisclosed time within the next 72hrs, the next piece of the Chikn puzzle will emerge…

Before we dig in, heed our caution: The $WORM token ID will be announced by us, and only us, from:

- our official Discord #Announcements channel, and

- our official Twitter account ONCE IT IS LIVE.

DO NOT fall for fake tokens, fake websites, fake devs or fake DM’s. When in doubt, confirm the token ID in the footer of our website:

Welcome to LAFF!

Many-a-bird has pondered what life will be like after $FEED runs out. Well, wonder no more — the answer has been right under your beaks the entire time...

Our next milestone release and most significant ‘missing piece’ of our Foraging update is here — and it will change the course of Chikn forever.

No, it’s not $DIRT, it’s not $LIFE, it’s not $SEED, and it’s certainly not more $FEED…

When it comes to ‘LAFF’, of course, we’re talking about $WORM

The Early Birds amongst you already ‘got it’ long ago, because you’ve been here from the start — and you know all too well to pay attention!

hrmm what’s that little guy doing there on the homepage? Sure doesn’t look like the $FEED token 👀
Us? Plan ahead? Never!

But now the secret is out — what is it? What does it do? And perhaps most importantly, where does it go??

Turns out there’s quite the surprise buried beneath your FarmLand…


The Missing Piece of your Farm - integral for Foraging, Crafting, and more.

As hinted previously, there are two major components to this update:

  • A new rewards and utility token, $WORM
  • An upgrade to Foraging — WormFarm — which puts your wriggly little friends to work!

The following is only the start for $WORM and WormFarm. As the ecosystem grows, worms will play an increasingly important role across all of Chikn. But they also look pretty tasty, and we’re feeling kinda… peckish.


Worms in an eggshell [TLDR]

Once $WORM is LIVE:

  • Attract $WORM to your FarmLand using EGG LP — Through our New LP farm.
  • Collect your $WORM — claim them to your wallet!
  • Deploy your $WORM to your WormFarm — which already exists underneath your FarmLand!
  • Just like FarmLand — your WormFarm can be EGGspanded to allow for a higher WormCount (Number of Worm deployed in your WormFarm)
  • Note: The potential size of your WormFarm is restricted by the size of your FarmLand.
  • Burn EGG to tunnel deeper into your WormFarm and allow for more Worm to be deployed. Note: there is an increasing cooldown.
  • Higher WormCount = reduced foraging (base) time!
  • Higher WormCount = more item blueprints discovered!
  • You’ll use Worm from your WormFarm for Crafting, Composting and item decomposition — this will Lower your Worm Count.
  • Each WormFarm is specific to each FarmLand — it is off-chain and is part of the Foraging ecosystem
  • Worm are cute, diligent, and delicious — Deploy as many as you can to your WormFarm — they will come in handy — and you never know what they might dig up!

LP Farms

The day all $FEED hoarders have long awaited is fast approaching — supplies are dwindling, and the silos are starting to empty. However, like the cycles of nature, the Chikn ecosystem perpetuates. There is much abundance on your fertile FarmLands to maintain the circle of life. In feeding your chikn and squirting that FERT, delicious nutrients have returned to the soil and birthed a new form of homeostasis — the WormFarm.

$WORM are collected/harvested from LP Farming, in much the same way as $FEED farming. Your current rewards multiplier will carry over to $WORM pools, and emission rates can be increased by fertilizing your farm. The base emission rate of $WORM is lower than that of $FEED, and the multiplier applies over a 120-day timeframe.

This is the same way that $FEED and $FERT pair multipliers work on existing farms, and ensures the emissions of $WORM are controlled for a long-term time horizon and optimal gameplay.

While there are still $FEED rewards to be harvested, we don’t want you to have to choose between $FEED and $WORM. A new EGG/AVAX LP Farm will soon be added that emits both $WORM and $FEED.

For those playing at home, that’s dual rewards 🎊

To start earning these dual rewards you will need to move your JLP tokens to this new EGG LP Farm. Once the $FEED supply runs dry, you’ll continue farming $WORM from this LP farm pair. Please note that the original single rewards pair will not continue to have $FEED rewards added, so do keep in mind that any unclaimed feed will be forfeited once the $FEED rewards are depleted in the current LP Farm. Don’t forget to claim!

Like $FEED, your $WORM first goes into your Silo. Once your Silo is full, you’ll stop earning rewards until you empty it (claim it) into your wallet.

This is a separate Silo from $FEED, which fills and grows at a slightly different rate but gets claimed simultaneously to $FEED rewards. Check out the chart for an overview:

Note that once your FarmLand hits 120 bigness, you’ll have infinite $WORM capacity (on-chain) alongside infinite $FEED capacity. For now, this is the endgame goal of $worm farming.

Invertebrate-themed rewards tokens aren’t the only reason to get excited about the new LP farms. These will also rollout new smart contracts with upgraded capabilities — namely, the ability to distribute multiple token rewards. These rewards can be changed even after the contract is deployed.

This feature will be paramount for Eggnite partners and any future tokens that might enter the Chikn ecosystem


Worms are your friends for crafting, foraging, composting, decomposing, and more. They’re also great on long road trips if you’re feeling hungry or just need a friend.

Worms are comfiest in their natural habitat, and every FarmLand sits atop nutrient-dense soil to house your wriggly friends. Worm minimalists will tell you that a ‘worm farm’ is a small box that you fill with food scraps, but we here at Chikn believe that all worms should be given the chance to live the best life they can. That’s why the ground underneath every single tile of your FarmLand is premium worm habitat. This is your WormFarm.

Deploying $WORM to your WormFarm is akin to depositing them into your off-chain holdings — similar to the process for $EGG and $FERT in regards to Foraging.

Unlike $EGG and $FERT, which will eventually be able to be re-minted back on-chain, $WORM cannot be withdrawn from the WormFarm. It’s science — you try burying 6 million worms beneath a farm before trying to dig them all up again. It’s no simple task. So make sure you’re happy to permanently deploy those worms for use within the Chikn ecosystem before doing so.

Why should you take your $WORM from the surface, and deploy them into the soily expanses underground? Apart from it being the humane thing to do, worms are now an essential part of the ecosystem. They’ll help your feathered friends forage faster by making resources more readily available near the surface of your FarmLand. They’ll aid in the decomposition of items, breaking them down into their composite resources (to varying degrees). They’ll find item Blueprints for you — and who knows what else! They even craft items for you at their own peril!

The bigger your FarmLand, the more worms you can fit under there. While the current cap on FarmLand tiles and infinite capacity is hit at 120 bigness, your worms can dig deep — so deep you’ll need a FarmLand at 195 bigness, which can hold a hefty 6 million $WORM, to reach the bottom. But your worm friends won’t necessarily stop here, there is a lot for your wriggly friends to explore under your FarmLand — but everything in its time…

The potential release of new seasons of FarmLand will only serve to increase the $WORM ‘sink’ — and this doesn’t even count the Worm that are lost through crafting, composting and decomposing.

But enough of numbers and extrapolative graphs — let’s meet your new WormFarm and Worm companions!

How low can you go?

This display will represent your WormFarm, its capacity, and how many worms you currently have deployed inside.

The size of your FarmLand determines the potential capacity of your WormFarm. The current capacity of your WormFarm is represented by the length of the tunnel (Tunnel Depth). As you reveal more tiles on your FarmLand, you will be able to dig further down into the mysterious depths of your WormFarm. To dig further you will have to burn a steadily increasing $EGG fee as well as wait for an increasing cooldown to pass.

As you deposit $WORM and your WormCount increases, your Worm friends will explore further down the tunnel. Who knows what could be hiding down there! As your WormCount decreases, so too will your Worm population, but your tunnel will remain.

Occasionally, when digging deeper, you may uncover something uneggspected in your WormFarm. To collect booty you’ll have to keep increasing your WormCount until these little critters reach the prize. The potential of what awaits increases exponentially with your depth!

Note: When a FarmLand is sold — so too is its WormFarm, along with the Tunnel Depth, and all $WORM contained within.


Worms are your smart little smithies — their strong, boneless bodies discover buried blueprints, and they’ll sacrifice themselves to craft their designs.

Blueprints are unlocked at certain milestones. The more Worm in your WormFarm, the more blueprints you will find. This also means that you’ll need to increase the size of your FarmLand to unlock certain blueprints. In the future, other criteria may also arise to unlock special blueprints…

The life of a Worm is part comedy, part tragedy; crafting comes at a price. Whenever you craft an item, worms are sadly lost in the process. This decreases the WormCount in your WormFarm. Don’t feel too down though — worms want what’s best for the colony. The greater good is at play. ❤️

Note: Blueprints and Crafting to be rolled out in near-future updates


Decomposition is at the top of job responsibilities for any worm. These hungry little go-getters are capable of decomposing items, returning to you the constituent resources.

However, decomposition is hard work, and some of your worms will naturally over-gorge themselves. Some of the little chubsters are bound to be lost in the process — an unfortunate but necessary price for any decomposed item.


Slated for a later release, using your $WORM for composting will:

1. Dispose of unwanted Resources, giving you more space in your inventory. Who knows how it will affect the soil…🤔


2. Allow you to break down specific combinations of Resources, for a small amount of another Resource.

Chikn Worms are no ordinary worms.


Increasing the WormCount under your FarmLand keeps your soil healthy and pliable, allowing your worms to bring your resources closer to the surface, decreasing foraging time. The more worms in your farm, the quicker those resources are brought to the surface for your Chikn and Roostr to find.

In alpha, the foraging time was fixed at 24 hours. Now, this is a range of times within a one-hour window. This means that your base foraging time is between 23 and 24 hours and is randomly decided based on how each Coq is feeling at the commencement of a forage.

The base foraging time decreases as you add $WORM to your WormFarm. But those little chikn legs can only run so fast — foraging times have a hard floor of 4 hours. Foraging speeds faster than this are currently unknown to both man and chook — but much like the 4-minute mile — who knows what the future may hold…

Remember — if your WormCount slips backwards, then so too will your foraging time!

Crucially, the weight of each chikn & Roostr also decreases their foraging time by 1 minute per KG, so fatten that poultry for optimal results!

$WORM Tokenomics

It’s not easy creating a tokenized game ecosystem, let alone a subterranean ecosystem for worms. Still, the BBCs (Big Brain Coqs) at Chikn HQ banged their combs together to come up with meticulously crafted tokenomics for $WORM that serve to maximize utility and optimize gameplay across the ecosystem.

As a rewards token, $WORM is naturally inflationary, because we need players to generate and use it. We’ll employ similar tactics to $EGG and $FERT to ensure that $WORM is burned — not through some shady buyback, but through good old-fashioned utility that requires you to play the game!

$WORM has a soft supply cap of 24 billion. We may discretionarily increase the supply in increments to account for increased emissions ONLY when Eggnite & relevant partnerships are struck. That is to say, if the player base is expanding through partnerships, integrations & pivotal developments, we allow for an increase of up to 2 billion in supply at each quarterly review juncture. If an increase in the cap is necessary, rest assured you will be notified. If it is not in the best interest of the project, the community & the tokenomics, the supply cap will remain unchanged. This decision-making process will eventually transition from the development team to the DAO — leaving the ultimate supply of $WORM in the hands of the community. Democracy.

This supply and the predicted emission rates give us an extremely long runway for LP rewards, giving the LP farms longevity and ensuring deep liquidity over the years. As you hopefully all know by now, we are here for the long term.

$WORM can be used for crafting, foraging, composting and decomposing, and will certainly find new utilities as the ecosystem grows.

There are no team allocations for $WORM. We’ll be scratching in the dirt for them alongside you all.

We’re expecting $WORM emissions to be around 8–10 billion in the first 5 years. To get this projection we used the following methodology:

  • Project the total KGs of Chikn and roostr over time. Note that Chikn KGs are expected to grow past the point the full $FEED supply hits circulation. This is because circulating $FEED will take some time to leave the chain and enter the bellies of hungry Chikn.
  • Use this to predict $EGG emissions over time, assume 30% of $EGG ends up in LP. This matches the average rate of LP provision over the last 12 months of the project - but may change over time.
  • Use the same projection for $FERT, assume 30% of $FERT gets used on LP farms to increase multipliers. This projection matches historical data but is more difficult to project due to $FERT emissions being based on Roostr getting fed $EGG every day. The projection is therefore generous to ensure that, even at a high emission rate of $WORM from the LP Farm, the tokenomics are still sound. If this higher level of emissions is accounted for, any lower emission rates are well and truly covered.
  • Based on the size of the LP farm and the $EGG in LP, we can project $WORM emissions.
Note: Does not depict Worms Burned 🔥
  • Check that straight line out — emissions increase linearly after all LP farms reach a 16x multiplier!

There’s more than one way to dig up a Worm, at least to begin with. Keep those beaks down and that FarmLand bigness up, and you may land yourself a wormy surprise.

The future of $FEED

Soon, all 12 billion $FEED will have been minted into existence and will eventually make its way to the bellies of hungry chooks.

The team is holding onto 800 million $FEED to be added to the Chikn DAO — all remaining team allocations after this are being released into circulation. This DAO allocation may also eventually enter circulation, but only at the discretion of the community and DAO participants.

Got a hungry Coq? Make sure you farm $FEED while you still can! And don’t forget that double rewards LP Farm while we transition to LAFF ✨

Opening a can of worms

As $FEED dwindles, our earth-bound buddies shall rise from the dirt and wriggle us toward a new future for the Chikn ecosystem. Although we’ve got quite a big release with $WORM and WormFarm, this is by no means the end of the updates — we’ll continue to add more utility as we move forward. Much more.

Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, at Chikn, everyone gets the Worm 🪱

Bok Bok,

The Chikn Team 🐔🌱

