The Whole Armour of God

Children of Light
4 min readMay 6, 2024


Dear Light of the World,

I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m growing older, but recently, when I say a lot of things, I immediately realize that I sound like my parents. My mother especially. For instance, I was having a conversation with my boss recently about someone who’d been going through a tough time, and I commented. I said, “It could be spiritual”. I immediately caught myself, cos I thought I sounded like one of these overly “spiricoco” adults. It’s funny. But something I’ve come to realize is that maturity is realizing and admitting that all the things our parents were overly spiritual about were indeed spiritual. The physical realm is controlled by the spiritual. So there is no denying the fact that a lot of things we know nothing about. So, now, what do we do, or what can we do about these activities that happen in the spiritual realm that no one is aware of? The answer is as simple as ABC. Put on the whole armour of God.

In Ephesians 6:10–18, Paul explains this in the best way possible. He starts by telling us what he’s about to say is the key to remaining strong in the Lord. This key is put on the whole armour of God. WHY? Because we do wrestle against principalities and powers, and the rulers of darkness, etc. Basically, it is against every form of evil. So, we take up the armour of God so that when these forms of evil come, we are ready and not caught by surprise. We are strong enough to stand up against it. Now, when Paul says evil or devil or whatever it is in your translation, He’s not just referring to evil deeds like lying, cheating, stealing, killing, etc. He’s referring to those evil deeds that happen in the spiritual realm that we are unaware of, but inevitably, one way or the other, affect our livelihood. Some of the challenges we face, ironically, aren’t a result of our actions or mistakes. It is not God trying to harm you. But, It could just be plain evil. The Devil sees potential in something you’re taking out time to do and decides that he’s not going to allow that thing to succeed. So he attacks. Causes delays, frustrations, disappointment, rejection, failure, loss, death, and accidents. All these, just so that you give up on something that God has promised you or destined you to do.

Thankfully, Paul has given us the best way to fight against these attacks. Which is the whole armour of God. Now, what is this “whole Armor” that I’ve been saying since? The first part of the armour we see is the ‘Gird’. The gird Paul talks about is truth. In verse 14, but then he says that you must have worn the breastplate first before the Gird. The breastplate here is righteousness. Now, the question is, what does a gird do for a breastplate? First off, the breastplate, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is a piece of armour that covers the chest. Also known as the chest plate. So, in the old days, when there was the kind of war where this was worn as protection, it was worn to protect your heart. You don’t want to be fighting a war and have your enemy thrust a sword or weapon into your chest at once. So, therefore, as Children of God, Paul tells us that the best way to guard your heart from the devil or evil is to be righteous or to live a righteous life and the key to living a righteous life is Truth. To be righteous means to be right before God, and the only way to be right is to be truthful.

In verse 15, Paul says to shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Just as the soldiers bound their feet so they can always be ready to fight, is the same way we should be ready at all times to spread the gospel of Christ which brings peace to the hearts of men. This means that you should be ready to preach, teach, and share the gospel at any time, with anyone, and in any and every way possible. This is why I always pray this prayer, asking God for the grace to please him in every aspect of my life. WHY? Because someone somewhere is reading me as their Bible. So I can not afford to lead anyone astray in any way. The Gospel should be your lifestyle. People should see you and see God immediately. This is why I love Matthew 5:16. I take that as my mandate from God. To shine the light of God to the whole at all times and in any way possible.

I’ll pause here. There’s more to come, I promise.

But remember that you are LIGHT

And you must SHINE

Cheers 🍻



Children of Light

Matthew 5:16 says "Let your light shine before men, that they might see your good deeds and praise your father, in heaven." You are Light and You must Shine!!