3 min readSep 8, 2016

Basic Comic Book Techniques for Aspiring Artists

Here are the tools you need to start an awesome comic book.

So you’ve made a decision; you’re finally going to write your own comic book. No doubt you already have the talent to make those pages come alive with the illustrations of the worlds you have inside your head.

What’s next?

Let’s start with your tools.

Of course, you’re already equipped with the basics: pencils, drawing pads, and different colors of inks — among others. However, to make your comic book look more legit, you will need a few more upgrades. A must would be a digital drawing tablet and some illustration software, such as Inkscape, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. A scanner would be a great plus.

Now let’s go to the art techniques you can apply to your comic book’s illustrations.

The Basics


Your readers will identify the rhythm of your illustrations through your strokes. They can be determined through the pencil’s thickness or darkness.


Lines are one of the basics in drawing. With constant practice, you will achieve drawing lines without the help of a ruler.


Like lines, curves would be the other important element in your comic book, especially in character building.

Shading Techniques

With shading, it’s important to study the relationship of light and shadow to your illustrations. This is an effective method when you want to set the mood of your setting or the expression of your character.

Inking Techniques

The common tools for inking are brushes and pens. They can be used exclusively or combined, depending on the artist and his style. Brushes produce realistic output, while pens are best for accentuating small details.

Here are some inking tricks you may want to check out:

  • Spotting Blacks — heavy black ink is applied
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  • Feathering — softens dark edges and creates gradient from light to dark
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  • Ink Wash — dilutes ink in water and produces different shades
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  • Cross-Hatching — overlapping sets of inked lines
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Now that you know the basics, practice some more until you are sure of your skills, then go draw that comic book.

PS: Click here for a more detailed explanation of the art techniques in comic books.