Things you should know about Urinary Tract Infections in Toddlers


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a medical condition that affects adults more than once in their lifetime. However, toddlers and infants can also get an infection anywhere in the urinary system. Be it the bladders, kidney, or urethra. If you think that your little ones are having trouble while peeing, read this post to know everything about UTI.

What is UTI?

As the name implies, it is an infection of the urinary tract. It happens when germs from the skin or the poop enter the urinary system through the urethra. The discomfort should not be ignored and must be treated immediately. UTI doesn’t go away on their own and need medical treatment.

What are the signs to spot UTI in toddlers?

Kids are often unable to describe what kind of discomfort they are experiencing. So it is important for the parents to know the signs to spot the problem. The symptoms of UTI in toddlers are different than in adults. The most common signs of your child’s urinary system getting infected are:

· Foul-smelling cloudy urine

· Fever

· Frequent bathroom trips

· Burning sensation while urination

· Stomach ache

How to diagnose UTI?

If the signs match with what your kid is experiencing right now and you are suspecting of the culprit as UTI, it needed to be diagnosed immediately. You should go see a doctor immediately who will conduct a urine culture to diagnose the problem.

What causes UTIs in toddlers?

Poor wiping habits are the most common reason for kids getting UTI. It happens when the bacteria from the feces travel to the urethra and then infect the urinary tract. Girls are more likely to catch UTI because of the shorter urethra. Additionally, if you have a family history of UTI then your kids are more prone to the infection.

What is the treatment for UTI in toddlers?

The ideal treatment is to kill the bacteria causing the infection. And for UTI antibiotics is the best solution to deal with the problem. The course of medicine should be given in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Along with the medications, it is important to increase their fluid intake and repeat urine analysis once the treatment is over and the infection is gone.

For appropriate treatment and supervision, kids under the age of 6 months may also need to be hospitalized for older kids at-home treatments are enough to treat the infection.

Prevention is better than cure. Take special care of your kid’s potty training and hygiene habits. Make every possible attempt to reduce bacterial growth. For more useful information about child health and safety, you can reach out to Childventures. It is a modern child care facility in Ontario.

Original Source: Things you should know about Urinary Tract Infections in Toddlers



Childventures Early Learning Academy

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