Day 10 of 100: Social Share button design concept [animated]

Chimdindu Aneke
100 days of UI(UX) design
3 min readJul 3, 2016


Put on your dancing shoes for we’re celebrating our first milestone in this adventurous and grace-filled journey. ( Yes “we” because this 100 days journey is for both the writer/designer and the readers/learners/reviewers since effort is applied to write/design/read.

It has been 10 amazing designs in 2 weeks. Step by step we are moving :)

Biko, [please in Igbo language] let’s get down to the main business of the day…enough party already abi? hahahaha.

As usual, the 10th design prompt by dailyUI was to design a social share UI concept. Which simply means to design a share button or icon that allows people to share an article/websites/video etc to a social site.

How it went down

After hours of seeking for a ‘goosebump-shedding’ kinda idea, for there is nothing difficult in just putting a ‘share’ text in a rectangle to make a share button/icon. I just wanted to create something different and that will resonate well with web users. Also, considering that this was a milestone design — I decided to add a bit of interaction to whatever design I generate.

After lots of “undos” and “redos” using Sketch App, I ended up designing the pages below:

Clicking on the share button brings up the side share menu (not animated yet)


For the interaction design, I experimented Flinto Prototyping tool ( a prototyping tool used by designers to bring ideas and visual concepts to life ). And it was my first time dealing with Flinto and I actually found it pretty simple to use. But I will keep trying others until one becomes natural.

I ended up with 5 different styles.

Let me know your best interaction out of the five and the reason why in the comment section :) Thank you very much I and hope you enjoyed it?



Chimdindu Aneke
100 days of UI(UX) design

Father of Millions. Here on earth to Love God, Love people, and Lead and impact my generation. CurrentLy Program Manager@Facebook. Formerly @Google @Andela.