Big Small Person

1 min readSep 16, 2018

Before I met you, a lot of things were just words. I never understood why we needed to be like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. I didn’t understand how big small gestures really are. I never really understood just how much a little could be. I didn’t know that one didn’t have to be big to move mountains. It is from you that I learnt all this. You taught me in the subtlest manner possible, through your innocence, brilliance and spontaneity.

To you size is a just a construct. You’re the real big person. You moved me in ways I can’t explain. Like no one ever has. You have the biggest heart of all people I know. You’re the biggest small person there is. You are destined to do great things. You’re already a great thief; You stole my heart.

The only girl who missed me before she ever met me. The only girl who knows what just to say to warm my heart.
The only girl who’s made me begin understanding the small things. Happy Birthday Kwangu, my Big Small Person.

