led display video player with 8 features

5 min readApr 24, 2023


China’s LED display enterprises in the scale of development at the same time, product technology innovation, has maintained a relatively advanced level. In the early 1990s, it has developed advanced technologies such as 16-level gray 256 color video control technology and wireless remote control.

led display

In recent years, China’s advanced technologies and products reaching the international level have appeared in the fields of full-color LED display, 256-level gray video control technology, cluster control without longitude, multistage group control technology, etc. LED display control specific large-scale integrated circuit has also been developed and produced by Chinese enterprises and has been applied. The development of color LED display is inseparable from the help of the video processor, then, LED video player is how to complete the development effect of the display? How do 3D LED Billboards work? https://www.sostron.com/service/faq/2812

With the progress of IC technology and the development of processor technology, the processors of DSP, RISC and VLIW are gradually unified, and now the multimedia processor integrates three kinds of processor technology. SOC technology is evolving very quickly, and VIDEOPROCESSOR is already very powerful. Video processor integrates a lot of peripheral circuits, including VI unit (VIDEOINUNIT), VO unit (VIDEOOUTUNIT), AI unit (AUDIOINUNIT), AO unit (AUDIOOUTUNIT), and some internal coprocessors, Such as variable length encoding/decoder VLX, motion prediction ME, DMA controller, IIC controller, etc., the integration of these IP modules greatly enhances the processing power of the VP, which also appears under the name of DSP.

led display

Video processor is the full birth, growth and maturity of LED full-color display witness and landmark equipment, LED dedicated video processing equipment in this process is gradually mature, LED video processor directly affects the display effect of LED display. In general, LED video processor, is LED dedicated video processor. What it needs to accomplish, simply put, is to convert the image signal from the outside (such as Blu-ray DVD, computer, HD player box, etc.) into the signal that the LED display can accept. The quality of LED video processor directly affects the display effect of LED screen.

LED video player is how to complete the perfect display of full color led display? It mainly includes the following points:

Picture zoom

The led screen display is point-to-point, which determines that the LED screen can only display the same size as its physical resolution. The LED video processor can scale the image, output the image in any size, and complete the desktop mapping to the led screen. Whether the resolution is increased or decreased, the full image can be displayed on the screen.

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Resolution specification conversion

Generally speaking, the signal resolution provided by image signal sources (such as Blu-ray DVD, computer, HD player box, etc.) has a fixed specification (refer to VESA, ITU, SMPTE and other standards), while the modular Mosaic display of led display makes its resolution almost arbitrary. The video processor translates a variety of signal resolutions into the actual physical display resolution of the led display.

Signal switching and switching

Video processing equipment can complete the format conversion between many signals. Another important function of the video processor is to manage all kinds of signals when there are multiple signals, and flexibly switch between signals quickly.

Image quality enhancement

Digital image processing technology from the 1920s to the present, there are a large number of patent technology. For example, DCDi, ACC2, ACM3D and other Emmy-winning Faroudja laboratory’s series of patented technologies. These techniques have undoubtedly greatly improved the visual effects of images. The pixel spacing of LED display itself is much greater than that of other flat panel display media, so it has strict requirements for image processing technology, especially image enhancement technology. High-quality LED video processors can use advanced algorithms to modify poor image quality signals, perform a series of processing such as de-interspacing, edge sharpening, motion compensation, and so on to enhance image details and improve picture quality.

Large screen splicing

At present, the spacing of LED screens is getting smaller and smaller, and the dimensions are getting larger and larger, which makes the physical resolution of led screens become very large. LED video processor with splicing function, can drive large resolution screen, is a very cost-effective driver.

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Multipicture processing

In many special scenarios, one screen needs to display multiple images of the same or different signals. The video processor with the multi-image processing function can flexibly meet such display requirements.

Bit depth lifting

At present, the gray level of led electronic display has been raised to 16 bits, 17 bits, but most of the input signal source is only 8 bits. Therefore, with the advent of high-definition display, 10 — and even 12-bit processing technology in video processors is the trend.

Color space conversion

LED displays have a wide color gamut, whereas most image signals have a small color space (such as NTSC). In order to make the led display have excellent image display effect, it is necessary to carry out color space conversion.

Thank you for watching. I hope we can solve your problems. Sostron is a professional LED display manufacturer. We provide all kinds of displays, display leasing and display solutions around the world. If you want to know:How do outdoor LED screens cope with hot and rainy seasons? Please click read.

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