Circadian rhythm – our biological clock

4 min readOct 11, 2019

It is 6 30 am in the morning. The usual time of the day when I sit for my morning meditation. And exactly after a few minutes, I listen to an alarm from my neighbouring apartment (thanks to our building walls that are noise friendly, we can overhear our neighbour’s conversations too). By now I am used to the routine noise from the alarm that goes off around same time, everyday :) The alarm ringtone goes on and on for eternity and there would be no sign of my neighbour waking up to switch the alarm off till I complete my meditation practice.

I am not mad at my neighbour for not waking up immediately after the alarm goes off. I am more worried about my neighbour’s sluggish and lethargic mornings that is going to hamper his productive hours. I am also concerned about this usual morning sickness and all the unhealthy symptoms that follow, including increased tiredness and fatigue, which may lead to serious chronic conditions at a later stage, if not corrected now.

The sleeping disorders and the morning sickness is on a rise like never before in. the recent times. This made me think about the prevailing lifestyle and how it is affecting our ‘biological clock’, what the modern day scientific community refers to as – circadian rhythms. There is a close connection between circadian rhythm and sleeping pattern.





Meditation & wellness coach, Counsellor, blogger. My interests include Mind, Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda, Stress management and wellness. visit: