Dinacharya – your daily routine

4 min readOct 11, 2019

Ayurveda talks a great deal about a biological rhythm that we all possess. It also talks about the importance of following a daily, weekly and seasonal routine and keeping our body in alignment with nature and surroundings.

When we go ‘off track’ from our biological rhythm we tend to loose our balance, and we are prone to all sorts of chronic illnesses. Having learnt about the ‘Dinacharya’ or daily routine in Ayurveda, I was intrigued by the profound wisdom and insight our ancestors had some 5000 years ago, without any advancements in technology like in our recent times.

According to Ayurveda, our body and mind follows a certain rhythmic cycle. When we align our activities to match this cycle, we stay in alignment with our surroundings. For instance, there is natural cycle (between 10 am to 2 pm) when the digestive fire in our body is at its peak. This is the time when we should eat our heaviest meal. I am going to list down in detail, about the cycles in a day and the routine to follow:

6 am to 10 am – kapha cycle (our body and mind gathers strength and prepares for the rest of the day).

Waking up before 6 am is ideal, and as we delay our waking time we tend to feel sluggish and lethargic (due to Kapha build up). Brushing teeth, oil swishing…




Meditation & wellness coach, Counsellor, blogger. My interests include Mind, Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda, Stress management and wellness. visit: vedicroutine.com