2 min readFeb 9, 2022

I’m standing next to the mirror infront of the kitchen waiting for my soup to boil properly so it doesn’t sour.
Anyway, I’m standing there when some year ones start discussing their engine drawing assignment on first and third angle projections. I don’t smile. My head feels like Thor tried to give me a high five and missed and my legs were threatening to give way. However, it brought back fond memories.

When I was in year one, my friend, Wil who was in his third year then used to sacrifice his weekends to teach me engine drawing. He spent a good number of hours at SEET complex explaining those projections stuff while I complained about how FUTO was still so backward. Well, FUTO is still backward so…

So sometimes when I think of any of the elders* I've had as very good friends and I'm about to say none, I remember Wil's labour of love and I feel blessed.

Needless to say, I can’t tell my story of FUTO without mentioning Wil. He introduced me to the person of the Holy Spirit. We had Bible studies where I learnt from his depth of knowledge and we prayed together in the garden a number of times. He was like a guide in the earliest days of my new life in Christ sincerely looking out for me.

It's been so long since we spoke. After postponing calling him for the umpteenth time, I eventually called him on Sunday. I tried all his numbers - we're alike in that we've had our phones stolen more than a couple of times and so have more numbers than most - but I couldn't reach him. Maybe I'll try again, maybe not.

*Elders in FUTO are final year students.





content writer | blog editor | Electrical Electronic Engineer | CCNA