How I made my version of Light Phone

Chintan Parikh
2 min readJun 13, 2015


The Light Phone

Technology that is supposed to connect people, is disconnection us from the real world. Just imagine how much time you spend on your phone vs how much time you spend with someone real, someone in front of you.This always made me think , if there was a way just to get rid my phone and live a lide without a smart phone. But I guess its not possible anymore.

Light Phone is the perfect solution to stay connected and yet disconnected from all the distractions. When I heard of light phone and how it works, I just ordered one right away. But the phone will be shipping in June 2016 :(

So How can I fix it? 2016 is too far to be starting a distraction free life.


The solution turned of to be very simple. I just follow the below steps to convert my Nexus 5 to a LightPhone.

With Android Lollipop and Android M has new feature “Do not disturb”.

Step 1 : Turn on the Do Not Disturb mode with “Priority Only” notification.

Step 2 : Under the “More Settings” for “Priority only allow” . Turn off all the “Reminders”, “Events”,”Messages”.

Step 3 : Under the “Calls” settings select “From starred contacts only”.

Step 4 : Mark your contacts as Starred from whom you would like to receive call notifications.

Step 5 : Turn off the WIFI and Data Network connections.

And Bingo, we have a phone that works exactly like LightPhone.

I have been using this technique for quite a few days and I am loving the distraction free life.

