Verify if APK is signed with certificate or “debug build”

Chintan Rathod
1 min readJun 20, 2017


I was generating build in Jenkins CI and wonder to know whether my generated APK is signed with certificate or not?

So to check any APK is singed with certificate or not, you can use below technique.

Open your command prompt, write below line of code and execute.

jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs your_apk.apk

Output 1

X.509, CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
[certificate is valid from 7/9/15 5:54 PM to 30/8/45 5:54 PM]
[CertPath not validated: Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors]

If you find this output, then its a debug build as it is written “CN=Android Debug”.

Output 2

X.509, CN=Chintan Rathod, OU=Chintan, O=Rathod, L=ABAD, ST=ABAD, C=IN
[certificate is valid from 19/7/14 4:10 PM to 13/7/39 4:10 PM]
[CertPath not validated: Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors]

If you find this output, then its a signed APK with certificate.



Chintan Rathod

Sr. Mobile Developer (#AndroidDev) | Kotlin Fan | Writer | Self learner | Blogger :