Life as a Weasel Shouldn’t Be So Rough — A Creative Exploration of the Scorpio Moon Experience — Part 1

Moon in Scorpio: A Battle of Polar Energies, Expressed Above and Below

Chinway Congress
9 min readApr 27, 2024
A Blue Being — A Personification of “Moon in Scorpio” — holds a picture of one of his Earthly Avatars…
Scorpius Mooney— A Personification of “Moon in Scorpio” — holds a framed picture of one of his Earthly Avatars…

~ What follows is an Excerpt From “Of Booger-Bear and Roach”,

A Book From the Personal Library

of Chinway Congressperson Scorpius Mooney,

One of whose Earthly Incarnations was an Attorney by the Name

of “Huebert Runnings” , from whose personal memoirs this work is sampled;

Mr. Runnings was a serious, perceptive man, whose grim eyes seemed to pierce through the voids of shadow and secrecey, hidden to most, with apparent ease. Despite the psychic toll, he was a man privy to investigation of things unseen — his mind, like unto a Scorpion, leant well to his profession as an attorney in the mid-80s.

His dimensional homeland can be found within the gate’s of Scorpio’s Moon.

Scorpius Mooney, member of the Chinway Congress of Celestial Representatives, has had many simultaneous incarnations, on many planes of existence, in many timelines and realms under the influence, however fleeting, of our very own Scorpio Moon. This astrological placement embues an individual with incredible psychic sensitivity — a double-edged sword that cuts both ways when it comes to unearthing the hidden and profound emotional undercurrents of life. Characterized by a deep-seated magnetism towards emotional intensity in self and others, the energies embodied in Congressperson Mooney’s earthly incarnant — the mid-80’s Attorney Huebert Runnings — showcase an uncanny ability to explore the symbolic mysteries of life, death, and transformation. With his natal Moon placement in Scorpio, Huebert has an instinctual ability to perceive truths beneath surfaces, be they evidenced in legal cases or personal interactions. This intuitive gift is also a burden, as it comes with a heightened awareness of human suffering and deceits oft overlooked by the general populace.

We will analyze the root of Scorpius Mooney’s astrological essence, using an excerpt from a text held within the Congressperson’s Chamber Library — a memoir personally penned by his incarnation, titled “Of Booger-Bear and Roach”. Follow me as we explore the Scorpionic tides which splash through the pages of this revealing text.

The Hallmarked Perceptions of the Running Roach,

Darting Hither and Nither in the Recesses of Unseen Corridors,

Are a Nightmare to Behold.

Being Itself Unsightly, It Crouches in the Bleak Corners

Of Shaded Filth — Environs All The Better To Match

The Stink of Ill-Repute From Which It’s Soul Renders

Strange Fruit.

A Biting Statement — All the More Fitting

For Them Who Dwell In Essence Betwixt

A Horde of Fleeing Rodents,

Who are like the Cells

of a Monstrous Being, Sharp of Tooth.

Quick is It to Point Out “Stink” That Wafts Above It’s Station

All the While Leaving Fart Clouds in It’s Wake

As It Dashes Through Wildernesses Unkept.

It Breaks Natural Laws of Physics Not By Flight,

But By Happenstance of Moral Filth and Abomination.

In this passage, we are shown a vivid depiction of a creature characterized by ghastly and offensive attributes. This being — compared to both a Roach and a Rodent — is straight away castigated for it’s unseemly qualities in the opening line, “The Hallmarked Perceptions of the Running Roach”, which immediately sets a tone of aversion and disdain. The creature is described as moving “hither and thither in the recesses of unseen corridors”, suggesting an unsettling presence in places typically unnoticed by the everyday observer. Perhaps the corridors symbolize hidden or forbidden zones of society or the psyche, aligning with themes of darkness, trespass, and moral ambiguity.

The Grim Image of the Weasel’s Ghastly Self — sans horde.
“The Grim Image of the Weasel’s Ghastly Self” — sans horde.

It Stoops Low Like Unto A Beast,

Upon Whose Soft White Underbelly Self-Perception Seems To Lack.

The Grim Image of The Weasel’s Ghastly Self,

Huddled Cloistered Unto Jostling Legions Of A Similar Kind,

Engaged in the Steady Dance of Gossip and Intrigue,

Is the Image of Malevolence born of Small Mind;

As if Faintly Self- Aware, It’s Retorts Are Intended to Come Across

As Wit, Despite Great Effort of Effect.

It’s Gross Misunderstandings Of Self March Proudly

Paramount About The Mouth,

As if to Mimic the Vacant Horrors of Legion that Form It’s Footings.

At this point in the passage, more animal imagery is introduced: the Weasel, referred to in the title of this article from the standpoint of struggle and mishap, is like the Roach in its negative connotations: in literature, folklore, and popular culture, these are creatures that spark in the mind images of dread. The Weasel, a creature representing cunning and deceit, is described as stooping “low like unto a beast”, casting the creature in a light of baseness and moral inferiority. The “soft white underbelly” is a vivid image that suggests vulnerability and perhaps cowardice, as it is a well-known weak point in animals. The lack of self-perception hints at a lack of introspection or self-awareness, a requirement for understanding one’s actions and motivations.

The “grim image” of the Weasel “huddled cloistered unto jostling legions of a similar kind” evokes a sense of low vibration — scorn mingled with pity. The scene of crowded, perhaps conspiritorial groups engaged in “the steady dance of gossip and intrigue” emphasizes a communal, almost mindless malevolence — but also reflects on human social dynamics where groups may form based on shared, though not necessarily admirable, traits or purposes.

Further, the passage explores themes of self-awareness — or the lack therof — with biting irony. The Weasel’s attempts to appear as witty denotes a penchant for empty posturing and showmanship that seems to miss the mark in a manner undetected by the Weasel, and perhaps those with whom it engages: despite considerable effort, the failure to exude the desired affect underscores the Weasel’s fundamental misunderstanding of itself and its social standing. These are things which pass beyond the knowing of most, which the the Scorpio Moon placement is helpless but to observe.

The Multidimensional Scorpius Mooney — in and out of “the Simulation”.
The Multidimensional Scorpius Mooney — in and out of “Simulation”.

In the Void of Stupor That Resides In Its Shadowy Mind —

That Astral Wilderness, Peopled By Creeping Things —

It Projects Its Own Hidden Filth Unto Solitary Beings of Light,

Whose Emanations, While Hungrily Consumed, Do Denote Blemish,

Which the Low Creature, Though Shadowborne and Walking On Fours,

Is Quick To Note.

It’s Loud Bleatings Hope to Shame the Light

That Marks the Path By Which That Blind Creature Itself

Is Granted Sight To Traverse.

It Gives Unto Profound Irony Which, Without Knowing,

Doubly Shames the Weasel —

It’s Incapacity to Perceive The Humors of It’s Own Twitching Snout,

Can At Times Feel Unbearable to Beings Above the Station

Of Booger-Bear and Roach;

Delving into the deeper psychological aspects of the creature existence, the thoughtforms underlying the Weasel seem to transform into a metaphysical discourse on the dichotomies of light.

“The Void of Stupor That Resides in It’s Shadowy Mind — That Astral Wilderness, Peopled by Creeping Things” is a line that paints a damning picture of the Weasel’s confused mental state. We are further introduced to an unsettling inner world, teeming with darkness, chaotic impulses, and psychological dissaray. The allusion to “Astral Wildernesses” further entrenches the reader into yet lower realms of spiritual abandon. The Weasel leads further into it’s own confusion, projecting its “Own Hidden Filth” onto “Solitary Beings of Light” — an action symbolic of projecting one’s own negative traits or subconscious impurities onto others, particularly those deemed “purer” or morally superior, by mechanisms conscious or subconscious to the Weasel. These “Solitary” beings, despite being “hungrily consumed” by the Weasel and it’s hordes, still reveal in themselves blemish, suggesting the penchant of even the “purest” things towards imperfection. What sets the “Low Creature” apart is it’s readiness and quick detection, outwardly, the flaws that no doubt stand paramount in it’s self; this quickness to judge others might reflect the weasel’s hyper-vigilant instince to find fault through the path of least resistance — that which is outside rather than within.

The “Loud Bleatings” of the Weasel seem to denote the sounds made by a sheep — sheep being creatures symbolically aligned with conformity or belonging to a group, crowd or environment. These bleatings, instead of lending towards critical self-perception, are aimed outward, ironically finding a target in those whose light illuminates the Weasel’s own dark path. This approach only backfires, highlighting the Weasel’s own shortcomings and inability to understand the situation fully. This irony extends further as the creature is even unaware of it’s own incapacity to perceive personal flaws — “The Humors of It’s Own Twitching Snout”, where twitching may denote damage or overstimulation to the Weasel’s being, seems to allude an inability to perceive the hubris or self-ruin of it’s own rhetoric critique, something which causes frustration and discomfort in beings more self-aware.

“Whose Twinkle of Knowing Lies Not in the Eyes of the Critter…” Notice the hot “Tea” on standby.
“Whose Twinkle of Knowing Lies Not in the Eyes of the Critter…” Notice the hot “Tea” on standby.

The Being of Light Is Left No Option Outside of Silent Comedy,

Tounge-In Cheek Humor, Guarded as Top Secret,

For To Hold a Mirror to Such Creations Who Provoke From Below

Is to Ignite in The Shadows Violent Reactions

In Them Whom the Knowledge of Self

Would be Utterly Crushing.

That Sightless Void, Whose Twinkle of Knowing

Lies Not in the Eyes of the Critter,

Is A Sad Thing To Behold; But On Shines the Light,

Knowing Well That We Are All,

In Our Own Way,

Still Learning…

This final passage juxtaposes the behaviors of two distinct entities: the “Being of Light”, and lower, provoking creatures. Addressing the Being of Light and the shadowy provocations hurled from below, we are given a nuanced reflection on awareness, reaction, and inherent gnosis — in whose apocalyptic wake, the creature has forced the Being of Light to navigate, often through subtle and silent humor, and carefully managed interactions with less enlightened beings — a further reflection on the complex dynamics at play between light and darkness. Indeed, these polarities may personify the struggles and frustrations encountered by Huebert Runnings, which likely gave unto frustration initially in his career; but the power of Scorpio’s Moon is the wherewithal to scale the heights of energetic oppression which seem to crash, in waves, upon the Natal Placement. The transformation and rebirth instigated by darker, unintentionally ironic adversaries leads Huebert out of his own ignorance, and into the legendary status by which he is later known — by the early 90s, Huebert Runnings is known far and wide as the utmost authority in laws seen and unseen — heights all the more pronounced given his scorpionic gifts of insight and perception, which lead like a ladder up and atop the crashing waves of emotional adversity that he experienced.

The phrase “That Sightless Void, Whose Twinkle of Knowing Lies Not in the Eyes of the Critter” captures a profound and tragic truth — all consciousnesses are not created equal. The “Twinkle of Knowing” is an evocative image that suggests a hidden, perhaps fleeting awareness that is not visible or understood by the critter. This lack of vision contrasts deeply with the illuminated state of the Being of Light.

Nonetheless, hope is not lost for the Weasel and those of it’s ilk: the persistance of light and learning is something available to us all, alluded to in the lines. “On Shines the Light, Knowing Well That We Are All, In Our Own Way, Still Learning”. This is a hopeful and inclusive conclusion, which posits that light continues to shine despite the present darkness. Perseverance, hope, and the ongoing journey of growth and understanding are a Universal Process of evolution. This process includes making mistakes and facing one’s own darkness, indicating that even the Weasel can rise above it’s woefully abominable station.

Kel H., despite his obsession with creative oddity, is an experimental artist, 3d illustrator, music producer, and writer who currently resides on Earth. Check out his expanding social media presence:



Chinway Congress

Behold the footnotes of an Astrological Congress, peopled by Prominant Chins that are the embodiment of many Hidden Things.