20 Things to do or notice at a Seventh-day Adventist Campmeeting before you die

You’ve seen some of this…

Chip Dizard
3 min readJun 10, 2014

It’s summer time and in the Seventh-day Adventist world that means it’s camp meeting time. There are so many traditions during camp meeting I thought I would share some things to check off your bucket list. And if you are new to the Adventist faith, you must attend this annual summer gathering. Click here to get the 2014 camp meeting dates and locations.

During the week at the Allegheny East Conference Camp meeting in Pine Forge, PA. Folks are a little more relaxed. (Photo by Pastor Keith S. Goodman, Sr.)

The List

  1. Use one gallon of mosquito repellant.

2. Pass out from heat exhaustion.

3. Meet someone who you don’t know but knows everything about your life. (SDA stalker)

4. Sit on a twenty-year old folding chair.

5. Bump into someone you previously dated.

6. Eat at someone’s motor home or tent for sabbath lunch uninvited.

7. Take photos of pastors working like Hebrew slaves during camp pitch and post to Facebook.

8. Watch someone’s bad kid get a public spanking or scolding.

9. Watch middle-aged people try to fit in at the youth tent.

10.Wait for your parents or significant other to finish talking to people you don’t know.

11.Burn your behind on the seat when you return to your car.

12. Leave late to get to the campgrounds and arrive during offering, but tell everyone you were at another tent.

13. Give your teenager their first long range driving test on the way to or from the campgrounds.

14.Give someone who is interested in you a fake phone number.

15. Bring food that feeds four in your vehicle, but feed 50 people.

16. Find an entire family that is color coordinated and take a photo of them. (Of course post to social media)

17. Listen to a 33 minute tithe and offering appeal.

18.Go to the youth/young adult tent for praise and worship and leave to attend the adult service for the sermon.

19. Come with shiny shoes and leave with them dirty and dusty.

20. Ask your current or former pastor why he acts like he pastors a megachurch during camp meeting when you both know he has only 30 members on a good sabbath.

Bonus: Watch the Pathfinder Drill competition in the extreme heat. (Photo by Pastor Keith S. Goodman, Sr.).

That’s my list! If you like this list please share on Facebook or Twitter. Click here to read 30 Signs you May be a Bougie Black SDA.

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