30 Signs You May be a Bougie Black Seventh-day Adventist

What’s your score?

Chip Dizard
4 min readJun 9, 2014
Me and my Family, but are we really SDA bougie or nah? Photo by Scrolevision

I read a few bougie lists going around and I thought I would share my own. Growing up as a African-American Seventh-day Adventist there are many things that we do that may be considered “bougie” or (Black Bourgeoisie Class).

Give yourself one point for every answer you agree with or applies to you. At the end, calcluate your score to see which range you fall along and read the description near it.


1.You still purchase your vegetarian food from the Book and Bible House instead of the grocery store.

2. You still call it the Book and Bible House instead of the ABC (Adventist Book Center).

3. A building, hall or room at Oakwood, WAU, Pine Forge or any other SDA institution named after you or a family member.

4. Your child’s name is Jon-Jon, Morgan, Meghan, Ryleigh, Cameron, Sydney, Kara, Logan, Chandler, Chelsea, Brandon, Maya or Mackenzie.

5. You sent your child to PFA, GAA or any of the A’s Adventist Academy.

6. You have donated money to Breath of Life Ministries and get letters in the mail from Dr. Carlton P. Byrd.

7. You have more than 3 SDA Pastors or one Conference President cell phone number locked in your phone.

8. You attended a gospel concert at a Sunday church and frown upon people speaking in tongues and shouting.

9.You know all the words to the song, “We have this Hope.”

10. You or a family member have attended at least 2 GC sessions.

11. Your last name is Fordham, Wright, Brooks, Cleveland, Dudley, Cheatham, Ward, Scales, Booker, van Putten, Cox, Willis, Palmer or you are related to someone with that last name.

12. You have attended at least one NET crusade meeting.

13. You don’t like tent meetings, but you enjoy camp meeting especially when you get to send your kids away for the day. (2 points if you know about Joyland)

14. Your kids or you have been in at least one cotillion. (2 points if it was Emmanuel-Brinklow’s Cotillion located in Maryland or Ephesus located in NYC)

15. If you have a relative who is on the regional retirement plan.

16. If Chaplain Barry Black knows your first and last name.

17. If Wintley Phipps sang at your wedding or special event.

18. If you know anyone personally or related to someone on Black SDA Notable list.

19. If you are a member of any of these Black SDA Churches: Atlanta Berean, Ephesus NYC, First Church, DC, Dupont Park, DC, Ebenezer, Philadelphia, Magazine Street, Louisville, Oakwood University, Huntsville, Riverside, Nashville, Shiloh, Chicago, University, Los Angeles, Kansas Avenue, Riverside, Community Praise Center, Alexandria, VA.

20. If you still read and subscribe to Message Magazine.

21. If you know any of these evangelists by their initials, for example, E.C., W.W., or E.E.

22. If you or one of your family members was baptized by one of these evangelists listed here.

23. If you’ve ever written a letter to the conference on a local Pastor.

24. You have an advanced degree (even honorary) and prefer to be called Dr. instead of Brother or Sister at church.

25. Your parents had any of these books by E.G. White: Child Guidance and the Great Controversy in their library.

26. Two or more of your family members work for the NAD or the GC. (2 points if they work at a regional conference)

27. You or a family member are members of Emmanuel-Brinklow SDA church in Ashton, Maryland or Ephesus SDA Church in Harlem, NYC.

28. You’ve been to Africa to do missionary work, but rarely do missionary work in the inner city of America.

29. You’ve been to Berrien Springs, Michigan, and Battle Creek, Michigan, but never been to Detroit, Michigan.

30. You or a family member has been to Uchee Pines Institute or Wildwood Lifestyle Center.


1-10 You’re not that Bougie at all or even close to it. You’re vaguely aware of SDA history and the way of life and have not taken extra time and effort to even associate yourself with some of these people.

11-20 — You are on the cusp of being SDA royalty but yet not quite there. You’re grounded and have humble upbringing but value sister White’s writings and you are striving to be the best Seventh-day Adventist.

21-30 — You travel in elite circles, are highly educated, cultured and possibly affluent. You know SDA Black History and you are determined to let everyone know “the truth.” You are Bougie personified.

This was all in fun and I’m sure I have left something out, but to find out more about me visit my blog or follow me on twitter. To find out more about Seventh-day Adventist church visit adventist.org.

