Mod Guides: School Tweaks

5 min readAug 9, 2022


A detailed guide of the features of my school tweaks mod I created.
More features might be added in the future which will lead to this guide being updated.

Locker Overhaul

The first tweak I made to the lockers is to give them an inventory so you can store all kinds of items in them. To access your locker you can use the two new interactions called “Put Stuff in Locker” and “Get Stuf from Locker”. Those interactions open up a picker menu to select which items you want to transfer between the locker and your Sim.

Why is there no “Open” interaction like there is on other objects with an inventory? During testing I noticed it confused people because they tried to interact with objects inside the locker that couldn’t be accessed and there are object that are not live draggable that can only be transfered via the interactions I added so I hid it.

Preview of the menu to access the locker inventory

A second tweak I made was to allow you to assign lockers to specific NPCs. The selection includes all Sims that are currently on the lot so it’s best to use it during the school hours. The NPC will then walk up to the locker and claim it.
This will make them interact with the locker assigned to them instead of random lockers. Addtionally I added my own version of the “Ask to Prom with Note” interaction that defaults to the Sim assigned to the locker instead of opening up the picker menu (unclaimed lockers still show the version with the SimPicker if you prefer to use that).

As a last step I added some interactions that were requested like the option to change your outfit and a purchase picker that allows you to buy some school supplies. I’ll also add compatibility with my upcoming “Active Classes” module that is going to add some custom objects to use during class like notebooks.

Active Classes

Another large overhaul that edits classes and makes them more interactable. By default you can only watch your Sims doing a handful of idles during class. I changed that system and added some interactions that can be done via class. More interactions will be added in the future. So far this also only works during classes not exams. I’ll add some special interactions for exams.
List of interactions available during class

List of interactions available during class

Down below you can find a list of interactions that are available. More interactions will be added via future updates.

  • Texting other Sims
  • Using Social Media
  • Using Social Bunny
  • Playing with Phone
  • Browsing Websites
  • Do Homework
  • Do Extra Credit Work
  • Do Make Up Homework
  • Study for Exam
A tooltip shows you which interactions can be used during class
Tooltip and Icon that show up in the Pie Menu

Consequences of not paying attention

If you don’t pay attention during class the teacher might catch you! The closer you sit to the teacher the higher chance to get caught so if you plan to slack of during class you might want to grab a seat in the back. If they catch you your Sim will try to convince the teacher to let it go. Depending on your relationship with the teacher this might work or not. If it doesn’t you get written up and might suffer some additional consequences. This mod adds a new “strike” system for misbehavior during class — only if you misbehave 3 times during class you’ll get detention. Attending detention resets that tracker. This was added so you don’t get expelled so quickly.

Consequences of using your Phone during Class
If they catch you on the phone they might confiscate your phone for the rest of the school day which prevents you from using it (this only applies to interactions from the game and doesn’t cover phone interactions added by other mods).

Consequences of doing your Homework during Class
If the teacher catches you doing your homework during class they can assign your Sims extra homework. This means your Sim will take longer to complete their homework for the day because of the extra assignments they got.

Reward Trait

The mod comes with a new reward trait called “Teacher’s Pet”. Children and Teens can get it from the reward store. The trait makes it easier for them to gain good grades by giving them a 1.5x boost on their performance gain. Additionally teens don’t get caught slacking off during class so easily and have a better chance at avoiding consequences.

List of overriden Resources

This list shows all the XML files I had to override. Any mod that overrides the same resources will conflict with mine.

Locker Overhaul
277729<! — loot_SchoolLocker_AddOwnership →
276964<! — object_SchoolLocker →
282971<! — simPickerInteraction_HSProm_InviteLocker →

Active Classes
297779<! — super_HighSchool_Active_AttendClass_NPC →
276314<! — super_HighSchool_Active_NPC_Whiteboard_TeachClass →
293197<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_Art →
293198<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_Business →
302123<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_Class_Debug →
293200<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_ComputerScience →
293199<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_ForeignLanguage →
293196<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_LanguageArts →
293193<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_Math →
293194<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_Science →
293195<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_Attend_SocialStudies →
276714<! — super_HighSchool_Active_Whiteboard_ServeDetention →

