Data visualisation

Chirag Murthy
6 min readNov 10, 2016


Project 3, Communication Design Studio

October 31

We’ve all seen data visualizations — some of them effective; many of them simply pleasing graphics. We’re going to dive into the process of conceiving and designing visuals that communicate information in ways that are useful, usable, and desirable by crafting the form in ways that intuitively match the content of the piece. To do so, we need to find data to use for the project.

Some sources for world data:

November 5

Examples of data visualisation:

Interactive examples

Visualizations that are cognitively connected to content and/or encourage critical thinking

Explorations in form

Related examples

November 9

Possible data sets:

November 14

Yes! We have data :) We are looking at What people studied for their bachelors degree and which occupational field they worked in after graduation by gender and race in the United States in 2012.

We thought it would be interesting to visualize and understand how many people end up working in the same field as their bachelors degree.

Data on the wall!

November 22

Exploring relationships in the data.

Connections in data
Connections in data

November 24

What is the data that is seen?
- Relation between the particular field of degree and the particular occupation.
- The number of people from a particular degree who landed up in different occupations
- The number of people from all degrees who landed up in a particular occupation.

Should only one particular degree’s relation to occupations and one particular occupation’s relation to all degree’s be shown at a time?
Or should I allow for comparison by showing them all at once?

November 26

First steps towards visualization. Exploring visualizing a parellel set of data — what if the degrees are grouped under STEM, STEM related and Non STEM?

The visualization SHOULD allow for comparison:
- How many people who studied a stem degree are working in a non stem occupation?
- Any non stem degree holders working in stem occupations?

Revised dataset:
Relation between degree holders (STEM, STEM related and Non STEM) and occupations (STEM, STEM related and Non STEM), by gender and race.

November 29

Exploring representation of STEM, STEM related and Non STEM through shape; and gender and race through color.

A square represents a STEM degree’s (and occupations) structured curriculum, a circle for Non STEM degree’s (and occupations) fluidity and a square with rounded corners falls in-between the two, for STEM related degrees (and occupations).
I am thinking of representing people in these degrees by these different shapes and the degree and occupation by the same shape.

Exploring gender through color.

December 5

December 6

All degrees to all occupations
Exploring connectors
States of data
States of data
States of data



Chirag Murthy

Interaction design for future technology | Designer @ Skype